decimalteam / decimal-php-sdk
decimal sdk
- php: ^7.3
- bitcoin-php/bitcoin-ecdsa: ^1.3
- bitwasp/bech32: ^0.0.1
- bitwasp/bitcoin: ^1.0
- fgrosse/phpasn1: ^2.1
- google/protobuf: ^3.21
- grpc/grpc: ~1.30.0
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ~6.5|^7
- kornrunner/keccak: ^1.1
- kornrunner/secp256k1: ^0.1.2
- mdanter/ecc: ~0.5.2
- protobuf-php/protobuf: ^0.1.3
- simplito/elliptic-php: ^1.0
- web3p/ethereum-tx: ^0.4.3
- web3p/web3.php: 0.1.6
- dev-master
- 0.14.04
- 0.14.02
- 0.14.01
- 0.14
- 0.13.02
- 0.13.01
- 0.13
- 0.12
- 0.11
- 0.10.13
- 0.10.12
- 0.10.11
- 0.10.10
- 0.10.09
- 0.10.08
- 0.10.07
- 0.10.05
- 0.10.04
- 0.10.03
- 0.10.02
- 0.10.01
- 0.9.99
- 0.9.98
- 0.9.97
- 0.9.96
- 0.9.95
- 0.9.93
- 0.9.92
- 0.9.91
- 0.9.90
- 0.9.89
- 0.9.88
- 0.9.86
- 0.9.85
- 0.9.84
- 0.9.83
- 0.9.82
- 0.9.81
- 0.9.80
- 0.9.78
- 0.9.77
- 0.9.73
- 0.9.71
- 0.9.60
- 0.9.50
- 0.9.49
- 0.9.37
- 0.9.36
- 0.9.35
- 0.9.34
- 0.9.33
- 0.9.32
- 0.9.31
- 0.9.30
- 0.9.29
- 0.9.28
- 0.9.27
- 0.9.26
- 0.9.25
- 0.9.24
- 0.9.23
- 0.9.22
- 0.9.21
- 0.9.20
- 0.9.19
- 0.9.18
- 0.9.17
- 0.9.16
- 0.9.15
- 0.9.14
- 0.9.12
- 0.9.11
- 0.9.10
- 0.9.9
- 0.9.8
- 0.9.7
- 0.9.6
- 0.9.5
- 0.9.4
- 0.9.3
- 0.9.2
- dev-tx_with_memo
- dev-dev
- dev-dev-test
- dev-fix/+baseCoinCommission
- dev-fix/getApiEndpoints
- dev-feature/node_direct
- dev-feature/+40049
- dev-feature/+40664
- dev-feature/+update_changelog
- dev-feature/+update_protobufs
- dev-feature/+38675
- dev-feature/vlucas_phpdotenv
- dev-feature/correct_nft
- dev-feature/nonce_logic
- dev-feature/update_nonce
- dev-feature/fix_update_nft_resrve
- dev-feature/create_tests
- dev-feature/create_changelog
- dev-feature/fix_get_sequency
- dev-fix/jsonencode
- dev-feature/generate_id_nft
- dev-feature/check_tx
- dev-feature/send_tx_directly
- dev-feature/get_nonce
- dev-feature/get_nft_txes
- dev-feature/get_nfts
- dev-feature/description_response
- dev-new_method/estimate_tx_fee
- dev-feature/get_nft
- dev-feature/local_node_support
- dev-feature/description_base_url
- dev-feature/swap_init
- dev-feature/get_nft_matadata
- dev-feature/add_nftMint_trx
- dev-feture/new_transaction
- dev-bug/wallet_address_fix
- dev-feature/add_derive_key
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-09 15:02:16 UTC
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the:
$ composer require decimalteam/decimal-php-sdk
Pacagist decimalteam/decimal-php-sdk
Verify Address
$wHelper = new WalletHelpers();
return $wHelper->checkAddress('address', 'd0'); // d0 || d0valoper
Create wallet
use DecimalSDK\Wallet;
// Use class Wallet to create address and key pairs
$wallet = new Wallet(/*your mnemonics*/);
echo $wallet->getAddress();
Get public key wallet
Return the public key string of 64 hex characters
use DecimalSDK\Wallet;
echo $wallet->getPublicKey();
// 02f85bb9b5d87cda4197b09d0cd0ef5a1fb97f74f261f508f48a26d7dba2d0ed12
Get private key wallet
Return the private key string of 64 hex characters
use DecimalSDK\Wallet;
echo $wallet->getPrivateKey();
// 8f7370936a728ff3d2306cbf2422382a4297f9059aecb5703fe83eef49d3e828
Coins operations
use DecimalSDK\Wallet;
use DecimalSDK\TransactionDecimal;
// Use wallet instance to init transaction
// using our gateway to send transactions - the simpliest way
// $transaction = new TransactionDecimal($wallet, DecimalNetworks::DEVNET);
// network - "mainnet"/"testnet"/"devnet"
// isNodeDirectMode - by default equal 'false' and in this case You will be using our node.
