
A PSR-11 implementation with auto-wiring.

1.2.2 2023-12-15 20:58 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-03 23:08:02 UTC


Yet another implementation of PSR-11 with support of automatic constructor injection. Requires PHP 8.1 or higher.


  • Implements PSR-11.
  • Supports automatic constructor injection ((via Reflection).
  • Detects cyclic dependencies.


Install with composer:

composer require composite-php/container


Automatic resolution

The container can do constructor injection automatically. Assume you have the following classes in your project:


// Your simple logger.
class Logger
    public function log(string $message): void
        echo $message;

// Your users store: responsible for containing usernames.
class UsersStore
    private array $users = [];
    public function add(string $username): void
        $this->users[$username] = true;

// Your service that is responsible for registering user: persisting username and writing something to log.
class UserRegistrationService
    public function __construct(
        private Logger $logger,
        private UsersStore $store
    ) {
    public function registerUser(string $name): void
        $this->logger->log('User was registered.');

In order to create an instance of UserRegistrationService, you should pass its dependencies to the constructor:


$regService = new UserRegistrationService(
    new Logger(),
    new UsersStore()


The container is capable of doing it on its own:


use Composite\Container\Container;

$container = new Container();
// Ask the container to get instance of UserRegistrationService.
// The container will create instances of Logger and UsersStore,
// then it will return the UserRegistrationService with the required dependencies.
$regService = $container->get(UserRegistrationService::class);


The container is capable of automatic injection of arguments, as long as they are concrete classes or built-in types with default values:


// Instance of this class can be instantiated automatically, because there are no constructor arguments.
class A

// Instance of this class can be instantiated automatically, because the parameter is an instance of a concrete class.
class B
    public function __construct(
        public A $a
    ) {

// Instance of this class can be instantiated automatically, because the parameter is an instance of concrete class.
// When B (being an argument) is instantiated, it gets injected with A.
// So, resolution of dependencies is recursive.
class C
    public function __construct(
        public B $b
    ) {

// The following will be resolved with default "/tmp/default" value.
class FileLogger
    public function __construct(
        private string $targetFile = '/tmp/default'
    ) {}

// The following cannot be instantiated automatically,
// because the container doesn't know what to pass as constructor argument.
class FileLogger
    public function __construct(
        private string $targetFile
    ) {

interface LoggerInterface


// Instance of this service cannot be instantiated automatically,
// because constructor argument is type hinted against interface, which cannot be instantiated.
class MyService
    public function __construct(
        public LoggerInterface $logger

Entries are reused once resolved

The container caches resolved entries (it also means, that the container retains references to resolved entries), so, be careful when writing stateful code:


use Composite\Container\Container;

$container = new Container();
// Resolve your service from the container.
$regService = $container->get(UserRegistrationService::class);
// Register user.
// Resolve your service from the container again - the container will return previously created instance.
$regService = $container->get(UserRegistrationService::class);
$regService->register('Foo'); // Will throw an exception, because of the logic in UserStore::add.

Another example that demonstrates this:


class MyLogger
    public function __construct() {
        echo 'Constructor invoked!';

$container = new Container();

// The following line outputs 'Constructor invoked!'

// The following line outputs nothing, because the container will return instance of `MyLogger` that was created before (and constructor of which had been called).

Custom Definitions

You can specify definitions for entries by passing them to the constructor of the container. Each definition must be a callable identified by the entry ID. The simplest case would be an array:


use Composite\Container\Container;

// Define that whenever an instance of LoggerInterface is required,
// the container should return instance of FileLogger.
$definitions = [
    LoggerInterface::class => static function (Container $container) {
        return $container->get(FileLogger::class);
// Create container instance, passing the definitions.
$container = new Composite\Container\Container($definitions);

// Returns instance of FileLogger.
$hotelsProvider = $container->get(LoggerInterface::class);

However, any iterable is accepted by the constructor. Some may find this notation better:


use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Composite\Container\Container;

$definitions = static function (): iterable {
    yield ContainerInterface::class
        => static fn (Container $container)
        => $container;
    yield UsersRepository::class
        => static fn (Container $container)
        => $container->get(DatabaseUserRepository::class);
    yield Config::class
        => static fn ()
        => new Config();

$container = new Container($definitions());

You are not limited to classes/objects only, of course:


use Composite\Container\Container;

$definitions = [
    'projectRoot' => static function () {
        return '/opt/xres';

$container = new Container($definitions);

// Returns '/opt/xres' string.
$projectRoot = $container->get('projectRoot');

Once container is instantiated, its definitions cannot be modified.

Custom entries are prioritized over existing classes.

Usage is straightforward: create container instance, optionally passing your definitions.



use Composite\Container;

// Create container instance without custom definitions.
$container = new Container();

The constructor accepts your definitions in form of an iterable (array/Generator/Traversable):


use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;

class ContainerDefinitions implements IteratorAggregate
    public function getIterator() : Traversable
        // When someone needs instance of `ContainerInterface`, return the container itself.
        yield ContainerInterface::class
            => fn (Container $container) => $container;
        // When someone gets FactoryInterface, return concrete factory implementation.
        yield FactoryInterface::class 
            => fn (Container $container) 
            => $container->get(MyConcreteFactory::class);

// Create container with the definitions.
$container = new Container(new ContainerDefitions());

// When requested for FactoryInterface instance, container will return MyConcreteFactory according
// to your definition.
/** @var MyConcreteFactory $myFactory */
$myFactory = $container->get(FactoryInterface::class);

They key must be item name and the value must be a callable which returns the item. The callable argument will be the Container instance.