
High performance PHP router

1.9.1 2013-08-10 14:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 03:31:04 UTC


PHP Roller is a simple/fast router for PHP.

Roller compiles your routes into a simple array to store routes, therefore it's fast.

Beyond that, Roller provides an extension to improve more performance for you.

Build Status


  • Highly customizable
  • Flexible
  • Simple DSL (Sinatra-like syntax)
  • APC cache support.
  • File cache support.
  • Built-in RESTful route generator, resource handler.
  • Customizable RESTful route generator, resource handler.
  • Simple, Useful route path syntax. (rails-style)
  • High performance (through PHP extension, can dispatch 1607% faster than pure php version)
  • High unit test coverage, coverage > 88%.
  • Ready for Frameworks.
  • Annotation reader support.




Install from Composer:

    "require": {
        "corneltek/roller": "~1.8"

Install through PEAR:

pear channel-discover
pear install corneltek/Roller

Or clone this repository:

pear install -f package.xml

Use thie library as a git submodule: clone this repository, pick up a PSR-0 classloader, and add src/ to class path.

To use console dumper, you need ezc/ConsoleTools, please use PEAR installer to install:

pear channel-discover
pear install -a ezc/ConsoleTools


Roller router provides a simple DSL for you to declare sinatra-like routes:

require 'bootstrap.php';
require 'Roller/DSL.php';

on('/path/to/:date',function() {

    return 'your content';

on('/path/to/:year', [ ':year' => '\d+' ] ,function() {

    return 'your content';

dispatch( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] );

More usage:

Initialize a router:

$router = new Roller\Router;

Add a new route with simple callback

$router->add( '/blog/:id/:title'  , function($id,$title) { 
    return 'Blog';

Add a new route with class callback

$router->add( '/blog/:year/:month/:id/:title'  , array('Controller','method') );

Add a new route with class/action callback string:

$router->add( '/path/to/blog'  , 'Controller:methodName' );

To add a new route with requirement:

$router->add( '/path/to/:year' , array('Callback','method') , array( 
    ':year' => '\d+',

To add a new route with requirement and closure:

$router->add( '/path/to/:year' , function($year) { 
    return $year;
    ':year' => '\d+',

Or by any:

$router->any( '/path/to/:year' , function($year) { 
    return $year;
}, array( 
    ':year' => '\d+',

An alias for GET method:

$router->get( '/path/to/:year' , function($year) { ... } );

An alias for POST method:

$router->post( '/path/to/:year' , function($year) { ... } );


Roller currently supports: method, default, requirement, post, get attributes.

To add a new route with requirement and default value:

$router->add( '/path/to/:year' , array('Callback','method') , array( 
    ':year' => '\d+',
    'default' => array(
        'year' => 2000,

To add a new route with request method (like POST method):

$router->add( '/path/to/:year' , array('Callback','method') , array( 
    ':year' => '\d+',

    'method' => 'post',
    'default' => array(
        'year' => 2000,


RouteSet is a route collection class, you can mount a route set to another route set.

To use RouteSet is very easy:

$subroutes = new Roller\RouteSet;
$subroutes->add( '/subitem' , $cb );

$routes = new Roller\RouteSet;
$routes->mount( '/item' , $subroutes );

Mount paths

To mount route set:

$routes = new Roller\RouteSet;
$routes->add( '/path/to/:year' , array( 'Callback', 'method' ) );

$routes = new Roller\RouteSet;
$routes->mount( '/root' , $routes );

$router = new Roller\Router( $routes );


To dispatch path:

$r = $router->dispatch( $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] );

To evalulate response content:

if( $r !== false )
    echo $r();
    die('page not found.');

Customize Route Class

class YourRoute extends Roller\MatchedRoute
    // customze here.

$r = new Roller\Router(array( 
    'route_class' => 'YourRoute'
$route = $r->dispatch( '/path/to/...' );    // get YourRoute object.

Use Annotation Reader for controllers

class AnnotationTestController {

     * @Route("/hello/:name", name="_hello", requirements={":name" = ".+"}, vars={ "k" = 123, "b" = 234 })
    function helloAction($name) { 
        return $name;

     * @Route("/")
    function indexAction() {
        return 'index';

$router = new Roller\Router;
$router->importAnnotationMethods( 'AnnotationTestController' , '/Action$/' );
$route = $router->dispatch('/');
$route(); // returns 'index'

$route = $router->dispatch('/hello/John');
$route();  // returns "John"


To enable apc cache:

$router = new Roller\Router( null , array( 
    'cache_id' => '_router_testing_'

To enable file cache:

$router = new Roller\Router( null , array( 
    'cache_id' => '_router_testing_',
    'cache_dir' => 'tests/cache',

RESTful interface

Roller Router has a built-in RESTful route generator, it's pretty easy to define a bunch of RESTful routes, Roller Router also provides a simple RESTful route generator, which is pretty easy to customize your own RESTful routes.