// Advanced users can use their own node rest and rpc endpoints.
// To set it, create array 'options' as shown below.
$wallet = new Wallet();
// Enter your address node http://your-address.node/api
$network = 'devnet';
$isNodeDirectMode = true; // enable work only through node. 'false' by default.
$options = [
'customNodeEndpoint' => [
'nodeRestUrl' => '',
'rpcEndpoint' => '',
'web3Node' => ''
]; // Will be used only if flag 'isNodeDirectMode' set as 'true'.
$transaction = new TransactionDecimal($wallet, $network, $isNodeDirectMode, $options);
Create coins
$payload = [
'title' => 'Test coin',
'ticker' => 'TESTTT',
'initSupply' => '50000',
'maxSupply' => '100000',
'reserve' => '12000',
'crr' => '45'
// For all functions that sends transactions, You can provide address of custom coin that should be used as fee in 'options'.
// Also You can provide 'simulate' flag for estimate fee value. Can be estimated, only if 'feeCoin' set.
// Also You can provide 'txBroadcastMode' option which should be equal 'sync', 'async' or 'block', default: 'sync'.
// Modes:
// 'sync' - waiting for blockchain's response and returning respone object.
// 'async' - isn't waiting any responses, always return true.
// 'block' - waiting until transaction will be include in block and return transaction object.
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = [] and using DEL as fee coin.
$result = $transaction->createCoin($payload, $options);
// => {hash: '4C0A408B6EBC33AD...', success: true, error: null}
Update coin
$payload = [
'maxSupply' => '270000',
'ticker' => 'testsdk10',
'identity' => '2a3f8bbdbed335aa7544836a9ff57a79'
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->updateCoin($payload, $options);
// => {hash: '4C0A408B6EBC33AD...', success: true, error: null}
Send coins
$payload = [
'recipient' = 'd014x9aqf062ey3hr9y3ktv5cu7tchdfjgxg3l3kj';
'denom' = 'del';
'amount' = 3;
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->sendCoin($payload, $options);
// => {hash: '4C0A408B6EBC33AD...', success: true, error: null}
Burn coins
$payload = [
'coin' => 'tDEL', //coin
'amount' => '100', // 100 tDEL
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->burnCoins($payload, $options);
Sell coins
$payload = [
'denomSell' = 'del';
'denomBuy' = 'a1111111';
'amountSell' = 10;
'amountBuy' = 2;
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->sellCoin($payload, $options);
Buy Coins
$payload = [
'denomSell' = 'del';
'denomBuy' = 'a1111111';
'amountBuy' = 10;
'amountSell' = 10;
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->buyCoin($payload, $options);
Sell all coins
$payload = [
'denomSell' = 'A1111111';
'denomBuy' = 'del';
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->sellAllCoin($payload, $options);
Validator declare
$payload = [
'rewardAddress' => 'd013ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g',
'stake' => '10',
'coin' => 'tdel',
'pubKey' => 'JRlv38BXuD1TvWQJ9ic1KHr8PzuOITZH3rD8Zm0Vj3Y',
'commission' => '10',
'moniker' => 'my-node-123',
'identity' => '',
'website' => '',
'securityContact' => '',
'details' => 'details node',
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->validatorDeclare($payload, $options);
Validator delegate
$payload = [
'address' = 'd0valoper1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga4dq2uk0';
