1.0.0 2014-12-15 15:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-16 02:22:20 UTC



This app only work with Android

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

##How to setup

update composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "devfactory/gate": "1.0.*"

and run composer update from terminal to download files.

update app.php file in app/config directory:

'providers' => array(
alias => array(
    'API'          => 'Devfactory\Api\Facades\ApiFacade',


 php artisan config:publish devfactory/gate

Update the configuration for the gate


  | Gate environement
  | Setup for the environement
  'production' => TRUE,

  | Gate route prefix
  | You can use this param to set the prefix before the routes
  'route_prefix' => 'admin',

  | Gate filter before
  | You can set the filter who will be used to display the page
  'filter_before' => 'admin-auth',

  | Gate layout extend
  | You can use this param to set the layout to extend for the admin
  'layout_extend' => 'gate::layout',

  | Gate apiKey
  | You have to request an accèes to contact@devfactory.ch
  'api_key' => '',


 php artisan  migrate --package=devfactory/gate

##Routes Admin You have those routes for the admin

[route_prefix]/device  //Where you can register your device who have the android app installed
[route_prefix]/message //Where you can send some sms using the android app

##Routes Services

The {format} can be json or xml

PUT [route_services_prefix]/gate/register.{format}


Name Type Description
name string Required. The name of the device
token string Required. The token of the device used for the push notification
number string Required. The phone number of the device


  "name": "test-phone1",
  "token": "12kdi24kkk3233mk23n23n2",
  "number": "0845668955"


Status: 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
["Device Created"]

####Bad Response

Status: 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/html
["Bad inputs"]