
Ban clients completely for a period of time, based on the number of requests made in a selected interval

dev-main 2023-12-22 04:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-22 05:02:52 UTC


Ban clients from your API for a period of time when they make too many requests within a set time.


In your Laravel app, using Composer, install the package and publish the configuration file:

composer require delaney\superban

Configuration & Usage

Publish the configuration file with this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=superban


 * Config file for the Superban package.

return [
    | Superban - Cache Stores
    | This is an array of cache stores to use with Superban.
    | Leaving this as empty would use the default cache store.
    | Example:
    | ['redis', 'file']
    'drivers' => [],

    | Superban - Ban IP Addresses
    | Add the IP address when banning a client.
    'ban_ip_addresses' => env('SUPERBAN_BAN_IP', true),

    | Superban - User Keys
    | This is a list of keys to ban the client user.
    | These keys should be available on your user model.
    'user_keys' => ['id', 'email'],

    | Superban - Message
    | Message to display to a banned client in the HTTP Response
    | Default: "You have been banned temporarily."
    'message' => env('SUPERBAN_ERROR_MESSAGE'),

You can specify options in your .env file using:

SUPERBAN_ERROR_MESSAGE="This request is banned"

Using the middleware

To add Superban to your routes, simply use it like you would any other middleware, using the alias superban and specifying your parameters, with time in minutes. For example:


    ->group(function() {
        Route::get() ...

In the first line, users who make 100 requests within 1 hour (60 minutes) will get banned for 24 hours (1440). And in the second middleware group, users exceeding 20 requests in a minute will get banned for 10 minutes.