'coin' = 'tdel';
'stake' = '10';
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->validatorDelegate($payload, $options);
Validator undelegate
$payload = [
'address' = 'd0valoper1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga4dq2uk0';
'coin' = 'tdel';
'stake' = '10';
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->validatorUnbound($payload, $options);
Validator redelegate
$payload = [
'old_validator' => 'd0valoper14elhyzmq95f98wrkvujtsr5cyudffp6qk9wmzm',
'new_validator' => 'd0valoper1yvgq6uh35a395hexhxcde2zfpwwafzpaxvupmc',
'stake' => '1',
'coin' => 'del'
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->validatorRedelegate($payload, $options);
Validator edit
$payload = [
'rewardAddress' => 'd013ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g',
'moniker' => 'my-node-123-edit',
'identity' => '321',
'website' => '',
'securityContact' => '',
'details' => 'details node',
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->validatorEdit($payload, $options);
Disable validator
$payload = [
'validator' => 'd0valoper1fatzsagt96pfglxlq245th252mv3necksyuy0v',
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->disableValidator($payload, $options);
Enable validator
$payload = [
'validator' => 'd0valoper1fatzsagt96pfglxlq245th252mv3necksyuy0v',
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->enableValidator($payload, $options);
Multisig create
$payload = [
'threshold' => '2',
'owners' => ['d013ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g', 'd01v9macmluxh7rk3zsd69v7dwv9fsjhctn2jfhz9'],
'weights' => ['1', '1'],
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->multisigCreate($payload, $options);
Multisig create tx
$payload = [
'from' => 'd01am6ke3l79kjzdqhwgx37em04mzg686ekf9p3pq', // Multisig wallet address
'to' => 'd013ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g',
'coin' => 'tdel',
'amount' => '10',
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->multisigCreateTX($payload, $options);
Multisig Sign tx
$payload = [
'txId' => 'd0mstx1tqmjch2x5uk9wgnu8zl88rj6h4hy8rm8mtqfft',
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->multisigSignTX($payload, $options);
Multisend Coins
$payload = [
'sends' => [
'to'=> 'd01lh8uv55uwras3zgzpe8awq35ucxhr66pn3d97k',
'coin'=> 'DEL',
'amount'=> 100
'to'=> 'd01n4hnaynrm0n56yza9959604t93hlnpvmfasw67',
'coin'=> 'DEL',
'amount'=> 100
'memo' => 'message' // optional
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->multiSendCoins($payload, $options);
Swap init
$payload = [
'recipient'=> '0x45376AD024c767577714C7B92882578aE8B7f98C',
'amount'=> '1',
'tokenSymbol'=> 'DEL',
'destChain'=> '2' // 1 - decimal, 2 - eth, 3 - bsc
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->swapInit($payload, $options);
Swap redeem
$payload = [
'from'=> '0x45376AD024c767577714C7B92882578aE8B7f98C',
'amount'=> '1',
'recipient'=> 'd013ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g',
'transactionNumber'=> 'lksdnd-asvkla-SDCds',
'tokenSymbol'=> 'del',
'fromChain'=> '2',
'v'=> 0x1c,
'r'=> '0x0e0eb6089caa52794f7ad64a5ad7ab500b12cc7b640180e30b30b48a19c296e1',
's'=> '0x2005adafda24593f221aec030126d989609455b2ed66969b2bb64926137f3ce3',
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->swapRedeem($payload, $options);
