
Zend Expressive Library that provides Doctrine Data-Fixture functionality

0.1.1 2020-06-08 23:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-09 10:02:24 UTC


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This library provides integration with Zend Expressive and Doctrine Data Fixture. Also support PSR-11.

Get started

composer require codeedu/zendexpr-doctrine-fixture:0.1.1
Registering Fixtures

To register fixtures add the fixtures in your configuration.

      'doctrine' => [
            'fixture' => [
                  'MyFixtures' => __DIR__ . '/../src/Fixture',

Register factory to create the command:

      'factories' => [
         'doctrine:fixtures_cmd:load'   => \CodeEdu\FixtureFactory::class

We suggest to configure Doctrine ORM and commands with Zend Expressive using this gist. This configuration uses DoctrineModule. DoctrineModule provides easily configuration to integration Doctrine ORM in Zend Framework 2 Applications, so the approach is enjoy it.

Now in doctrine.config.php, so add doctrine:fixtures_cmd:load to:

$command = [


Command Line

Access the Doctrine command line as following


./vendor/bin/doctrine-module data-fixture:import

Dependency Injection with Fixtures

This library provides inject the service container in fixtures. So add interface FixtureContainerInterface, see below:

class MyFixture implements FixtureInterface, FixtureContainerInterface
    private $container;

    public function load(ObjectManager $manager){
        $myService = $this->container->get(MyService::class);

    public function getContainer()
        return $this->container;

    public function setContainer(ContainerInterface $container)
        $this->container = $container;