
An alternative Amazon SQS queue driver for Laravel. Messages are sent in batches rather than one at a time, which may be more efficient if you have a lot of messages to send.

v0.1.10 2021-08-26 08:05 UTC


SQS queue connector for Laravel which sends messages in batches.


To install:

composer require coinvestor/laravel-batchsqs

Then to publish config files:

artisan vendor:publish

(select the BatchSQSProvider option when prompted)


This package provides a queue connector called batch-sqs. Create a block inside connections as usual:

'connections' => [
        'batch-sqs' => [
            'driver'      => 'batch-sqs',
            'key'         => env('AWS_KEY', null),
            'secret'      => env('AWS_SECRET', null),
            'prefix'      => env('AWS_PREFIX', null),
            'queue'       => env('AWS_QUEUE', null),
            'region'      => env('AWS_REGION', null),
            'batch_size'  => 7,
// [...]

You can use all of the usual Laravel SQS queue config options. In addition, you can set batch_size to define how many messages will be included in each batch (once the batch is full, the messages will be released to the queue).

When the queue object is destroyed (e.g. at the end of the request lifecycle, when Laravel is shutting down), messages which are still waiting to be sent to the queue will be sent, even if the batch size limit has not been reached.

Modifying messages before release

When a batch of messages is released to the queue, CoInvestor\BatchSQS\Queues\Events\BatchMessageReleasingEvent is dispatched. To modify each message before it reaches the queue, simply define a listener which will inspect the message and then return an array which will be merged with the message before it is released:

use \CoInvestor\BatchSQS\Queues\Events\BatchMessageReleasingEvent;
class BatchMessageReleasingEventListener
    public function handle(BatchMessageReleasingEvent $event)
        $return = [];

        // If the message is 'foo' it should be changed to 'foobar'
        if ($event->message['MessageBody'] == 'foo') {
            $return['MessageBody'] = 'foobar';
        // If the queue name ends in .norbert, the message should have a message group id consisting of 128 '1's
        if (preg_match('/.*\.norbert/', $event->queue)) {
            $return['MessageGroupId'] = str_repeat("1", 128);

        return $return;

Flushing the queue

You may wish to send batches to your queues before they are full, or discard them entirely. Here's how:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Queue;

// Send all message batches to their respective queues

// Discard all message batches