NFT mint
// response after creating nft
* {
"ok": true,
"result": {
"token": {
"isPrivate": false,
"id": 553,
"headline": "headline_example",
"description": "description_example",
"slug": "CadgWIHKcOkPzn5X0Eji96F7RLiLAxPQ",
"asset": "assets/CadgWIHKcOkPzn1X0Eji96F7RLiLAxPN_67acc.jpg",
"cover": "",
"misc": {
"coverHash": "4e48fea99881386372c8edf93736a91684ed6a46",
"coverPath": "CadgWIHKcOkPzn1X0Eji96F7RLiLAxPN_cover_1d223.jpg",
"coverExtension": "jpg"
"status": "inactive",
"updatedAt": "2022-02-16T07:57:49.883Z",
"createdAt": "2022-02-16T07:57:49.883Z"
* */
// denom - name of nft collection
$payload = [
'id'=> 'dd5d84d6151e2d44f8c0ce9ff147e6bacd4eb50a',
'denom'=> 'Testsdkup',
'tokenUri'=> '',
'quantity'=> '4',
'reserveDenom'=> 'del',
'reserveAmount'=> '10',
'allowMint'=> true,
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->mintNft($txPaload, $options);
NFT burn
$payload = [
'id' => '90b6dc232e040d38a1bb2ec7711ab35629b9ca5e',
'subtokenIds' => ['1', '2']
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->burnNft($payload, $options);
NFT edit metadata
$payload = [
'tokenId' => 'c3cb2a5ab98878d7ec5c6d3aaed2b17154f60689',
'tokenURI' => ''
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->nftEditMetadata($payload, $options);
NFT transfer
$payload = [
'id' => 'c3cb2a5ab98878d7ec5c6d3aaed2b17154f60689',
'recipient' => 'd01lx4lvt8sjuxj8vw5dcf6knnq0pacre4w6hdh2v',
'sub_token_ids' => [1]
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->nftTransfer($payload, $options);
NFT delegate
$payload = [
'id'=> '78cd420474bf27ecdf4f5f87219e824f7aadf6f3',
'sub_token_ids'=> [1, 2],
'validator_address'=> 'd0valoper14elhyzmq95f98wrkvujtsr5cyudffp6qwyerml'
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->nftDelegate($payload, $options);
NFT undelegate
$payload = [
'id'=> '78cd420474bf27ecdf4f5f87219e824f7aadf6f3',
'sub_token_ids'=> [1,2],
'validator_address'=> 'd0valoper14elhyzmq95f98wrkvujtsr5cyudffp6qwyerml'
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->nftUndelegate($payload, $options);
NFT redelegate
$payload = [
'id' => '90b6dc232e040d38a1bb2ec7711ab35629b9ca5e',
'old_validator' => 'd0valoper14elhyzmq95f98wrkvujtsr5cyudffp6qk9wmzm',
'new_validator' => 'd0valoper1yvgq6uh35a395hexhxcde2zfpwwafzpaxvupmc',
'sub_token_ids' => ['2']
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->nftRedelegate($payload, $options);
NFT reserve update
$payload = [
'id' => '78cd420474bf27ecdf4f5f87219e824f7aadf6f3',
'sub_token_ids' => ['1'],
'denom' => 'timPhone',
'reserve' => '1'
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// 'options' is optional argument that equal empty array by default $options = []
$result = $transaction->nftUpdateReserves($payload, $options);
Reown legacy
// Make transaction only in node direct mode, otherwise procedures via backend.
$options = ['feeCoin' => 'testtt', 'simulate' => 'false'];
// This function make call to backend, not to blockchain, so it's free.
$result = $transaction->reownLegacy($options);
get NFT metadata
$result = $transaction->getNftMetadata('ba3b4bbf39cfb042fad0eaec4e3496c48e1c04a6');
get info about NFT
$result = $transaction->getNft('49501d55a30944bf7b3b72e618c1cc564cdeaeee');
common fields for all users
allowMint: false
blockId: 17187
cover: "..."
