
v0.2.0 2025-03-13 10:02 UTC



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Clerk is the easiest way to add authentication and user management to your application. To gain a better understanding of the Clerk Backend API, refer to the Backend API documentation.


Clerk Backend API: The Clerk REST Backend API, meant to be accessed by backend servers.


When the API changes in a way that isn't compatible with older versions, a new version is released. Each version is identified by its release date, e.g. 2024-10-01. For more information, please see Clerk API Versions.

Please see for more information.

More information about the API can be found at

Table of Contents

SDK Installation

The SDK relies on Composer to manage its dependencies.

To install the SDK and add it as a dependency to an existing composer.json file:

composer require "clerkinc/backend-php"


Retrieve your Backend API key from the API Keys screen in your Clerk dashboard and set it as an environment variable in a .env file:


SDK Example Usage



require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Clerk\Backend;
use Clerk\Backend\Models\Operations;

$sdk = Backend\ClerkBackend::builder()->build();

$request = new Operations\GetPublicInterstitialRequest();

$response = $sdk->miscellaneous->getPublicInterstitial(
    request: $request

if ($response->statusCode === 200) {
    // handle response

Request Authentication

Use the authenticateRequest method to authenticate a request from your app's frontend (when using a Clerk frontend SDK) to Clerk's Backend API. For example the following utility function checks if the user is effectively signed in:

use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
use Clerk\Backend\Helpers\Jwks\AuthenticateRequestOptions;
use Clerk\Backend\Helpers\Jwks\AuthenticateRequest;
use Clerk\Backend\Helpers\Jwks\RequestState;

class UserAuthentication
    public static function isSignedIn(Request $request): bool
        $options = new AuthenticateRequestOptions(
            secretKey: getenv("CLERK_SECRET_KEY"),
            authorizedParties: [""]

        $requestState = AuthenticateRequest::authenticateRequest($request, $options);

        return $requestState.isSignedIn();

If the request is correctly authenticated, the token's payload is made available in $requestState->payload. Otherwise the reason for the token verification failure is given by requestState->errorReason.


Per-Client Security Schemes

This SDK supports the following security scheme globally:

Name Type Scheme
bearerAuth http HTTP Bearer

To authenticate with the API the bearerAuth parameter must be set when initializing the SDK. For example:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Clerk\Backend;
use Clerk\Backend\Models\Operations;

$sdk = Backend\ClerkBackend::builder()

$request = new Operations\GetPublicInterstitialRequest();

$response = $sdk->miscellaneous->getPublicInterstitial(
    request: $request

if ($response->statusCode === 200) {
    // handle response

Available Resources and Operations

Available methods



  • create - Add identifier to the allow-list
  • delete - Delete identifier from allow-list
  • list - List all identifiers on the allow-list



  • create - Add identifier to the block-list
  • delete - Delete identifier from block-list
  • list - List all identifiers on the block-list


  • get - Get a client
  • list - List all clients ⚠️ Deprecated
  • verify - Verify a client


  • add - Add a domain
  • delete - Delete a satellite domain
  • list - List all instance domains
  • update - Update a domain


  • create - Create an email address
  • delete - Delete an email address
  • get - Retrieve an email address
  • update - Update an email address


  • upsert - Update a template for a given type and slug ⚠️ Deprecated


  • get - Retrieve a template ⚠️ Deprecated
  • list - List all templates ⚠️ Deprecated
  • revert - Revert a template ⚠️ Deprecated
  • toggleTemplateDelivery - Toggle the delivery by Clerk for a template of a given type and slug ⚠️ Deprecated



  • bulkCreate - Create multiple invitations
  • create - Create an invitation
  • list - List all invitations
  • revoke - Revokes an invitation


  • getJWKS - Retrieve the JSON Web Key Set of the instance


  • create - Create a JWT template
  • delete - Delete a Template
  • get - Retrieve a template
  • list - List all templates
  • update - Update a JWT template



  • create - Create an OAuth application
  • delete - Delete an OAuth application
  • get - Retrieve an OAuth application by ID
  • list - Get a list of OAuth applications for an instance
  • rotateSecret - Rotate the client secret of the given OAuth application
  • update - Update an OAuth application


  • create - Create a new organization domain.
  • delete - Remove a domain from an organization.
  • list - Get a list of all domains of an organization.
  • update - Update an organization domain.


