
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

PHP Social Media API Wrappers.

dev-master 2015-02-20 01:39 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:44:46 UTC



Build Status


  • PHP => 5.4+

Domain => http://mobilexserver.com Port => 8989

BaseUrl => http://mobilexserver.com:8989/utils/social

Home Page: http://mobilexserver.com:8989/utils/social





To post on twitter Timeline

Request Type: 		GET 
Request URL:		http://mobilexserver.com:8989/utils/social/twitter.php

Query String:		msg: 	 	[string] 	[Message to Post on Twitter]
					account: 	[string]	[Account to Tweet to] 		[Optional (evc: default)]

Example Request:	http://mobilexserver.com:8989/utils/social/twitter.php?msg=Dammy+is+the+shit&account=evc

To post on Facebook Page

Request Type: 		GET 
Request URL:		http://mobilexserver.com:8989/utils/social/facebook.php

Query String:		msg: 	 	[string] 	[Message to Post on Facebook Page]
					page: 		[string]	[Page to Post to] 		[Optional (evc: default)]

Example Request:	http://mobilexserver.com:8989/utils/social/facebook.php?msg=Dammy+is+the+shit&page=evc



##### Successful

A successful Request would give back a json Response with a success status, a message and info.

> $response['status'] will equal 'success'

##### Failure

A failed Request would give back a json Response with an error status, a message and info about the error code returned.

> $response['status'] will equal 'error'



1. Dammyammy\Social\Exceptions\MessageNotSpecified
2. Dammyammy\Social\Exceptions\CouldNotConnect
3. Dammyammy\Social\Exceptions\CharactersExceeded (Deprecated: on twitter, now allows for multiple posts)


	require "vendor/autoload.php"; // If using composer
	require "dammyammy/social/autoload.php";

	$msg = isset($_REQUEST['msg']) ? $_REQUEST['msg'] : null;
	$account = isset($_REQUEST['account']) ? $_REQUEST['account'] : 'evc';

		// echo (new Dammyammy\Social\Twitter)->post($msg, $account);
		// echo json_encode( (new Dammyammy\Social\Twitter)->readTweets('DOsHandle', $account, 8), true);
		// echo json_encode( (new Dammyammy\Social\Twitter)->getMentions($account, 8), true);
		// echo json_encode( (new Dammyammy\Social\Twitter)->rateLimitStatus($account), true);
		echo json_encode( (new Dammyammy\Social\Twitter)->getTimeline($account), true);

	catch(Dammyammy\Social\Exceptions\MessageNotSpecified $e)
		echo json_encode([
			'status' => 'error', 
			'message' => 'Message Not Provided!', 
			'info' => 'Trying to Tweet without a message.'
	catch(Dammyammy\Social\Exceptions\CouldNotConnect $e)
		echo json_encode([
			'status' => 'error', 
			'message' => 'Request Timed Out!', 
			'info' => 'Could not make connection to twitter'
	// catch(Dammyammy\Social\Exceptions\CharactersExceeded $e)
	// {
	// 	echo json_encode([
	// 		'status' => 'error', 
	// 		'message' => 'Tweet Posted is over 140 characters.', 
	// 		'info' => 'Twitter Error Code: 186'
	// 	]);;
	// }


create .env file at project root with content like this

# Register New Twitter Account Names [comma seperate without spaces] 


# Twitter Account Name credentials [The account name in CAPS, '_TWITTER_', then each credentials ] 

# JOHN_TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY="your consumer key"
# JOHN_TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET="your consumer secret"
# JOHN_TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN="your access token" 
# JOHN_TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET="your access token secret"

# DAMI_TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY="your consumer key"
# DAMI_TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET="your consumer secret"
# DAMI_TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN="your access token"
# DAMI_TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET="your access token secret"

# Register New Facebook Account Names [comma seperate without spaces] 


DAMI_FACEBOOK_APP_ID="your app id"
DAMI_FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET="your app secret"
DAMI_FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN="your access token"
DAMI_FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID="your page id"