First, initalize a RESTful plugin object:

$router = new Roller\Router;
$restful = new Roller\Plugin\RESTful(array( 
        'prefix' => '/restful' 

Add RESTful plugin to your router manager:


To support RESTful, you have two solutions:

  • ResourceHandler: If you need to define differnt logic for each resource, you can use ResourceHandler, you can separate different resource logic into different handler class.
  • GenericHandler: If your resources use the same logic and the same permission controll, you can use GenericHandler for every resources.

To use ResourceHandler, register your resource id to router with your resource handler class name, each resource id is mapping to an resource handler:

$restful->registerResource( 'blog' , 'BlogResourceHandler' );

Define your resource handler, here is a simple blog example that defines how RESTful CRUD works:

use Roller\Plugin\RESTful\ResourceHandler;

class BlogResourceHandler extends ResourceHandler
    public function create()    { 
        return array( 'id' => 1 );

    public function update($id) 
        $put = $this->parseInput();
        return array( 'id' => 1 );

    // delete a record.
    public function delete($id) 
        return array( 'id' => 1 );

    // load one record
    public function load($id)   { return array( 'id' => $id , 'title' => 'title' ); }

    // find records
    public function find()      { 
        return array( 
            array( 'id' => 0 ),
            array( 'id' => 1 ),
            array( 'id' => 2 ),

For the status code, see the list below:

  • codeOk (200)
  • codeCreated (201)
  • codeAccepted (202)
  • codeNoContent (204)
  • codeBadRequest (400)
  • codeForbidden (403)
  • codeNotFound (404)

Before you dispatch URLs, router object calls the expand method of ResourceHandler class, which generates RESTful routes into the routeset of router object. And below is the generated URLs:

GET /restful/blog        - get blog list
GET /restful/blog/:id    - get one blog record
POST /restful/blog       - create one blog record
PUT /restful/blog/:id    - update one blog record
DELETE /restful/blog/:id - delete one blog record

You can override the expand method to define your own style RESTful URLs.

Now you should be able to dispatch RESTful urls:

$r = $router->dispatch('/restful/blog/1');

// returns {"success":true,"data":{"id":"1","title":"title"},"message":"Record 1 loaded."}

$r = $router->dispatch('/restful/blog');

// {"success":true,"data":[{"id":0},{"id":1},{"id":2}],"message":"Record find success."}

Customize Resource Handler

Here is how RESTful route generator works:

    static function expand($routes, $h, $r)
        $routes->add( "/$r(\.:format)" , array($h,'handleFind'), 
                'get' => true , 
                'default' => array( 'format' => 'json' ) 

        $routes->add( '/' . $r . '(\.:format)' , array($h,'handleCreate'), 
                'post' => true, 
                'default' => array( 'format' => 'json' ) 

        $routes->add( '/' . $r . '/:id(\.:format)' , array($h,'handleLoad'),
                'get' => true, 
                'default' => array( 'format' => 'json' )

        $routes->add( '/' . $r . '/:id(\.:format)' , array($h,'handleUpdate'),
                'put' => true, 
                'default' => array( 'format' => 'json' ) 

        $routes->add( '/' . $r . '/:id(\.:format)' , array($h,'handleDelete'),
                'delete' => true, 
                'default' => array( 'format' => 'json' ) 

To define your own RESTful Resource Handler (Generator), you can simply inherit class from Roller\Plugin\RESTful\ResourceHandler:

use Roller\Plugin\RESTful\ResourceHandler;

class YourResourceHandler extends ResourceHandler {

    // define your own expand method
    static function expand( $routes , $handlerClass, $resourceId ) {



.htaccess File for Apache

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-s
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ your_router.php/$1 [NC,L]

Install Extension

$ cd extension
$ phpize 
$ ./configure 
$ make && make install

Add config to your php.ini:


Run Composer Install:

composer install --dev

Install ConsoleTools:

pear channel-discover
pear install -a ezc/ConsoleTools

Get Onion and install it:

$ curl -s | bash

Run onion to install depedencies:

$ onion install

Now you should be able to run phpunit =)

$ phpunit tests


  • Expandable Controller (route table inside)
  • Auto Expandable Controller (expand routes automatically, based on method name)