createdAt: "2021-09-28T06:43:48.378Z"
creator: "d01wjewzht52hfy3m0rpm8usdmfk764ca4yrwd6q8"
description: "token"
headline: "tok"
id: 422
misc: {coverHash: '307a3e7ccac8dfbd522805d980e199e5e5dc1541', coverPath: 'cSWF9hjezHlgxCPvAj4DtjpIstBnvHHo_cover_93b28.png', coverExtension: 'png'}
nftCollection: "tok"
nftId: "2ff8d64694c057777707739910f83f8bda53aa37"
nftReserve: (10) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
nonFungible: false
owners: (3) [{…}, {…}, {…}]
quantity: "10"
slug: "cSWF9hjezHlgxCPvAj4DtjpIstBnvHHo"
startReserve: "100000000000000000000"
status: "active"
tokenUri: ""
totalReserve: "1000000000000000000000"
txHash: "33A41B8C910F7BCB03958448F9F59401EC9D3089F5CF7C621248F2CE2E168063"
updatedAt: "2021-09-28T06:43:58.071Z
if user is owner of requested nft then response is
asset: 'assets/JeqShgz5ySuYgrDr2f5Cz8MrKTSP2pyk_0299a.png',
if user is not owner of requested nft then response is
asset: null,
get list of NFT
$address = 'd01wjewzht52hfy3m0rpm8usdmfk764ca4yrwd6q8'; // address of requested user with nfts
$limit = 10;
$offset = 0;
$query = '2ff8d64694c05777770'; // nft id or nft collection to search
$result = $transaction->getNfts($address, $limit, $offset, $query);
common fields for all users
count: 1,
tokens: [{
asset: null
isPrivate: true
allowMint: false
blockId: 17187
createdAt: "2021-09-28T06:43:48.378Z"
creator: "d01wjewzht52hfy3m0rpm8usdmfk764ca4yrwd6q8"
description: "token"
headline: "tok"
id: 422
nftCollection: "tok"
nftId: "2ff8d64694c057777707739910f83f8bda53aa37"
nftReserve: (10) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
nonFungible: false
owners: (3) [{…}, {…}, {…}]
quantity: "10"
slug: "cSWF9hjezHlgxCPvAj4DtjpIstBnvHHo"
startReserve: "100000000000000000000"
status: "active"
tokenUri: ""
totalReserve: "1000000000000000000000"
txHash: "33A41B8C910F7BCB03958448F9F59401EC9D3089F5CF7C621248F2CE2E168063"
updatedAt: "2021-09-28T06:43:58.071Z
if user's address
cover: "...", // original cover of nft
misc: {coverHash: '307a3e7ccac8dfbd522805d980e199e5e5dc1541', coverPath: 'cSWF9hjezHlgxCPvAj4DtjpIstBnvHHo_cover_93b28.png', coverExtension: 'png'}
if not user's address
// predefined data
cover: "...", // a placeholder image used for common display
misc: null,
get address
$address = 'd013ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g'; // address of requested user, required property
$txLimit = 10; // optional property
$result = $transaction->getAddress($address, $txLimit);
"address": {
"id": 31,
"address": "d013ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g",
"type": "single",
"balance": {
"tdel": "14999120000000000000000"
"balanceNft": [
amount: "1"
collection: "testovaya"
// if user's address then original cover of nft
// else a placeholder image used for common display
cover: "
nftId: "4a482a53b16345bb625a214b2f9c3f2968461cd0"
nftReserve: [{...}]
nftStake: [{...}]
"nonce": 2,
"txes": 5,
"createdAt": "2020-07-29T07:48:15.089Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T08:07:36.086Z",
"totalStake": null,
"txs": [
// ...
"coins": [
// ...
