
Instead of globally applying a Doctrine-managed MasterSlave connection, this bundle, when enabled, requires devs to flag routes as @ShouldUseReplica to use the replica database, otherwise it defaults to the primary database.

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2.0.0 2020-07-10 15:34 UTC


This bundle, upon installation, will prevent MasterSlaveConnection from doing its magic on every single route in your application.

Instead, to enable the replica database, add a @ShouldUseReplica annotation to your controller class or method.

If your route ends up doing any sort of write to the database, note that MasterSlaveConnection will automatically detect this and promote the connection to use the primary database. (See the documentation of MasterSlaveConnection.)


The intent of this bundle is NOT to guarantee that all queries go to your replica. Instead, it allows you greater choice of where MasterSlaveConnection can do its magic.

For instance, if you are considering turning on MasterSlaveConnection on a very large site and are concerned about the impact it may have on your many routes, use this bundle to limit the potential impact of that change to only a few routes of your choosing. All other routes will be guaranteed to use the primary database.

Available annotations

  • @ShouldUseReplica: Allows the replica database to be used for this route or all routes within a controller it's applied to.
  • @ShouldNotUseReplica: If @ShouldUseReplica is applied to a Controller class, this annotation will prevent the replica from being used on the method this is applied to.

Basic Usage

In this example, this route (and only this route in our app) will have the option of using the replica database. All other routes that do not have this annotation will use the primary 100% of the time, every time.

use CrisisTextLine\ReadReplicaRouteLimiterBundle\Annotation\ShouldUseReplica;

class MyController extends Controller
   * @Route('/')
   * @ShouldUseReplica
  function indexAction()

Advanced Usage

Applying to all routes within a Controller

The example below will enable the replica database on all routes inside of the MyController controller.

use CrisisTextLine\ReadReplicaRouteLimiterBundle\Annotation\ShouldUseReplica;

 * @Route('/subsection')
 * @ShouldUseReplica
class MyController extends Controller
   * @Route('/')
  function indexAction()

Applying to all routes within a Controller...except one

This example applies the replica database to all methods except the excludeAction().

use CrisisTextLine\ReadReplicaRouteLimiterBundle\Annotation\ShouldUseReplica;
use CrisisTextLine\ReadReplicaRouteLimiterBundle\Annotation\ShouldNotUseReplica;


 * @Route('/subsection')
 * @ShouldUseReplica
class MyController extends Controller
   * @Route('/')
  function indexAction()

   * @Route('/exclude')
   * @ShouldNotUseReplica
  function excludeAction()