
Simple Implementation for custom meta boxes and fields for WordPress custom post types.

v0.4.2 2024-03-20 22:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-21 00:11:30 UTC


Simple Implemetation for custom meta boxes and fields for WordPress custom post types

This is a PHP Composer package that can help you create WordPress Meta Boxes and Meta Fields. It also includes a Data class that you can use to retrieve the saved meta data.


To install this package, run the following command in your terminal:

composer require devuri/cpt-meta-box

MetaBox and Settings

This is a set of PHP code snippets for creating a WordPress meta box and its related settings using the MetaBox and Settings classes. These classes provide functionality to define and handle custom meta boxes and their settings in WordPress.

MetaBox Class

The MetaBox class allows you to create a custom meta box in WordPress. It provides the following features:

  • Automatic creation and rendering of the meta box based on settings.
  • Saving and updating the meta data when the post is saved.
  • Integration with the Settings class for handling the meta box settings.


To use the MetaBox class, follow these steps:

  1. Include the code in your WordPress project.
  2. Create an instance of the Settings subclass, such as the Details class in the provided example, passing the relevant post type as a parameter.
  3. Implement the settings() method in your Settings subclass to define the meta box settings. This method defines the fields to be displayed in the meta box.
  4. Implement the data() method in your Settings subclass to handle the data submitted from the meta box fields. This method sanitizes and prepares the data before saving it.
  5. Customize the settings() and data() methods by adding fields and defining their settings within the settings() method.
  6. Create an instance of the MetaBox class, passing the Settings object and optional arguments. This will automatically create and display the meta box on the relevant post types.
  7. The entered data will be saved when the post is updated.

Settings Class

The Settings abstract class provides a foundation for defining and handling settings related to a specific post type. It works in conjunction with the MetaBox class to define the settings for the meta box.


To use the Settings class, follow these steps:

  1. Create a subclass that extends the Settings class.
  2. Implement the settings() method to define the meta box settings.
  3. Implement the data() method to handle the data submitted from the meta box fields (be sure to sanitize).
  4. Customize the Settings subclass by adding fields and defining their settings within the settings() method.
  5. Instantiate the Settings subclass and pass it to the MetaBox class constructor to create and display the meta box.

Example Usage

The following example demonstrates the usage of the MetaBox and Settings classes:

use DevUri\PostTypeMeta\MetaBox;
use DevUri\PostTypeMeta\Settings;

// Implement meta fields
class Details extends Settings
    // The metabox settings
    public function settings(): void
        // Basic input field
        echo self::form()->input('Title', $this->get_meta('title'));

        // Regular textarea
        echo self::form()->textarea('Description', $this->get_meta('description'));

        // Editor using a simplified version of wp_editor
        echo self::editor('Description', $this->get_meta('description'));

    // The data, is $post_data $_POST and needs to be sanitized
    public function data($post_data): array
        return [
            'title' => sanitize_textarea_field($post_data['title']),
            'description' => sanitize_textarea_field($post_data['description_textarea']),

// Create a new instance of the Details class for the 'vehicle' post type
$details = new Details('vehicle');

// Create a meta box without stripes
new MetaBox($details);

// Create a meta box with zebra table
new MetaBox($details, true);

// Create a meta box with 	NO zebra table
new MetaBox($details, false);

// Create a meta box with a custom label 'Vehicle Details'
// and the meta key will be `vehicle-details_cpm`
new MetaBox($details, ['name' => 'Vehicle Details']);

// Create a meta box with a custom label 'Vehicle Details' and zebra stripes
new MetaBox($details, [
    'name' => 'Vehicle Details',
    'zebra' => true,

// Zebra styles are applied by default, this will also use zebra style
new MetaBox($details, ['name' => 'Vehicle Details']);

// Or instantiate directly, in this case the metabox will be `Details` based on the class name
// and the meta key will be `details_cpm`
new MetaBox(new Details('vehicle'));

This example demonstrates how to create a meta box for the 'vehicle' post type using the MetaBox and Settings classes. The Details class is a subclass of Settings and defines the meta box settings and data handling. The MetaBox class is used to create and display the meta box with various customization options.

Data Class

The Data class provides various utility methods for working with data in WordPress. It includes functions for retrieving and manipulating post-related data such as post meta, post items, and generating custom edit links.


To use the Data class, follow these steps:

  1. Create an instance of the Data class, optionally passing a post type as a parameter. If no post type is specified, the default post type 'post' will be used.
  2. Utilize the available methods of the Data class to perform data-related operations.


The Data class provides the following methods:

  • __construct($post_type = null): Initializes the Data object with an optional post type parameter. If no post type is provided, the default post type 'post' is used.
  • init($post_type): Static method to create a new instance of the Data class with a specified post type. Returns a Data object.
  • edit(int $id, $class = ''): Generates an edit link for a given post ID. Returns the edit link HTML as a string. This method checks if the current user has the capability to edit posts before generating the link.
  • list(): Retrieves a list of post items as key-value pairs. The keys are the post IDs, and the values are the post titles. Returns an array.
  • getkey($key, $data): Retrieves a value from an array by its key. If the key is not set, null is returned. If the data is not an array, false is returned.
  • meta($ID, $name = null): Retrieves the post meta data for a given post ID. The meta data is retrieved using the specified meta name, or if not provided, the post type is used as the meta name. Returns an array of meta data, including the post ID and thumbnail ID.
  • items($n = -1): Retrieves an array of the latest posts or posts matching the given criteria. The number of posts to retrieve can be specified with the $n parameter. Returns an array of post objects or post IDs.

Example Usage

Here's an example of how you can utilize the Data class:

use DevUri\PostTypeMeta\Data;

// Create a new instance of the Data class for the 'vehicle' post type
$data = Data::init('vehicle');

// Get a list of post items
$postItems = $data->list();

// If you are not using the post type name as meta name you need to pass in the name in this example `details_cpm`:
$metaData = $data->meta(123, 'details_cpm);

// Retrieve the meta data for a specific post
$metaData = $data->meta(123);

// Generate an edit link for a post
$editLink = Data::edit(123);

// Get a value from an array by its key
$value = Data::getkey('key_name', $dataArray);

// Retrieve the latest 10 posts
$latestPosts = $data->items(10);

// Retrieve the latest 10 posts,
// you can pass in array of arguments to filter retrieved posts.
// See WP_Query::parse_query() for all available arguments.
$latestPosts = $data->items(10, [ 'orderby' => 'date' ]);

// if no arguments are provided these will be used.
$defaults = [
	'numberposts'      => 5,
	'category'         => 0,
	'orderby'          => 'date',
	'order'            => 'DESC',
	'include'          => array(),
	'exclude'          => array(),
	'meta_key'         => '',
	'meta_value'       => '',
	'post_type'        => 'vehicle', // based on the current Data class.
	'suppress_filters' => true,

In this example, we create a Data object for the 'vehicle' post type and use its methods to retrieve post items, post meta data, generate an edit link, get a value from an array, and retrieve the latest posts. You can adapt these examples to suit your specific needs.


This package provides a simple and easy-to-use way to create MetaBoxes and meta fields in WordPress. If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to submit an issue.