
Unofficial TapTalk's SendTalk library for Laravel.

1.2 2022-05-31 13:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-29 05:50:44 UTC


Unofficial TapTalk's SendTalk library for Laravel.

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1. Installation

You can install this package through Composer CLI by running this command.

composer require dexalt142/sendtalk

Or you can modify the composer.json file and don't forget to run composer install.

    "require": {
        "dexalt142/sendtalk": "1.*"

2. Configuration

Before using this package, you need to set your SendTalk API key, you can do this by adding SENDTALK_API_KEY to the .env file.




3. How to Use

To call all available methods, you must call it through the SendTalk Facade Dexalt142\SendTalk\Facades\SendTalk.

3.a. Get message status


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Dexalt142\SendTalk\Facades\SendTalk;

class MessageController {

    public function getMessage() {
        // SendTalk::getMessageStatus($id)
        $message = SendTalk::getMessageStatus('f26ccf7a-d867-b3a4-d333-117ec668718d');


If the message is exists, the method above will return a result like this example below, otherwise it will throw an exception.

    "status": "read",
    "isPending": false,
    "isSent": true,
    "sentTime": 1653924408488,
    "currency": "IDR",
    "price": 75,
    "createdTime": 1653924407993

3.b. Send message


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Dexalt142\SendTalk\Facades\SendTalk;

class MessageController {

    public function sendMessage() {

        // SendTalk::sendTextMessage($phoneNumber, $content)
        $textMessage = SendTalk::sendTextMessage('+6281234567890', 'Foo Bar');

        // SendTalk::sendImageMessage($phoneNumber, $imageUrl, $fileName, $caption = null)
        $imageMessage = SendTalk::sendImageMessage('+6281234567890', '', 'foobar.png', 'Foo Bar');

        // SendTalk::sendOTPMessage($phoneNumber, $content)
        $otpMessage = SendTalk::sendOTPMessage('+6281234567890', 'Foo Bar');


If the request was sent, the method above will return the id of the message, otherwise it will throw an exception.