
eZ Publish bundle to hold utilities.

Installs: 6 990

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Forks: 1


v4.1.1 2024-08-16 08:28 UTC


This is an eZ Publish 5 Symfony bundle to hold utilities.


Run composer require:

$ composer require contextualcode/utility-bundle

Enable the bundle in app/AppKernel.php (ezpublish/EzPublishKernel.php) by adding this line in the registerBundles method:

    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new ContextualCode\UtilityBundle\ContextualCodeUtilityBundle(),

Add the UtilityService as a Twig global variable (in app/config/config.yml or ezpublish/config/config.yml):

        cc_utilities: "@contextualcode.utility.utilityservice"


There are many different utility functions provided by this bundle.


Quick example of calling fetch from a Twig template to get all Banner objects in the current node:

{% set banners = cc_utilities.fetch({ 
      'parentLocation': location,
      'classFilter': 'banner',
      'depth': 1,
      'loadContent': true,
      'sortClause': 'priority',
      'sortOrder': 'desc'

This will return an array with each value having keys location and content.

Another example, to grab the closest alert item from the current node upwards with persistent attribute checked, sorted by priority and then name:

{% set paths = location.pathString|split('/')|reverse %}
{% set found_alert = false %}
{% for locationID in paths if not found_alert and locationID %}
    {% set alert = cc_utilities.fetch({
          'parentLocationID': locationID,
          'classFilter': 'alert',
          'sortClauses': [ 'priority', 'name' ],
          'sortOrders': [ 'desc', 'desc' ],
          'loadContent': true,
          'depth': 1,
          'limit': 1,
          'attributeFilter': [
              [ 'persistent', 'eq', true ]
    {% set found_alert = alert|length > 0 %}
{% endfor %}

fetch Parameters


  • parentLocationID or parentLocation
    • The parent location node ID to start the search from, or the actual location.


  • loadContent
    • Whether or not to load and return content as a content key of each item.
    • Type: bool
    • Default: false
  • ignoreVisibility
    • Whether or not to ignore visibility when searching.
    • Type: bool
    • Default: false
  • limit
    • The limit of the number of results.
    • Type: string or int or null
    • Default: null
  • offset
    • The offset of the results.
    • Type: int
    • Default: 0
  • depth
    • Limit results to this depth from the parentLocation.
    • Pair with depthOperator.
    • Type: string or array or int or null
    • Default: null
  • depthOperator
    • Operator to use for the depth limit.
    • Type: string, one of: 'contains', 'between', 'eq', 'gt', 'gte', 'in', 'lt', 'lte'
    • Default: 'eq'
  • priority
    • Limit results to this priority.
    • Pair with priorityOperator.
    • Type: string or array or int or null
    • Default: null
  • priorityOperator
    • Operator to use for the priority limit.
    • Type: string, one of: 'between', 'gt', 'gte', 'lt', 'lte'
    • Default: 'lte'
  • sectionFilter
    • Limit results to one section ID or an array of section IDs.
    • Pair with sectionFilterOperator.
    • Type: string or array or int or null
    • Default: null
  • sectionFilterOperator
    • Operator to use for the sectionFilter.
    • Type: string, one of: 'or', 'not'
    • Default: 'or'
  • classFilter
    • Limit results to one class ID or an array of class IDs.
    • Pair with classFilterOperator.
    • Type: string or array or int or null
    • Default: null
  • classFilterOperator
    • Operator to use for the classFilter.
    • Type: string, one of: 'or', 'not'
    • Default: 'or'
  • attributeFilter
    • Filter by an attribute. Should be an array with array values like: [ $field_identifier, $operator, $field_value ], where $operator is one of: 'between', 'eq', 'gt', 'gte', 'in', 'like', 'lt', 'lte'
    • Type: array of arrays or null
    • Default: null
  • attributeFilterOperator
    • Operator to use for the attributeFilter.
    • Type: string, one of: 'and', 'or', 'not'
    • Default: 'and'
  • sortClause
    • Single sort clause to use. (If you want to specifiy multiple sort clauses, use sortClauses).
    • Pair with sortOrder.
    • Type: null (which uses the parent location's sort clause), or string, one of: 'path', 'published', 'modified', 'section', 'depth', 'priority', 'name', 'contentobject_id'
    • Default: null (which uses the parent location's sort clause)
  • sortOrder
    • Single sort order to use.
    • Pair with sortClause.
    • Type: null (which uses the parent location's sort order), or string, one of: 'asc', 'desc'
    • Default: null (which uses the parent location's sort order)
  • sortClauses
    • Same as sortClause, but you can pass multiple as an array (for secondary, tertiary, etc. sorting).
    • Pair with sortOrders.
    • Type: array of valid values for sortClause.
    • Default: array(null)
  • sortOrders
    • Same as sortOrder, but you can pass multiple as an array (for secondary, tertiary, etc. sorting).
    • Each one will pair with the value in the same index in sortClauses. If the sortClauses and sortOrders are different lengths, the defaults are used for the missing values.
    • Type: array of valid values for sortOrders.
    • Default: array(null)

getContent($contentID, $lang = 'eng-US')

getContentFromLocationID($locationID, $lang = 'eng-US')

getContentFromLocation($location, $lang = 'eng-US')

getContentInfo($contentID, $lang = 'eng-US')







getContentFromRelationAttribute($content, $attributeID, $lang = 'eng-US')

If passed an $attributeID for an Object Relation attribute, content will be returned. If passed an $attributeID for an Object Relations attribute, an array of content will be returned.

getContentInfoFromRelationAttribute($content, $attributeID, $lang = 'eng-US')

If passed an $attributeID for an Object Relation attribute, content info will be returned. If passed an $attributeID for an Object Relations attribute, an array of content infos will be returned.

getAttributeID($content, $attributeID)

getFileAttributeFileName($content, $attributeID)

getContentDownloadURL($content, $attributeID)

More documentation to come.