
A PHP minifier for HTML, CSS and JS files.

1.0.1 2018-05-22 11:16 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-19 00:00:39 UTC


PHPMin is an inline PHP minifier for web resources. It lets you minify HTML4, HTML5, XHTML, CSS and JavaScript files in a single line of code.

The best bit is its free and open source under the BSD license.

Installing PHPMin

Installing PHPMin should only take a minute. Here are your choices:

You can include all the necessary classes by simply including the php-minifier/phpmin.php file.

require_once ("php-minifier/phpmin.php");

Using PHPMin

How to compress HTML:

$minified_html = PHPMin\Minify::html($any_html);

This automatically compresses all inline scripts and stylesheets within the HTML document. Apply a 'data-no-min' attribute to a script or style in your HTML markup to exclude it from minification.

How to compress CSS:

$minified_css = PHPMin\Minify::css($any_css);

How to compress JS:

$minified_js = PHPMin\Minify::js($any_js);

Spelling out out:

require_once ("php-minifier/phpmin.php");

$html = file_get_contents("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minification_%28programming%29");
$minified_html = PHPMin\Minify::html($html);
// a 9.38% performance boost - in 3 lines of code!!

There are working examples in the /examples folder of the package.

PHPMin Performance

  • The compression ratio are typically 5-20% for HTML
  • The compression ratio are typically 5-30% for CSS
  • The compression ratio are typically 5-30% for JavaScript

Even highly optimized sites such as wikipedia.com, github.com and W3Schools.com could reduce the size of their HTML payload using PHPMin html compression.

Who Made PHPMin ?

The PHPMin project is currently maintained by David Boyle https://github.com/dbx123 The Css compressor is built upon the CssMin package by Joe Scylla. Some code also contributed by Rowan Beentje The JavaScript compressor is built upon Douglas Crockford's JSMin.

PHPMin Purpose

PHPMin is here to reduce filesizes and page load times, parse css

PHPMin Improvements

  • We are relatively new to Composer - and welcome input on package improvements.
  • Removing default values from html tags should reduce HTML file size
  • Allowing HTML fragments rather than whole documents would be ideal.

Unit Test Examples

./vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml

./vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml --coverage-html coverage-report

./vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml test/CssMin/CssMinTest.php --coverage-html coverage-report

./vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml --filter testCssConvertLevel3AtKeyframesMinifierFilterMinification --coverage-html coverage-report

./vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 src