
A Blog Module for a Modular Application.

v0.4.3 2025-02-27 15:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 13:46:21 UTC


Modular Blog

Vue v3.x Inertia.js v2.x Laravel v12.x Tailwind CSS v4.x Tests passing

Modular's Blog Module

The Modular Blog Module is a comprehensive solution for adding a blog to applications built with the Modular Project.

The Blog Module's CMS (Content Management System) side, has the following features:

  • Posts Management
  • Categories Management
  • Tags Management
  • Authors Management

Modular Blog Index

You can easily create posts using a Fully Featured WYSIWYG Editor, and manage them using a simple and intuitive interface to create, edit, and delete posts, categories, tags, and authors, also allowing you to manage the posts' status and visibility through publication dates.

The Blog Module Public Views offers the following features:

  • Archive Selector: Automatically groups posts by month and year, allowing users to filter posts by specific periods.
  • Tag Selector: Enables filtering of posts by specific tags. By default, only tags with associated posts are displayed.
  • Search Posts: Incorporates a simple search feature within the module.

Modular Blog Index

Designed as a lightweight yet robust foundation, the Modular Blog Module provides flexibility for customization and feature expansion (such as post comments and ratings). This makes it a versatile tool for developers aiming to integrate comprehensive blog functionalities into their applications, catering to a wide array of requirements.

Preparing to install the Modular Blog Module

Before installing the Modular Blog Module, please ensure the following steps are completed:

  1. Modular Project Installation: Confirm that the Modular Project is installed and configured in your Laravel application. If this step is incomplete, please consult the Modular Project's Installation Guide for assistance.

  2. Site Files Publication: With the Modular Project set up, proceed to Publish Site Files as outlined in the documentation. This step is crucial for successfully integrating the Modular Blog Module.

Now that you have all set, proceed to install the Modular Blog Module.


To install the Modular Blog Module, you need to require it using Composer:

composer require daniel-cintra/modular-blog

Then, initiate the module installation:

php artisan modular:blog-install

This action publishes essential files and runs migrations, with an option to seed the database with default data.

Check npm dependencies

The Blog Module has a dependency on the Pinia Store npm package. If you don't have it installed in your project, follow these steps:

1 - On your project root run:

npm install -D pinia

2 - Open the file resources/js/app.js and add the Pinia import { createPinia } from 'pinia' and the .use(createPinia()) blocks.

import { createPinia } from 'pinia'

    setup({ el, App, props, plugin }) {
        return createApp({ render: () => h(App, props) })

Final Configuration Steps

1 - BlogServiceProvider

Add the BlogServiceProvider to the Providers Array in /bootstrap/providers.php

return [

2 - Backend Menu Items

Add the menu items to the resources/js/Configs/menu.js items array:

export default {
    // Main Navigation - Side Menu
    items: [
            label: 'Blog',
            permission: 'Blog',
            children: [
                    label: 'Posts',
                    permission: 'Blog: Post - List',
                    icon: 'ri-draft-line',
                    link: route('blogPost.index')
                    label: 'Categories',
                    permission: 'Blog: Category - List',
                    icon: 'ri-folders-line',
                    link: route('blogCategory.index')
                    label: 'Tags',
                    permission: 'Blog: Tag - List',
                    icon: 'ri-price-tag-3-line',
                    link: route('blogTag.index')
                    label: 'Authors',
                    permission: 'Blog: Author - List',
                    icon: 'ri-team-line',
                    link: route('blogAuthor.index')

3 - Frontend

In vite.config.js manually add the resources-site/js/blog-app.js entry to the laravel plugin input array:

plugins: [
        input: [
        refresh: [

The Blog Module also includes a Custom CSS File for styling the content of the blog posts. This file is located in resources-site/css/blog.css. To import this file in your project, add the following line to your main resources-site/css/site.css file (after the Tailwind CSS imports):

@import './blog.css';

With the installation steps completed as outlined, the Blog Module should now be fully operational within your application. This marks the completion of the setup process, enabling you to start using the module's features for managing and publishing blog content.

Compiling the assets

To view the changes on your project run:

npm run build

Blog CMS

To access the Blog Module's CMS (Content Management System), login in to the Modular CMS using the configured path in your config/modular.php file in the login-url key (for example /admin). The Blog Management links will be listed in the sidebar menu.

Blog Site View

By default, you can access the blog posts controller in the /blog route registered by the module.

Blog Seeders (Optional Step)

The Blog Module includes two built-in seeders:

  1. BlogSeeder: This seeder populates your database with posts, authors, categories, and tags. It also fetches images online to enrich posts, authors, and categories. Since it retrieves images from the internet, the seeding process may take a few seconds. A progress bar indicator is included within the Seeder, allowing you to monitor the progress of the operation.

  2. BlogAclSeeder: This seeder creates the Access Control List (ACL) Permissions related to the Blog Module. These permissions can then be associated with the desired ACL Role through the application's interface, facilitating the management of user permissions within the blog module.

You have the option to manually run the seeders or include them in the database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php file for automatic execution. This flexibility allows you to tailor the seeding process to your application's needs, ensuring that the Blog Module is populated with initial data or configured with the necessary ACL permissions as part of your project's overall database seeding strategy.

Adding the Seeders to the DatabaseSeeder File

To integrate the seeders with your application's seeding process, add them to the DatabaseSeeder.php file located in database/seeders. Here's how to do it:

  1. Import the BlogSeeder and BlogAclSeeder at the top of your DatabaseSeeder.php file.
  2. Inside the run method of your DatabaseSeeder, invoke the seeders by calling their respective run methods.

This setup ensures that when you run the database seeding command, both the BlogSeeder and BlogAclSeeder are executed, populating your database with initial blog data and setting up ACL permissions accordingly.


namespace Database\Seeders;

use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
use Modules\Blog\Database\Seeders\BlogAclSeeder;
use Modules\Blog\Database\Seeders\BlogSeeder;

public function run(): void

Manually executing the Seeders

To manually run the seeders, execute the following commands in your terminal:

For the BlogSeeder:

php artisan db:seed --class="Modules\\Blog\\Database\\Seeders\\BlogSeeder"

And for the BlogAclSeeder:

php artisan db:seed --class="Modules\\Blog\\Database\\Seeders\\BlogAclSeeder"

These commands allow you to selectively seed your database with the blog module's content and ACL permissions, offering a more controlled setup process.

Post Slugs

The Post Module uses slugs to identify posts (in the URL). When creating a new post, the slug is automatically generated based on the post's title. Updating the post's title will not update the slug by default (preventing broken links, and SEO problems). If you want to change the default behaviour automatically updating the slug when the post's title is updated, follow these steps:

  1. Publish the cviebrock/eloquent-sluggable configuration file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Cviebrock\EloquentSluggable\ServiceProvider"
  1. Open the config/sluggable.php file and change the onUpdate option to true:
return [
    'onUpdate' => true,


The Modular Project is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.