
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the cyber-duck/mailgrasp package instead.

A package for Laravel applications (5.1) to add support for email testing in your test classes.

1.1.1 2017-02-02 21:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-10-26 09:54:23 UTC


This functionality is redily available in later releases of Laravel.


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MailGrasp is a package for Laravel applications (5.1+) to add support for email testing in your test classes.

Author: Simone Todaro

Made with ❤️ by Cyber-Duck Ltd


composer require cyber-duck/mailgrasp --dev


Add the InteractsWithEmails to your test class. That's it!

use \Cyberduck\MailGrasp\Testing\InteractsWithEmails;

The custom mailer will be initialised as soon as the visit() method is called.


It checks if exactly $count emails have been sent or enqueued.



It checks if exactly $count emails have been enqueued.


dontSeeEmails / notSeeEmails

It checks that no email has been sent or enqueued.


// OR


dontSeeEmailsInQueue / notSeeEmailsInQueue

It checks that no email has been enqueued.


// OR



It checks that an email matching given critaria has been sent or enqueued.

    ->seeEmail(function($m) {

// OR



Complete opposite of seeEmail.

    ->dontSeeEmail(function($m) {

// OR



It checks that an email matching given critaria has been enqueued.

    ->seeEmailInQueue(function($m) {

// OR



It checks that an email matching the given critaria contains the given string.

    ->seeInEmail(function($m) {
    }, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet');

// OR

    }, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet);


Visit the page in the email link. Useful to test activation links.

    ->clickInEmail(function($m) {

// OR


If there is more than one link in the email, it's possible to select the link passing a css selector as second parameter.

    ->clickInEmail(function($m) {
    }, 'a.activation-link');

// OR

    }, 'a.activation-link');