get info about transaction
$hash = '90EFE7E117B9C27355AB0885077E0B22C343594280ED8CBC4100D516FC228BFD'; // transaction hash
[ "ok" => true
"result" => array:15 [
"id" => 52510
"hash" => "90EFE7E117B9C27355AB0885077E0B22C343594280ED8CBC4100D516FC228BFD"
"timestamp" => "2022-02-14T07:01:01.964Z"
"status" => "Success"
"type" => "multi_send_coin"
"fee" => array:4 [
"gas_coin" => null
"gas_used" => "1059000000000000000"
"gas_amount" => null
"gas_used_number" => 1059000000000000000
"data" => array:48 [
"log" => ""
"nft" => array:8 [
"nftId" => ""
"creator" => ""
"reserve" => ""
"quantity" => ""
"tokenUri" => ""
"recipient" => ""
"nftCollection" => ""
"sub_token_ids" => []
"coin" => ""
"check" => ""
"coins" => ""
"proof" => ""
"title" => ""
"amount" => ""
"issuer" => ""
"owners" => ""
"sender" => "d019uw05epj00fctthnv6y8tnayf9k8rnsqr46au3"
"symbol" => ""
"wallet" => ""
"weights" => ""
"identity" => ""
"coin_base" => ""
"confirmed" => null
"due_block" => ""
"recipient" => ""
"threshold" => ""
"coin_check" => ""
"commission" => ""
"amount_base" => ""
"atomic_swap" => array:7 [
"from" => ""
"amount" => ""
"secret" => ""
"recipient" => ""
"time_locked" => ""
"hashed_secret" => ""
"transfer_type" => ""
"coin_to_buy" => ""
"nonce_check" => null
"transaction" => ""
"amount_check" => ""
"coin_to_sell" => ""
"limit_volume" => ""
"amount_to_buy" => ""
"confirmations" => null
"signer_weight" => null
"swap_multiple" => array:16 [
"r" => ""
"s" => ""
"v" => ""
"from" => ""
"amount" => ""
"sender" => ""
"chainTo" => ""
"chainFrom" => ""
"chainName" => ""
"recipient" => ""
"tokenName" => ""
"chainNameTo" => ""
"chainNumber" => ""
"tokenSymbol" => ""
"chainNameFrom" => ""
"transactionNumber" => ""
"amount_to_sell" => ""
"initial_volume" => ""
"reward_address" => ""
"validator_desc" => array:5 [
"details" => ""
"moniker" => ""
"website" => ""
"identity" => ""
"security_contact" => ""
"completion_time" => ""
"initial_reserve" => ""
"softwareUpgrade" => array:4 [
"plan" => array:3 [
"name" => ""
"time" => ""
"height" => ""
"title" => ""
"proposer" => ""
"description" => ""
"submit_proposal" => array:8 [
"vote" => ""
"title" => ""
"proposer" => ""
"description" => ""
"proposal_id" => null
"validator_id" => ""
"voting_end_block" => ""
"voting_start_block" => ""
"delegator_address" => ""
"min_amount_to_buy" => ""
"validator_address" => ""
"max_amount_to_sell" => ""
"multisend_receivers" => "[{"d017uvraxkrlvuwfwwgz7yqe0kdzv4dttze4394vq":{"amount":"182963397998034976768","coin":"tdel"}},{"d01xc0x5zemdyu29m0yufyxldm68fwqx39vy6twkk":{"amount":"231753637464179015680","coin":"tdel"}},{"d01hmk05dlv7npzmy3q7hsj7yvds8yr3ff6fa6mkr":{"amount":"48790239466142703616","coin":"tdel"}},{"d01ptj8fcf7df8nczdgwnhsszmzm5xyv6x0k2vqfq":{"amount":"176102270573110001664","coin":"tdel"}},{"d01lzs6psv3u6vzgm5qnrz49ugvtmnd4hx09c6l5d":{"amount":"176102270573110001664","coin":"tdel"}},{"d01wgrgknfdcft06e3604alec2a50d8gcm7w2kfem":{"amount":"6098779933267869696","coin":"tdel"}}]"
"constant_reserve_ratio" => null
"nonce" => 21
"code" => 0
"message" => ""
"blockId" => 2499678
"from" => "d019uw05epj00fctthnv6y8tnayf9k8rnsqr46au3"
"to" => null
"createdAt" => "2022-02-14T07:01:09.242Z"
"updatedAt" => "2022-02-14T07:01:09.245Z"
$address = 'd013ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g'; // address of requested user with nfts, required property
$limit = 10; // optional property
$offset = 0; // optional property
$order = 'order[createdAt]=DESC'; // sort field and direction in format order[FIELD]=DIRECTION where DIRECTION in (DISC, ASC), optional property
$result = $transaction->getNftsTxes($address, $limit, $offset, $order);
## getNftTxes
$id= '1b2a71cfc20aabab7e9d0151b963732828e155ec'; // nft id of requested nft txes, required property $limit = 10; // optional property $offset = 0; // optional property $order = 'order[createdAt]=DESC'; // sort field and direction in format order[FIELD]=DIRECTION where DIRECTION in (DISC, ASC), optional property $result = $transaction->getNftTxes($id, $limit, $offset, $order);
