
Plugin for add a payzen gateway payment


Plugin for card payment gateway on sylius



Payzen Plugin

Sylius Plugin for integrate Payzen card form payment.

Quickstart Installation

  • Install with composer:

    composer require dalvintech/sylius-payzen-plugin "dev-main"

  • Create template:

    You should copy all directory or files in src/Resources/view and paste into your templates directory of your app.


This plugin add a new payment method for CardPayment via Payzen Gateway. The form is embed in your store , no redirection.

Test : Opening Sylius with your plugin

  • Using test environment:

    (cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=test bin/console sylius:fixtures:load)
    (cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=test bin/console server:run -d public)
  • Using dev environment:

    (cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=dev bin/console sylius:fixtures:load)
    (cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=dev bin/console server:run -d public)