  • create - Create and send an organization invitation
  • bulkCreate - Bulk create and send organization invitations
  • get - Retrieve an organization invitation by ID
  • getAll - Get a list of organization invitations for the current instance
  • list - Get a list of organization invitations
  • listPending - Get a list of pending organization invitations ⚠️ Deprecated
  • revoke - Revoke a pending organization invitation


  • create - Create a new organization membership
  • delete - Remove a member from an organization
  • list - Get a list of all members of an organization
  • update - Update an organization membership
  • updateMetadata - Merge and update organization membership metadata


  • create - Create an organization
  • delete - Delete an organization
  • deleteLogo - Delete the organization's logo.
  • get - Retrieve an organization by ID or slug
  • list - Get a list of organizations for an instance
  • mergeMetadata - Merge and update metadata for an organization
  • update - Update an organization
  • uploadLogo - Upload a logo for the organization


  • create - Create a phone number
  • delete - Delete a phone number
  • get - Retrieve a phone number
  • update - Update a phone number


  • verify - Verify the proxy configuration for your domain


  • create - Create a redirect URL
  • delete - Delete a redirect URL
  • get - Retrieve a redirect URL
  • list - List all redirect URLs


  • create - Create a SAML Connection
  • delete - Delete a SAML Connection
  • get - Retrieve a SAML Connection by ID
  • list - Get a list of SAML Connections for an instance
  • update - Update a SAML Connection



  • create - Create sign-in token
  • revoke - Revoke the given sign-in token


  • get - Retrieve a sign-up by ID
  • update - Update a sign-up


  • preview - Preview changes to a template ⚠️ Deprecated


  • create - Retrieve a new testing token



  • create - Create a waitlist entry
  • list - List all waitlist entries



Some of the endpoints in this SDK support retries. If you use the SDK without any configuration, it will fall back to the default retry strategy provided by the API. However, the default retry strategy can be overridden on a per-operation basis, or across the entire SDK.

To change the default retry strategy for a single API call, simply provide an Options object built with a RetryConfig object to the call:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Clerk\Backend;
use Clerk\Backend\Models\Operations;
use Clerk\Backend\Utils\Retry;

$sdk = Backend\ClerkBackend::builder()->build();

$request = new Operations\GetPublicInterstitialRequest();

$response = $sdk->miscellaneous->getPublicInterstitial(
    request: $request,
    options: Utils\Options->builder()->setRetryConfig(
        new Retry\RetryConfigBackoff(
            initialInterval: 1,
            maxInterval:     50,
            exponent:        1.1,
            maxElapsedTime:  100,
            retryConnectionErrors: false,

if ($response->statusCode === 200) {
    // handle response

If you'd like to override the default retry strategy for all operations that support retries, you can pass a RetryConfig object to the SDKBuilder->setRetryConfig function when initializing the SDK:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Clerk\Backend;
use Clerk\Backend\Models\Operations;
use Clerk\Backend\Utils\Retry;

$sdk = Backend\ClerkBackend::builder()
        new Retry\RetryConfigBackoff(
            initialInterval: 1,
            maxInterval:     50,
            exponent:        1.1,
            maxElapsedTime:  100,
            retryConnectionErrors: false,

$request = new Operations\GetPublicInterstitialRequest();

$response = $sdk->miscellaneous->getPublicInterstitial(
    request: $request

if ($response->statusCode === 200) {
    // handle response

Error Handling

Handling errors in this SDK should largely match your expectations. All operations return a response object or throw an exception.

By default an API error will raise a Errors\SDKException exception, which has the following properties:

Property Type Description
$message string The error message
$statusCode int The HTTP status code
$rawResponse ?\Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface The raw HTTP response
$body string The response content

When custom error responses are specified for an operation, the SDK may also throw their associated exception. You can refer to respective Errors tables in SDK docs for more details on possible exception types for each operation. For example, the get method throws the following exceptions:

Error Type Status Code Content Type
Errors\ClerkErrors 400, 401, 404 application/json
Errors\SDKException 4XX, 5XX */*



require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Clerk\Backend;
use Clerk\Backend\Models\Errors;

$sdk = Backend\ClerkBackend::builder()

try {
    $response = $sdk->clients->get(
        clientId: '<id>'

    if ($response->client !== null) {
        // handle response
} catch (Errors\ClerkErrorsThrowable $e) {
    // handle $e->$container data
    throw $e;
} catch (Errors\SDKException $e) {
    // handle default exception
    throw $e;

Server Selection

Override Server URL Per-Client

The default server can be overridden globally using the setServerUrl(string $serverUrl) builder method when initializing the SDK client instance. For example:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Clerk\Backend;
use Clerk\Backend\Models\Operations;

$sdk = Backend\ClerkBackend::builder()

$request = new Operations\GetPublicInterstitialRequest();

$response = $sdk->miscellaneous->getPublicInterstitial(
    request: $request

if ($response->statusCode === 200) {
    // handle response



This SDK is in beta, and there may be breaking changes between versions without a major version update. Therefore, we recommend pinning usage to a specific package version. This way, you can install the same version each time without breaking changes unless you are intentionally looking for the latest version.


You can get in touch with us in any of the following ways:


We're open to all community contributions!


clerkinc/backend-php follows good practices of security, but 100% security cannot be assured.

clerkinc/backend-php is provided "as is" without any warranty. Use at your own risk.

For more information and to report security issues, please refer to the security documentation.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.

See LICENSE for more information.