devstub / kubernetes-api-php-client
PHP client for the kubernetes api
- php: >=5.4.0
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: 5.0.3
- netresearch/jsonmapper: dev-master
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ~4.0
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-25 06:21:09 UTC
This project is not being maintained, you should use something else.
PHP client library for the Kubernetes API
** Current Version : v0.1.0 **
Basic Usage
- Install the client and all of its required libraries (instructions)
- Register an PSR-0 compatible autoloader
- Create
object instance - Setup all of the configuration options
- Send a request
require '../vendor/autoload.php'; $client = new \DevStub\KubernetesAPIClient\Client(); $client->config() ->setAPINodeUrl("") // ->setAPIVersion('v1beta1') ->setAuthType(\DevStub\KubernetesAPIClient\Config::AUTH_TYPE_HTTP_BASIC) // if we are using http authentication ->setAuthOptions(['username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password']); // we set the auth credentials $response = null; // here we create a new service by passing a json text // we can also create the request structure with objects and method chaining .. read below for instructions $client->services()->create( '{ "id": "framework-dev", "kind": "Service", "apiVersion": "v1beta1", "port": 80, "containerPort": 80, "selector": { "name": "app-instance" } } ',$response ); $statusObj = $response->getContentObject(); // ... process the response here...
How to use the library
For most of the functionality Client supports 3 ways of setting properties and options. Not all 3 ways are always supported yet so check the each object and it's method for it support
Explicitly instantiating objects and passing them as properties
$pod = new \DevStub\KubernetesAPIClient\Entity\v1beta1\Pod(); $pod->setId("app-instance-dev-test".time()); $pod->setKind("Pod"); $pod->setApiVersion("v1beta1"); $desiredState = new \DevStub\KubernetesAPIClient\Entity\v1beta1\PodState(); // we prepare the desired state object // ... // then we pass it to the pod $pod->setDesiredState($desiredState); // ... // ... we continue the same process for all other options // ...
Implicit creation of object by not setting the param
$client->pods()->create(null,$response) ->setId("app-instance-dev-test".time()) ->setKind("Pod") ->setApiVersion("v1beta1") ->setDesiredState() // new object is automatically instantiated here ->setManifest() //new object is automatically instantiated here ->setVolumes() new object is automatically instantiated here ->append() // add array item ->setName("data") // set property name ->setSource() new object is automatically instantiated here ->setEmptyDir()->end() new object is automatically instantiated here and closed ->end() // we close the setSource ->end() //we close the append ->end() // we close the setVolumes ->setVersion("v1beta1") ->setId("app-instance-dev-test".time()) ->setContainers() ->append() ->setName("framework") ->setImage("registry.domain/user/dev-framework:v0.1.304") ->setImagePullPolicy("PullIfNotPresent") ->setLifecycle() ->setPostStart() ->setExec() ->setCommand() ->append("/opt/conf/") ->end() ->end() ->end() ->end() ->setVolumeMounts() ->append() ->setName("data") ->setMountPath("/data") ->end() ->end() ->setPorts() ->append() ->setContainerPort(80) ->end() ->end() ->end() ->end() ->end() ->end() ->end();
Passing a json string as an argument
In below example we are just passing the full service request as json
$response = ''; $client->services()->create( '{ "id": "framework-dev", "kind": "Service", "apiVersion": "v1beta1", "port": 80, "containerPort": 80, "selector": { "name": "app-instance" } } ',$response ); var_dump($response);
Before any requests can be made with the client you will need to setup some configuration options.
Following options are available
setSslVerify($value) $value = TRUE | FALSE - defaults: [TRUE] Set it to false when you don't want to verify the SSL cert. (Useful for development)
setAPINodeUrl($value) *$value = String * Set it to the full url of the Kubernetes API server. Note: don't include the version path portion. It is added by the client.
->setAPINodeUrl("") //
setAPIVersion($value) $value = String - defaults: [v1beta1] Set the version of the API Schema
setAuthType($value) $value = String - defaults: [Config::AUTH_TYPE_HTTP_BASIC] Options: Config::AUTH_TYPE_HTTP_BASIC, Config::AUTH_TYPE_NONE At this time only one type of auth type is supported
setAuthOptions($value) *$value = Array * *Options: username, password Set the array which provides auth data based on the authType Selected
->setAuthOptions(['username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password']); // we set the auth credentials
setConnectionAdapter($value) $value = String - defaults: [Config::CONNECTION_ADAPTER_GUZZLE] *Options: CONNECTION_ADAPTER_GUZZLE Sets the type of rest http adapter to use, currently only guzzle is supported.
Configuration setting Example:
$clientConfig = new \DevStub\KubernetesAPIClient\Config(); $clientConfig->setAPINodeUrl(""); $clientConfig->setAPIVersion('v1beta1'); $client->config($clientConfig) // or you can use method chaining on config $clientConfig->setAPINodeUrl("") ->setAPIVersion('v1beta1'); $client->config($clientConfig)
API Endpoints
To make requests to the API endpoints you call endpoint methods on the client object, which returns an endpoint object on which you can call: create, update, delete and get methods.
Available endpoint methods on the client object:
- pods()
- replicationControllers()
- endpoints()
- services()
- minions()
- events()
- bindings()
All of the requests will return an instance AdapterResponse class. With it you can check the status of the response:
$response = $client->pods()->get(); if ($response->getStatusCode() == 500) { // we check against http status code 500 throw \Exception("error retrieving the response"); }
or retrieve the response content as JSON :
$response = $client->pods()->get(); $responseContent = $response->getContentRaw(); // this returns a json string var_dump($responseContent);
or as nested objects :
$response = $client->pods()->get(); /* @var \DevStub\KubernetesAPIClient\Entity\v1beta1\PodList $podList */ $podList = $response->getContentObject(); /* @var \DevStub\KubernetesAPIClient\Entity\v1beta1\Pod $pod */ foreach ($podList->getItems() as $pod) { print "\n".$pod->getId(); }
For a full list of available kubernetes entities check the \DevStub\KubernetesAPIClient\Entity
Easies way to retrieve all of the dependencies is by using composer
Install with composer
The recommended way is to use Composer to install the kubernetes PHP API Client
# Install Composer curl -sS | php
Next run composer to install the latest version of the kubernetes PHP API Client:
composer require devstub/kubernetes-api-php-client
And don't forget to require the autoloader in your project:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
Alternatively you can also specify the dependency in your exisitng composer.json
{ "require": { "devstub/kubernetes-api-php-client": "*" } }
To do
- Add unit tests
- Support other API Versions
- Support additional REST adapters
- Add way to poll/watch the endpoints for changes
Kubernetes PHP API Client is licensed under Apache 2.0
Faruk Brbovic,