
Yii2 Mailchimp to manage Mailchimp Email Platform in a Yii2 site.

Installs: 3 821

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 9

Watchers: 4

Forks: 5

Open Issues: 0


0.2.2 2019-04-15 11:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-08 11:39:14 UTC


Yii2 Mailchimp

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Yii2 MailChimp extension to manage the Mailchimp Email Marketing Platform:


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

$ php composer.phar require cinghie/yii2-mailchimp "*"

or add

"cinghie/yii2-mailchimp": "*"


Set on your configuration file

use cinghie\mailchimp\components\Mailchimp as MailchimpComponent;
use cinghie\mailchimp\Mailchimp;

'components' => [

	'mailchimp' => [
		'class' => MailchimpComponent::class,


'modules' => [ 
    'mailchimp' => [
        'class' => Mailchimp::class,
        'showFirstname' => true,
        'showLastname' => true


Override controller example, on modules config

'modules' => [ 

	'mailchimp' => [
		'class' => Mailchimp::class,
		'controllerMap' => [
			'default' => 'app\controllers\DefaultController',

Override view example, on components config

'components' => [ 

	'view' => [
		'theme' => [
			'pathMap' => [
				'@cinghie/mailchimp/views/default' => '@app/views/mailchimp/default',



Widget Subscription Example

<?= Subscription::widget([
    'list_id' => 'MYLISTID' // if not set raise Error
]) ?>

alternative to list_id you can set an list_array to set a list_id to a specific language

<?= Subscription::widget([
    'list_array' => [
        'en' => 'MYLISTID_EN',
        'es' => 'MYLISTID_ES',
        'it' => 'MYLISTID_IT',                        
]) ?>


  • Lists View: PathToApp/index.php?r=mailchimp/default/lists
  • Lists View with Pretty Urls: PathToApp/mailchimp/default/lists
  • List View: PathToApp/index.php?r=mailchimp/default/list?id=XXX&name=XXX
  • List View with Pretty Urls: PathToApp/mailchimp/default/list?id=XXX&name=XXX