
Unofficial Marketo API PHP library.

0.1.4 2024-04-25 14:20 UTC


Unofficial Marketo API PHP library.



composer require cra/marketo-api

Manual download

Run composer install in the library directory and then require PATH_TO_LIBRARY/vendor/autoload.php in your project.


First, you need to initialise and authenticate client.

use Cra\MarketoApi\Client;

$client = (new Client($config))->authenticate();

$config must have the following fields restBaseUrl, identityBaseUrl, clientId, and clientSecret. See Examples section below for more information on the fields.

Then $client will be passed to API endpoint classes. E.g.:

use Cra\MarketoApi\Endpoint\Asset\Folder;

$folderEndpoint = new Folder($client);
$folder = $folderEndpoint->queryByName('My awesome folder');
$folders = $folderEndpoint->browse($folder->folderId());


To run examples from /examples directory put the following config.json file in the repository root:

  "restBaseUrl": "REST BASE URL copied from Marketo dashboard including /rest",
  "identityBaseUrl": "REST BASE URL copied from Marketo dashboard including /identity",
  "clientId": "CLIENT ID from Marketo dashboard",
  "clientSecret": "CLIENT SECRET from Marketo dashboard"