common fields for all users
{ count: 1, txs: [{
blockId: 648044
code: 0
cover: "
createdAt: "2021-10-15T04:53:40.411Z"
creator: "d01zenxxwspj8rnjstqyst9qvwaptq7jwwjnzul04"
data: {log: "",…}
description: "DAY"
fee: {gas_coin: null, gas_used: "430000000000000000", gas_amount: null, gas_used_number: 430000000000000000}
from: "d01wjewzht52hfy3m0rpm8usdmfk764ca4yrwd6q8"
hash: "7F3BFBBAB54373E7E83EA7ECAF32CB1C42BC5ED4CD37AE3ECBF984D3058E8F00"
headline: "DAY"
id: 528
isPrivate: false
message: ""
misc: {coverHash: "6c37327f0e961595787924a89944894cd62d2a83",…}
nonce: 119
slug: "ndFK0PT2V1VmrEvd7F9jhzZLbG3b8cfI"
status: "active"
timestamp: "2021-11-15T10:15:52.669Z"
to: null
type: "delegate_nft"
updatedAt: "2021-10-15T04:53:48.550Z"
}] }
if user's nft
{ cover: "...", // original cover of nft misc: {coverHash: '307a3e7ccac8dfbd522805d980e199e5e5dc1541', coverPath: 'cSWF9hjezHlgxCPvAj4DtjpIstBnvHHo_cover_93b28.png', coverExtension: 'png'} ...commonFields, }
if not user's nft
{ // predefined data cover: "...", // a placeholder image used for common display misc: null, ...commonFields, }
## get stakes
$id = 'd013ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g'; $result = $transaction->getStakesByAddress($id); /* { "validators": [
"validatorId": "d0valoper1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga4dq2uk0",
"stakesNfts": [
"baseQuantity": "1000",
"nftCollection": "denom1",
"quantity": "10",
"unbondQuantity": "10"
"totalStake": "500000000000000000000",
"validator": {
"address": "d0valoper1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga4dq2uk0",
"consensusAddress": "d0valcons17ntss5hyuutk5w4a4upptz3xc9f3f0tgwwmfw8",
"rewardAddress": "d01ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga43jd3ry",
"moniker": "test-node-fra1-02",
"website": "",
"details": "Declaring validator on test-node-fra1-02",
"identity": null,
"security_contact": null,
"blockId": 0,
"skippedBlocks": 0,
"delegators": 2,
"fee": "0.100000000000000000",
"slots": 2,
"mins": "0",
"stake": "40000500000000000000000000",
"power": "40000500",
"rating": null,
"status": "online",
"kind": "Validator",
"createdAt": "2020-07-28T11:48:06.658Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T12:51:33.002Z"
], "total": "1000" } */
## get NFT stakes
$id = 'd013ykakvugqwzqqmqdj2j2hgqauxmftdn3kqy69g'; // wallet id $result = $transaction->getNftStakesByAddress($id); /* { "validators": [
"validatorId": "d0valoper1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga4dq2uk0",
"stakes": [
"coin": "tdel",
"amount": "500000000000000000000",
"baseAmount": "500000000000000000000",
"unbondAmount": null
"totalStake": "500000000000000000000",
"validator": {
"address": "d0valoper1ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga4dq2uk0",
"consensusAddress": "d0valcons17ntss5hyuutk5w4a4upptz3xc9f3f0tgwwmfw8",
"rewardAddress": "d01ajytg8jg8ypx0rj9p792x32fuxyezga43jd3ry",
"moniker": "test-node-fra1-02",
"website": "",
"details": "Declaring validator on test-node-fra1-02",
"identity": null,
"security_contact": null,
"blockId": 0,
"skippedBlocks": 0,
"delegators": 2,
"fee": "0.100000000000000000",
"slots": 2,
"mins": "0",
"stake": "40000500000000000000000000",
"power": "40000500",
"rating": null,
"status": "online",
"kind": "Validator",
"createdAt": "2020-07-28T11:48:06.658Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T12:51:33.002Z"
], "total": "500000000000000000000" } */
## get coin list
const LIMIT = 10; const OFFSET = 0; const QUERY = ''; $result = $transaction->getCoinsList(LIMIT,OFFSET,QUERY); /* { "count": 5, "coins": [
"symbol": "mycoin",
"title": "MYCOIN",
"volume": "1023454326378015905553",
"reserve": "12609116636032889229477",
"crr": 10,
"limitVolume": "2000000000000000000000",
"creator": "d01vkn4lje42gjmyghc3vneg0yqa39wfgqvh4f8zg",
"txHash": "93AC6D86FF12BD9594889FEF4092542CBA6FEFA09F5E4A710D9E6CF12C1006A7",
"blockId": 1529,
"avatar": "data:image/png;base64...",
"createdAt": "2020-07-28T14:09:38.852Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-07-29T12:25:56.512Z"
// ...
