This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Fluid utility class based on Laravel's Fluent class

v1.2.0 2021-03-19 00:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-25 18:20:44 UTC


Aaron Burden - Unsplash (UL) #Kp9z6zcUfGw

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A flexible class based on the famous Laravel's Fluent and Eloquent Model class.

Fluid will allow you to flexible manipulate a class as a bag of properties (or array keys), and allow simple serialization while hiding sensible data from your users.


Fire up composer and require it into your project.

composer require darkghosthunter/fluid

Otherwise, you can just download this as a ZIP file and require it manually in your code:


require_once 'path/to/fluid/Fluid.php';
require_once 'path/to/fluid/Concerns/HasArrayAccess.php';
require_once 'path/to/fluid/Concerns/HidesAttributes.php';
require_once 'path/to/fluid/Concerns/HasInstanceHelpers.php';

// Optionally, these two together too
require_once 'path/to/fluid/FluidFillable.php';
require_once 'path/to/fluid/Exceptions/InvalidAttributeException.php';


The Fluid class is a class that can be accessed as a normal object or array. It can be serialized to an array, string or JSON.

You can instance Fluid like the normal way, or just using make():


use DarkGhostHunter\Fluid\Fluid;

$emptyFluid = new Fluid;

$fluid = new Fluid(['foo' => 'bar']);

$otherFluid = Fluid::make(['foo' => 'bar']);

$otherEmptyFluid = Fluid::make();

You can also use fromJson() if you need to make an instance from a JSON string:


use DarkGhostHunter\Fluid\Fluid;

$fluid = Fluid::fromJson('"{"foo":"bar"}"');

echo $fluid->foo; // 'bar'

To be totally safe to use, these static helper methods will return your class that extended the Fluid instead of the base class. So using Oil::make() will return an instance of Oil.


use DarkGhostHunter\Fluid\Fluid;

class Water extends Fluid
    // ...

$water = Water::make();

get_class($water); // 'Water'

Override the static helpers

Fluid uses the magic of __callStatic to create a new instance. In previous versions you could not override the static methods with your own logic, but now you can:


use DarkGhostHunter\Fluid\Fluid;

class Water extends Fluid
     * My Custom "Make" static method
     * @return \DarkGhostHunter\Fluid\Fluid|string
    public static function make()
        return 'My Custom Logic';

echo Water::make(); // 'My Custom Logic'


Every attribute lies inside a protected array called $attributes, and each of these can be set as it was a property or an array.


use DarkGhostHunter\Fluid\Fluid;

$fluid = new Fluid(['foo' => 'bar']);

$fluid->foo = 'notBar';
$fluid['baz'] = 'qux';

echo $fluid->foo; // 'notBar';
echo $fluid['baz']; // 'qux'

echo $fluid['thisAttributeDoesNotExists']; // null
echo $fluid->thisAlsoDoesNotExists; // null

For convenience, if a property or array key doesn't exists it will return null.


Serializing means taking the class to another representation, like an array or string.

To serialize as an array, use the toArray() method.


use DarkGhostHunter\Fluid\Fluid;

$fluid = new Fluid(['foo' => 'bar']);

$array = $fluid->toArray();

echo $fluid['foo']; // 'bar'

Since there is no magic for using (array)$fluid, the latter will serialize every property, so to avoid that.

Serializing to a string will output JSON, as with the toJson() method.


use DarkGhostHunter\Fluid\Fluid;

$fluid = new Fluid(['foo' => 'bar']);

$json = (string)$fluid;
$moreJson = $fluid->toJson();

echo $json; // "{"foo":"bar"}"
echo $moreJson; // "{"foo":"bar"}"

Hiding attributes from serialization

Sometimes is handy to hide attributes from serialization, like application keys, API secrets, user credentials or certificate locations.

You can turn this on using shouldHide() method, or if you're extending Fluid, setting $shouldHide to false.


use DarkGhostHunter\Fluid\Fluid;

class Water extends Fluid
     * Attributes to hide on serialization
     * @var array
    protected $hidden;
     * Should hide attributes on serialization
     * @var bool
    protected $shouldHide = true;
    // ...

$fluid = new Fluid;


Set the attributes to hide inside the $hidden property. Alternatively, you can use the setHidden() method after is instanced.


use DarkGhostHunter\Fluid\Fluid;

$fluid = new Fluid(['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'qux']);



echo $fluid->baz; // 'qux'
echo $fluid['baz']; // 'qux'

print_r($fluid->toArray()); // Array( ['foo' => 'bar'] )
echo (string)$fluid; // "{"foo":"bar"}"


Sometimes you want to ensure the user doesn't fill anything more than some predetermined attributes. You can use the FluidFillable class to enforce this.

You can put the attributes allowed to be set in the $fillable array or use setFillable() afterwards.


use DarkGhostHunter\Fluid\FluidFillable;

$fluid = new FluidFillable(['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'qux']);

$fluid->setFillable(['foo', 'baz']);

$fluid->alpha = 'bravo';

 * [!] DarkGhostHunter\Fluid\Exceptions\InvalidAttributeException
 * Attribute [foo] in not set as fillable in FluidFillable.

The user will get a InvalidAttributeException when trying to set an attribute which is not fillable in the class.

You can use this to force developers to only allow certain attributes inside an instance, allowing you to displace any filtering logic once the instance is processed in your application.


This package is licenced by the MIT License.