
Bangladeshi Paperfly courier service api package

v1.0.2 2022-10-14 11:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 08:49:08 UTC


Paperfly Courier Banagladesh

This is a Laravel/PHP package for Paperfly BD Courier System. This package can be used in laravel or without laravel/php projects. You can use this package for headless/rest implementation as well as blade or regular mode development. We created this package while working for a project and thought to made it release for all so that it helps. This package is available as regular php composer package.


  1. Create parcel
  2. Parcel tracking
  3. Parcel details
  4. Cancel parcel


  • PHP >=7.2
  • Laravel >= 6


composer require codeboxr/paperfly-courier

vendor publish (config)

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Codeboxr\PaperflyCourier\PaperflyCourierServiceProvider"

After publish config file setup your credential. you can see this in your config directory paperfly.php file

"sandbox"  => env("PAPERFLY_SANDBOX", false),
"username" => env("PAPERFLY_USERNAME", ""),
"password" => env("PAPERFLY_PASSWORD", ""),
"key"      => env("PAPERFLY_KEY", "")

Set .env configuration

PAPERFLY_SANDBOX=true // for production mode use false


1. Parcel Create

use Codeboxr\PaperflyCourier\Facade\PaperflyCourier;

return PaperflyCourier::order()->create([
  "merOrderRef"          => "", // merchant invoice id
  "pickMerchantName"     => "" // Pickup store name,
  "pickMerchantAddress"  => "" // Pickup address,
  "pickMerchantThana"    => "" // Pickup thana name,
  "pickMerchantDistrict" => "" // Pickup district name,
  "pickupMerchantPhone"  => "" // Pickup contact person name,
  "productSizeWeight"    => "standard",
  "productBrief"         => "" // Parcel product details, 
  "packagePrice"         => "" //parcel price,
  "deliveryOption"       => "regular",
  "custname"             => "" // customer name,
  "custaddress"          => "" // customer address,
  "customerThana"        => "" // customer thana name,
  "customerDistrict"     => "" // customer district name,
  "custPhone"            => "" // customer phone number,
  "max_weight"           => "" // parcel weight in kg

2. Parcel Tracking

use Codeboxr\PaperflyCourier\Facade\PaperflyCourier;

return PaperflyCourier::order()->tracking($trackingNumber) // Tracking Number

3. Parcel Details

use Codeboxr\PaperflyCourier\Facade\PaperflyCourier;

return PaperflyCourier::order()->invoice($referenceNumber) // reference number

4. Cancel Parcel

use Codeboxr\PaperflyCourier\Facade\PaperflyCourier;

return PaperflyCourier::order()->cancel($referenceNumber) // reference number


Contributions to the Paperfly package are welcome. Please note the following guidelines before submitting your pull request.

  • Follow PSR-4 coding standards.
  • Read Paperfly API documentations first


Paperfly package is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright 2022 Codeboxr