] } */
## ERC20 Token creation
$payload = [
'name' => 'testR',
'symbol' => 'RTTA',
'supply' => '100',
'maxSupply' => '1000000', // Matters only if `capped` set as `true`
'mintable' => 'true',
'burnable' => 'true',
'capped' => 'false'
// If executed successfully, returns tx object. $result = $transaction->createToken($payload);
## ERC20 Token transfer
$payload = [
'recipient' => '0x8A7798E68Ebc792971510DaF1Bdc2B4538e6f0cD',
'tokenAddress' => '0x10a8CB653ad9d7a22d334607FE301BB407d50C10',
'amount' => 0.5
// If executed successfully, returns tx object. $result = $transaction->transferTokens($payload);
## ERC20 Token approve
$payload = [
'spender' => '0x8A7798E68Ebc792971510DaF1Bdc2B4538e6f0cD',
'amount' => 170,
'tokenAddress' => '0x10a8CB653ad9d7a22d334607FE301BB407d50C10',
// If executed successfully, returns tx object. $result = $transaction->approveTokens($payload);
## ERC20 Token transferFrom
// Allowance must be greater than amount
$payload = [
'from' => '0x8A7798E68Ebc792971510DaF1Bdc2B4538e6f0cD',
'to' => '0xC8419191Cb1A3bF4FfC022D01f857D5AFdeD01ba',
'tokenAddress' => '0x10a8CB653ad9d7a22d334607FE301BB407d50C10',
'amount' => 2
// If executed successfully, returns tx object. $result = $transaction->transferTokensFrom($payload);
## ERC20 Token mint
// Only if token is mintable. $payload = [
'recipient' => '0x8A7798E68Ebc792971510DaF1Bdc2B4538e6f0cD',
'tokenAddress' => '0x10a8CB653ad9d7a22d334607FE301BB407d50C10',
'amount' => 0.5
// If executed successfully, returns tx object. $result = $transaction->mintTokens($payload);
## ERC20 Token burn
// Only if token is burnable. $payload = [
'recipient' => '0x8A7798E68Ebc792971510DaF1Bdc2B4538e6f0cD',
'tokenAddress' => '0x10a8CB653ad9d7a22d334607FE301BB407d50C10',
'amount' => 0.5
// If executed successfully, returns tx object. $result = $transaction->burnTokens($payload);
## ERC20 balanceOf
$payload = [
'account' => '0xC8419191Cb1A3bF4FfC022D01f857D5AFdeD01ba',
'tokenAddress' => '0x10a8CB653ad9d7a22d334607FE301BB407d50C10'
// Returns token balance of given account. $result = $transaction->getBalanceOfToken($payload);
## ERC20 allowance
$payload = [
'owner' => '0xC8419191Cb1A3bF4FfC022D01f857D5AFdeD01ba',
'spender' => '0x8A7798E68Ebc792971510DaF1Bdc2B4538e6f0cD',
'tokenAddress' => '0x10a8CB653ad9d7a22d334607FE301BB407d50C10'
// Returns allowance of given account. $result = $transaction->getAllowanceOfToken($payload);
## ERC20 Token info
$payload = [
'tokenAddress' => '0x10a8CB653ad9d7a22d334607FE301BB407d50C10'
// Returns name, symbol, decimal and total supply of given ERC20 contract. $result = $transaction->getTokenInfo($payload);