
This shows how to implement Context and Access Filter for Yii2 framework

0.0.1 2014-11-26 12:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-11 19:03:48 UTC


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This shows how to implement Context and Access Filter for Yii2 framework


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

$ php composer.phar require "claudejanz/yii2-context-access-filter": "dev-master"

or add

"claudejanz/yii2-context-access-filter": "dev-master"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

install rbac as in doc Role based access control (RBAC)


###in RbacController

class RbacController extends Controller {
    public function actionIndex() {
        $auth = Yii::$app->authManager;


        // add "view" permission
        $view = $auth->createPermission('view');
        $view->description = 'view';

        // add "create" permission
        $create = $auth->createPermission('create');
        $create->description = 'create';

        // add the rule
        $rule = new \claudejanz\contextAccessFilter\rules\OwnRule();
        // add "update" permission
        $update = $auth->createPermission('update');
        $update->description = 'update';

        // add the "updateOwn" permission and associate the rule with it.
        $updateOwn = $auth->createPermission('updateOwn');
        $updateOwn->description = 'update own';
        $updateOwn->ruleName = $rule->name;

        // make "updateOwn" child from "update"
        // add "delete" permission
        $delete = $auth->createPermission('delete');
        $delete->description = 'delete';
        // add the "deleteOwn" permission and associate the rule with it.
        $deleteOwn = $auth->createPermission('deleteOwn');
        $deleteOwn->description = 'delete own';
        $deleteOwn->ruleName = $rule->name;

        // make "deleteOwn" child from "delete"

        // add "reader" role and give this role the "view" permission
        $reader = $auth->createRole('reader');
        $auth->addChild($reader, $view);

        // add "moderator" role and give this role the "create" permission
        // as well as the permissions of the "updateOwn" and "deleteOwn" role
        // and the permissions of the "reader" role
        $moderator = $auth->createRole('moderator');
        $auth->addChild($moderator, $create);
        $auth->addChild($moderator, $updateOwn);
        $auth->addChild($moderator, $deleteOwn);
        $auth->addChild($moderator, $reader);

        // add "admin" role and give this role the "update" and "delete" permission
        // as well as the permissions of the "moderator" role
        $admin = $auth->createRole('admin');
        $auth->addChild($admin, $update);
        $auth->addChild($admin, $delete);
        $auth->addChild($admin, $moderator);

        // Assign roles to users. 1, 2 and 3 are IDs returned by IdentityInterface::getId()
        // usually implemented in your User model.
        $auth->assign($admin, 1);
        $auth->assign($moderator, 2);
        $auth->assign($normal, 3);


###in controller

    public function behaviors() {
        return [
            'context' =>[
                'class' => \claudejanz\contextAccessFilter\filters\ContextFilter::className(),
                'only' => ['update','delete'],
                // model to load
                'modelName' => Vin::className(),
            'access' => [
                'class' => \claudejanz\contextAccessFilter\filters\AccessControl::className(),
                'only' => ['create', 'update','delete'],
                'rules' => [
                        'allow' => true,
                        'actions' => ['create'],
                        'roles' => ['create'],
                        'allow' => true,
                        'actions' => ['update'],
                        'roles' => ['update'],
                        'allow' => true,
                        'actions' => ['delete'],
                        'roles' => ['delete'],
            'verbs' => [
                'class' => \yii\filters\VerbFilter::className(),
                'actions' => [
                    'delete' => ['post'],
    // update function
    public function actionUpdate($id) {
        $model = $this->model;

        if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) {
            return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);
        } else {
            return $this->render('update', [
                        'model' => $model,
    // delete function 
    public function actionDelete($id) {

        return $this->redirect(['index']);