darkalchemy / twig-translate
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained.
No replacement package was suggested.
A Twig Translation Extension
2022-04-01 13:44 UTC
- php: ^7.4 || ^8.0
- ext-gettext: *
- ext-intl: *
- delight-im/i18n: ^1.0
- twig/twig: ^3.0
- yiisoft/files: ^1.0
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ^3.5
- odan/phinx-migrations-generator: ^5.3
- overtrue/phplint: ^4.1.0
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.4
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ^3.6
- symfony/var-dumper: ^6.0.3
A Twig Translation Extension.
This twig extension has been forked from Odan/Twig-Translation because I wanted more flexibility with available methods for translating.
So, this extension uses delight-im/PHP-I18N to handle the translations.
- PHP 7.4 or PHP 8.0
Installation - These instructions assume using php-di for the dependency injection
composer require darkalchemy/twig-translate
Register the Twig Extension and, the locale codes that will be available
This makes the functions available for all strings that are in twig templates
In your container
\Delight\I18n\I18n::class => DI\factory(function () {
return new \Delight\I18n\I18n([
\Slim\Views\Twig::class => function (\Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container) {
$settings = $container->get(Configuration::class)->all();
$twig = \Slim\Views\Twig::create($settings['twig']['path'], [
'cache' => $settings['twig']['cache'] ?? false,
$twig->addExtension(new \darkalchemy\Twig\TwigTranslationExtension($container->get(\Delight\I18n\I18n::class)));
return $twig;
Add an $i18n into app.php, so that it can be called by global in helpers.php
$i18n = $container->get(\Delight\I18n\I18n::class);
Add the functions, in a file like helpers.php. This makes the functions available for all strings not in twig templates
function compile_twig_templates(\Psr\Container\ContainerInterface $container)
$settings = $container->get(\Selective\Config\Configuration::class)->all();
$twig_config = $settings['twig'];
$cache = $twig_config['cache'] ?? $settings['root'] . '/resources/views/cache/';
$twig = $container->get(Twig::class)->getEnvironment();
$compiler = new \darkalchemy\Twig\TwigCompiler($twig, $cache);
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "\nCompiling twig templates completed\n\n";
echo "to fix the permissions, you should run:\nsudo chown -R www-data:www-data {$cache}\nsudo chmod -R 0775 {$cache}\n";
return 0;
function __f(string $text, ...$replacements)
global $i18n;
return $i18n->translateFormatted($text, ...$replacements);
function __fe(string $text, ...$replacements)
global $i18n;
return $i18n->translateFormattedExtended($text, ...$replacements);
function __p(string $text, string $alternative, int $count)
global $i18n;
return $i18n->translatePlural($text, $alternative, $count);
function __pf(string $text, string $alternative, int $count, ...$replacements)
global $i18n;
return $i18n->translatePluralFormatted($text, $alternative, $count, ...$replacements);
function __pfe(string $text, string $alternative, int $count, ...$replacements)
global $i18n;
return $i18n->translatePluralFormattedExtended($text, $alternative, $count, ...$replacements);
function __c(string $text, string $context)
global $i18n;
return $i18n->translateWithContext($text, $context);
function __m(string $text)
global $i18n;
return $i18n->markForTranslation($text);
Copy i18n.sh from I18n to the bin directory
cp vendor/delight-im/i18n/i18n.sh bin/
chmod a+x bin/i18n.sh
In order to translate your twig templates, you first need to compile the templates. Create a file bin/translate.php and add this to it
use Delight\I18n\I18n;
use Selective\Config\Configuration;
$container = (require_once __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap/app.php')->getContainer();
$root_path = $container->get(Configuration::class)->findString('root');
$processes = [
$languages = [];
$locales = $container->get(I18n::class)->getSupportedLocales();
foreach ($locales as $locale) {
$languages[] = str_replace('-', '_', $locale);
$process = 'compile';
$lang = 'en_US';
foreach ($argv as $arg) {
if (in_array($arg, $processes)) {
$process = $arg;
} elseif (in_array($arg, $languages)) {
$lang = $arg;
switch ($process) {
case 'translate':
copy($root_path . '/bin/i18n.sh', $root_path . '/i18n.sh');
chmod($root_path . '/i18n.sh', 0755);
passthru("sed -i -E 's/\\-\\-(keyword|flag)=\"_(f|p|c|m)/\\-\\-\\1=\"__\\2/g' {$file}");
passthru("sed -i 's/\\-\\-keyword \\-\\-keyword/\\-\\-keyword \\-\\-keyword=\"translateFormatted:1\" \\-\\-keyword=\"translateFormattedExtended:1\" \\-\\-keyword=\"translatePlural:1,2,3t\" \\-\\-keyword=\"translatePluralFormatted:1,2\" \\-\\-keyword=\"translatePluralFormattedExtended:1,2\" \\-\\-keyword=\"translateWithContext:1,2c,2t\" \\-\\-keyword=\"markForTranslation:1,1t\" \\-\\-flag=\"translateFormatted:1:php\\-format\" \\-\\-flag=\"translateFormattedExtended:1:no\\-php\\-format\" \\-\\-flag=\"translatePluralFormatted:1:php\\-format\" \\-\\-flag=\"translatePluralFormattedExtended:1:no\\-php\\-format\" \\-\\-keyword/g' i18n.sh");
passthru(sprintf('./i18n.sh %s', $lang));
unlink($root_path . '/i18n.sh');
To translate into fr_FR locale, run
php bin/translate.php fr_FR
Then, edit the messages.po in poedit, validate and save.
For full documentation on how to use each of the functions, please refer to PHP-I18n where each function is well documented.