
This package integrates Mercado Pago's Checkout Pro easily

v1.0.5 2021-05-23 18:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-24 02:20:35 UTC


Laravel 5.x Laravel 6.x Laravel 7.x Laravel 8.x Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

This package integrates Mercado Pago's Checkout Pro very easily


Composer v.2 is recommended



Install the package through Composer.

composer require crizprz/laravelmercadopago

Or add the following to your composer.json file :

"require": {
    "crizprz/laravelmercadopago": "^1.0",


  1. Open config/app.php and add this line to your Service Providers Array.
  1. Open config/app.php and add this line to your aliases Array.
'MercadoPago' => crizprz\laravelmercadopago\Facades\MercadoPago::class,
  1. publish the assets.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="crizprz\laravelmercadopago\Providers\LaravelMercadoPagoProvider"


Create User Test

  1. To create users we must log in to Mercado Pago developers with a real account
  2. Go to the top right section, click and select your integrations
  3. once in your integrations click on test credentials, copy the Access Token and put it in the .env file in the variable called ACCESS_TOKEN_MP =
  4. paste this code somewhere in your code either in a route or a running controller, this code will print two test users, the seller and the buyer
use crizprz\laravelmercadopago\Facades\MercadoPago;


This will return an array with the two types of users, we must save these users very well since the paid market only allows creating 10 test users per account.

Note: Run only once.

example of what the previous code returns

 array:2 [▼
  0 => array:5 [▼
    "id" => 752892812
    "nickname" => "TESTE2VYDAPX"
    "email" => ""
    "password" => "qatest3393"
    "type User" => "seller"
  1 => array:5 [▼
    "id" => 752890064
    "nickname" => "TETE9884170"
    "email" => ""
    "password" => "qatest6713"
    "type User" => "payer"

create payment preference with test user

  1. login with the test user in Mercado Pago developers
  2. Go to the top right section, click and select your integrations
  3. create new integration fill in the form and click on create application, click on production keys, copy the Access Token and put it in the .env file in the variable called ACCESS_TOKEN_MP =

Create Preference

1.paste the following code somewhere in your project where you want to implement the payment button

 use crizprz\laravelmercadopago\Facades\MercadoPago;

 $preference = MercadoPago::CreatePreference([
            'auto_return' => 'approved',
            'binary_mode' => true,
            'back_urls' => [
                "success" => route('mpsuccess'),
                "failure" => route('mpfailure'),
                "pending" => route('mppending')
            'notification_url' => route('webhook'),
            'items' => [
                'id' => '001',
                'title' => 'prod 1',
                'picture_url' => '',
                'description' => 'this is descriptions',
                'category_id' => 'food',
                'quantity' => 1,
                'price' => 1000,
            'payment_methods' => [
                'excluded_payment_methods' => array(
                    array('id' => 'master'),
                    // array('id' => 'visa'),
                  'excluded_payment_types' => array(
                    array('id' => 'ticket')
                  'installments' => 12
                'payer' => [
                    'name' => 'Cristian',
                    'last_name' => 'Lira Perez',
                    'email' => '',
                    'phone' => [
                        'area_code' => +52,
                        'number' => '7224738425'
                    'address' => [
                        'zip_code' => 23492,
                        'street_name' => 'Calle cerrada de juerez',
                        'street_number' => '104'
                'shipments' => [
                        'cost' => 100,
                'statement_descriptor' => 'Mi tienda online',

  1. visit the api reference, Create a preference to know what each of the properties of the array means
  2. change the array values to those of your project

create payment button

  1. return the variable $preference to some blade view, this variable has saved all the payment prefence For Example
return view('checkout',['preference' => $preference]);
  1. in the view render the default button of the package
 {{ MercadoPago::ButtonPay($preference->init_point) }}

or create a custom payment button and pass it the init_point, which is stored in the $ preference variable For Example

<a class="btn btn-info mt-5" href="{{ $preference->init_point }}">Pay Now</a>

Test your integration

  1. read the Test your integration documentation to get the test cards it provides

Payment status responses

payment success

The code that is executed when returning to your website from a successful payment is in the App\Http\Controllers\MercadoPagoController controller in the success method

  public function success(Request $request)
    // dd($request->all());
    if ($request->status === 'approved') {
        $response = Http::get("{$request->payment_id}", [
            'access_token' => env('ACCESS_TOKEN_MP'),


the payment returns a get request to your server so we will use the Request $request where all the payment data comes, what we are interested in is the payiment_id

sample answer

 array:11 [▼
  "collection_id" => "14694550173"
  "collection_status" => "approved"
  "payment_id" => "14694550173"
  "status" => "approved"
  "external_reference" => "null"
  "payment_type" => "credit_card"
  "merchant_order_id" => "2621979593"
  "preference_id" => "752892812-d318bf82-4eea-4748-af60-cd4ade381491"
  "site_id" => "MLM"
  "processing_mode" => "aggregator"
  "merchant_account_id" => "null"

We are going to do a get request with guzzle / huzzlehttp to find the payment that was made and thus obtain the details, such as amount, type of currency, buyer data etc ...

 if ($request->status === 'approved') {
        $response = Http::get("{$request->payment_id}", [
            'access_token' => env('ACCESS_TOKEN_MP'),


In the $ response variable we have all the data of the payment made successfully, with this information we can send emails, push notifications, show session messages in laravel, etc.