
Another laravel logging package

2.0.1 2019-10-01 13:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-05 23:07:18 UTC


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LaraLog (Laravel 6.+)

Laravel's logging system helps a lot for storing data as well as while troubleshooting some hidden bugs. The data related to the exception automatically gets logged whenever something goes wrong.

Sometimes, we need more than just stack trace to debug the issue easily. The things like request URL, request input data, session data, etc. help us hunt down the exact cause quickly. That's what this plug-and-play Laravel package does for you :)

Note: For Laravel 5.5, you may use Slack Error Notifier package.


  • PHP 7.2+
  • Laravel 6+


1) Install the package by running this command in your terminal/cmd:

composer require def-studio/laralog

2) Publish migrations with the command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laralog_migrations
php artisan migrate

3) Generate a new config with this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laralog_config

It has following configuration settings:

  • (String) app => App name that will be written in each log entry
  • (String) minimum_log_level => Minimum log level to be recorded (may be overwritten by connectors minimum_log_level)
  • (String) log_php_errors => Add PHP error report to the logging system
  • (Array) connectors => Where your log entries will be written
    • (Array) laravel_db => Writes log entries to the default laravel database, using Eloquent
      • (String) minimum_log_level => Minimum log level to be recorded (overwrites default minimum_log_level)
    • (Array) mysql => Writes log entries to a custom mysql database
      • (String) db_host => Database hostname
      • (String) db_name => Database name
      • (String) db_user => Database username
      • (String) db_password => Database password
      • (String) minimum_log_level => Minimum log level to be recorded (overwrites default minimum_log_level)
  • (Array) save_lines => LaraLog may keep a reference to the lines of the file that generated the log entry
    • (Integer) before => How many lines before the log entry should be kept
    • (Integer) after => How many lines after the log entry should be kept
    • (String) min_level => Minimum log level for activating the file lines recording functionality
  • (Array) context => file paths that are included in logging
  • (Function) get_user_function => A custom function to get the username that generated the log entry
  • (String) jwt_key => JWT key to encrypt API communications
  • (String) jwt_iss => JWT issuer

4) (OPTIONAL) Set LaraLog as Laravel's default log channel:

First, open Laravel config/logging.php configuration file and add a new entry in channels array:

'laralog' => [
    'driver' => 'monolog',
    'handler' => \DefStudio\LaraLog\Handler::class,
    'level' => 'debug'

Then, in the same file, add a new channel entry in the stack channel:

'channels' => [
	'stack' => [
	    'driver' => 'stack',
	    'channels' => ['daily', 'laralog'],
	    'ignore_exceptions' => false,

leave daily channel if you want to keep laravel logging on storage/log along your LaraLog entries



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details