
Laravel Telegram channel for Notifications

v1.1.0 2024-03-12 15:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-12 16:02:49 UTC


This package provides a way to send notifications via Telegram.

Installation and setup

Package uses irazasyed/telegram-bot-sdk. So above all follow Telegram Bot SDK instructions and set up your first Telegram Bot. Most likely you need to run:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="telegram-config"

In config/telegram.php configuration file add bot name parameter and register DeeplinkCommand. You may not define webhook_url as it will be reconfigured on a fly.

'bots' => [
    'my_bot' => [
        'name'             => env('TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME'),
        'token'            => env('TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN'),
        'certificate_path' => env('TELEGRAM_CERTIFICATE_PATH'),
        //'webhook_url'      => env('TELEGRAM_WEBHOOK_URL'),
        'commands'         => [

Next, implement \Codewiser\Telegram\Contracts\TelegramNotifiable to a User model. You might need to write a migration...

use \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use \Codewiser\Telegram\Contracts\TelegramNotifiable;

class User extends Model implements TelegramNotifiable
    public function routeNotificationForTelegram($notification = null): mixed
        return $this->telegram;

    public function setRouteForTelegram($route): void
        $this->telegram = $route;

Now, create service to implement \Codewiser\Telegram\Contracts\TelegramNotifiableProvider. This is an example of implementation, your may implement it however you like.

use \Codewiser\Telegram\Contracts\TelegramNotifiableProvider;

class TelegramUserProvider implements TelegramNotifiableProvider
     * Issue and remember new token for a given notifiable.
    public function generateToken(TelegramNotifiable $notifiable): string
        $token = Str::random(40);


        return $token;
     * Find notifiable associated with a given token.
    public function resolveToken(string $token): ?TelegramNotifiable
        $key = cache()->pull($token);

        if ($key) {
            return User::query()->find($key);

        return null;

At last, register this service in AppServiceProvider of your application

public function register()
    $this->app->singleton(TelegramNotifiableProvider::class, fn() => new TelegramUserProvider);

We are ready to go.

Getting updates

Register webhook

If you are properly configure bot in config/telegram.php this is enough to use telegram:webhook command provided by Telegram Bot SDK package. We recommend to read help:

php artisan help telegram:webhook

This package provides webhook controller to deal with incoming messages.

For example DeeplinkCommand, that was mentioned above, used to handle /start command with deeplink token.

You are free to add any other command handlers to config/telegram.php.

Read more about Bot Commands.

Long polling

This package brings telegram:poll command to get updates without registering webhook. Just call a command.


Subscribe user

First, we need to issue a deeplink for a user.

use \Illuminate\Http\Request;
use \Codewiser\Telegram\TelegramService;

class DeeplinkController extends Controller
    public function __invoke(Request $request, TelegramService $service) {
        return $service->getDeeplink($request->user());

User follows deeplink, opens telegram client and presses Start button.

Codewiser\Telegram\Commands\DeeplinkCommand handles incoming update, resolves deeplink token and update User with chat_id.

For now, this user has telegram route and may be notified via Telegram.

Notify user

To notify user via Telegram, add toTelegram method to a notification. Do not forget to add telegram to via method.

class Notification extends \Illuminate\Notifications\Notification
     * Get the notification's delivery channels.
    public function via(object $notifiable): array
        return ['mail', 'telegram'];
     * Get the telegram representation of the notification.
    public function toTelegram(object $notifiable)

Telegram notification message may be as string, as array.

Array keys fits Telegram sendMessage method.

String interprets as html and will be sent with ['parse_mode' => 'HTML'].

Failed notifications

When notification is failed to deliver to a user, \Codewiser\Telegram\Events\NotificationDeliveryFailed event is propagated.

Some fails are catchable. For example, if user locks a bot, we will get a 403 response status. In that case we should unsubscribe user from future notifications.

use \Codewiser\Telegram\Events\NotificationDeliveryFailed;
use \Codewiser\Telegram\Contracts\TelegramNotifiable;

class DeliveryFailedListener 
    public function handle(NotificationDeliveryFailed $event): void
        if ($event->channel == 'telegram') {
            if ($event->exception instanceof GuzzleException &&
                $event->exception->getCode() == 403]) {
                if ($event->notifiable instanceof TelegramNotifiable) {