
S3 support module

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1.0.19 2024-01-10 09:50 UTC


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S3 support module (file-manager and stuff).

Installation with Composer


php composer.phar require cusodede/yii2-s3-module "^1.0.0"

or add

"cusodede/yii2-s3-module": "^1.0.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

Module migration

Module needs to store file data in database tables, which will be created by

php yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/cusodede/yii2-s3-module/migrations

command. You can customize table names by define tableName and tagsTableName parameters in module configuration.

Configuration parameters

See example config below:

return [
    // ...
    'modules' => [
        's3' => [
            'class' => cusodede\s3\S3Module::class,
            'defaultRoute' => 'index',
            'params' => [
                'connection' => [
                    'host' => 'minio_host',
                    'login' => 'minio_user',
                    'password' => 'minio_password',
                    'connect_timeout' => 10, /* http connection timeout */
                    'timeout' => 10, /* http timeout */
                    'cert_path' => null, /* path to ssl certificate, set null to disable */
                    'cert_password' => null /* certificate password, set null, if certificate has no password */
                'tableName' => 'sys_cloud_storage', /* the table with storage data info, see Module migration section */
                'tagsTableName' => 'sys_cloud_storage_tags', /* the table with local tags, see Module migration section */
                'viewPath' => '@vendor/cusodede/yii2-s3-module/src/views/index', /* path to view templates, if you want to customize them */
                'maxUploadFileSize' => null, /* a file size limit for uploaded file, set null to disable */
                'defaultBucket' => 'bucket', /* a name of bucket, used by default, if null, an alphabetically first bucket will be used */
                'mimeTypes' => [
                    'apk' => 'application/',
                ],/* mime types list (ext => mime), used for downloaded files mime substitution. Note: that list overrides a magic.mime file information. */
                'defaultMimeType' => 'application/octet-stream', /* mime type, that be used for any file, which extension aren't included in mimeTypes parameter or in magic.mime */
                'deleteTempFiles' => true /* delete php temp files after upload */
                'instance' => null, /* String: an additional instance name (useful for connection definition, if several connections are used. Null: disabled */
                'dateFormat' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s' /* timestamp date format for created_at field. Also can be set via closure like 'dateFormat' => function() => DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s.uO', '2009-02-15') */
    // ...

How to handle multiple connections to different S3 servers?

It is possible to configure multiple named connections in params.connection section:

return [
    // ...
    'modules' => [
        's3' => [
            'class' => cusodede\s3\S3Module::class,
            'defaultRoute' => 'index',
            'params' => [
                'connection' => [
                    'FirstS3Connection' => [
                        'host' => 'minio_host_one',
                        'login' => 'minio_user',
                        'password' => 'minio_password',
                        'connect_timeout' => 10,
                        'timeout' => 10,
                        'cert_path' => null,
                        'cert_password' => null,
                        'defaultBucket' => 'first_host_bucket' /* note that you can set default bucket for each connection separately */
                    'SecondS3Connection' => [
                        'host' => 'minio_host_two',
                        'login' => 'minio_user',
                        'password' => 'minio_password',
                        'connect_timeout' => 10,
                        'timeout' => 10,
                        'cert_path' => null,
                        'cert_password' => null,
                        'defaultBucket' => 'second_host_bucket'
                'tableName' => 'sys_cloud_storage',
                'tagsTableName' => 'sys_cloud_storage_tags',
                'viewPath' => './src/views/index',
                'defaultBucket' => 'testbucket',
                'maxUploadFileSize' => null,
                'deleteTempFiles' => true,
    // ...

and use them like this:

S3Helper::FileToStorage($filePath, connection: 'FirstS3Connection');


$s3 = new S3(['connection' => 'SecondS3Connection']);

connection parameter can be skipped, even for multiple connections configurations. In that case first connection in list will be used.

How to handle stream uploads via multipart/form-data?

At first, configure MultipartFormDataParser as request parser for multipart/form-data:

return [
    'components' => [
        'request' => [
            'parsers' => [
                'multipart/form-data' => yii\web\MultipartFormDataParser::class
        // ...
    // ...

that's all. Now it is possible to do stream uploads via PUT method. You can use an any proper JS-based widget (like limion/yii2-jquery-fileupload-widget) to do this. See also views/index/put.php for example.

Local tagging

It is possible to mark uploads with tags, what may be used for quick searches. Tags will be stored in the local table and also will be assigned to S3 object. But it works only to one side: tags from S3 objects will not be synchronized to local table. It is possible to sync local and remote tags, see CloudStorage::syncTagsFromS3() and CloudStorage::syncTagsToS3() methods.

Running local tests

Copy tests/.env.example to tests/.env, and set configuration corresponding to your local environment. Then run php vendor/bin/codecept run command.

Running test in docker

Copy tests/.env.example to tests/.env, then run make build && make test command.