
Bypass for PHP provides a quick way to create a custom instead of an actual HTTP server to return prebaked responses to client requests. This is most useful in tests, when you want to create a mock HTTP server and test how your HTTP client handles different types of responses from the server.

v1.2.1 2024-03-19 20:17 UTC


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Bypass for PHP

About | Installation | Writing Tests | Examples | Credits | Inspired

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📌 Bypass requires PHP 8.0+.

To install via composer, run the following command:

composer require --dev ciareis/bypass

Video demo

Pest and Bypass

Writing Tests


🔥 Check out full code examples here section.

1. Open a Bypass Server

To write a test, first open a Bypass server:

//Open a new Bypass server
$bypass = Bypass::open();

Bypass will always run at http://localhost listening to a random port number.

To specify a custom port, just pass it in the argument (int) $port.

//Open a new Bypass using port 8081
$bypass = Bypass::open(8081);

2. Bypass URL and Port

You can retrieve the Bypass server URL using getBaseUrl().

$bypassUrl = $bypass->getBaseUrl(); //http://localhost:16819

If you need to retrieve only the port number, use the getPort() method:

$bypassPort = $bypass->getPort(); //16819

3. Routes

Bypass provides two types of routes: The Standard Route to return a text body content and the File Route, which returns a binary file.

When running your test suit, you should pass the URL created with Bypass to your service. In this way, you will make the service you are testing reach Bypass instead of reaching the real-world API end point.

3.1 Standard Route

use Ciareis\Bypass\Bypass;

//Json body
$body = '{"username": "john", "name": "John Smith", "total": 1250}';

//Route retuning the JSON body with HTTP Status 200
$bypass->addRoute(method: 'GET', uri: '/v1/demo/john', status: 200, body: $body);

//Instantiates a DemoService class
$service = new DemoService();

//Configure your service to access Bypass URL
$response = $service->setBaseUrl($bypass->getBaseUrl())

//Your test assertions here...

The method addRoute() accepts the following parameters:

3.2 File Route

use Ciareis\Bypass\Bypass;

//Reads a PDF file
$demoFile = \file_get_contents('storage/pdfs/demo.pdf');

//File Route returning a binary file with HTTP Status 200
$bypass->addFileRoute(method: 'GET', uri: '/v1/myfile', status: 200, file: $demoFile);

//Instantiates a DemoService class
$service = new DemoService();

//Configure your service to access Bypass URL
$response = $service->setBaseUrl($bypass->getBaseUrl())

//Your test assertions here...

The method addFileRoute() accepts the following parameters:

3.3 Bypass Serve and Route Helpers

Bypass provides you with convenient shortcuts to the most-common-used HTTP requests.

These shortcuts are called "Route Helpers" and are served automatically at a random port using Bypass::serve() without the need to call Bypass::open().

In the next example, Bypasss serves two routes: A URL accessible by method GET returning a JSON body with status 200, and a second route URL accessible by method GET and returning status 404.

use Ciareis\Bypass\Bypass;
use Ciareis\Bypass\Route;

//Create and serve routes
$bypass = Bypass::serve(
  Route::ok(uri: '/v1/demo/john', body: ['username' => 'john', 'name' => 'John Smith', 'total' => 1250]), //method GET, status 200
  Route::notFound(uri: '/v1/demo/wally') //method GET, status 404

//Instantiates a DemoService class
$service = new DemoService();

//Consumes the "OK (200)" route
$responseOk = $service->getTotalByUser('john'); //200 - OK with total => 1250

//Consumes the "Not Found (404)" route
$responseNotFound = $service->getTotalByUser('wally'); //404 - Not found

//Your test assertions here...

Route Helpers

You may find below the list of Route Helpers.

You may also adjust the helpers to your needs by passing arguments:

In the example below, you can see the Helper Route::badRequest using method GET instead of its default method POST.

use Ciareis\Bypass\Bypass;
use Ciareis\Bypass\Route;

  Route::badRequest(uri: '/v1/users?filter=foo', body: ['error' => 'Filter parameter foo is not allowed.'], method: 'GET')

📝 Note: Custom routes can be created using a Standard Route in case something you need is not covered by the Helpers.

4. Asserting Route Calling

Sometimes you may need to assert that a route was called at least one or multiple times.

The method assertRoutes() will return a RouteNotCalledException if a route was NOT called as many times as defined in the $times parameter.

If you need to assert that a route is NOT being called by your service, set the parameter $times = 0

//Json body
$body = '{"username": "john", "name": "John Smith", "total": 1250}';

//Defines a route which must be called two times
$bypass->addRoute(method: 'GET', uri: '/v1/demo/john', status: 200, body: $body, times: 2);

//Instantiates a DemoService class
$service = new DemoService();

//Consumes the service using the Bypass URL
$response = $service->setBaseUrl($bypass->getBaseUrl())


//Your test assertions here...

5. Stop or shut down

Bypass will automatically stop its server once your test is done running.

The Bypass server can be stopped or shut down at any point with the following methods:

To stop: $bypass->stop();

To shut down: $bypass->down();


Use case

To better illustrate Bypass usage, imagine you have to write a test for a service that calculates the total game score of a given username.

The score is obtained by making an external request to a fictitious API at The API returns HTTP Status 200 and a JSON body with a list of games:

  "games": [
      "id": 1,
      "points": 25
      "id": 2,
      "points": 10
  "is_active": true
use Ciareis\Bypass\Bypass;

//Opens a new Bypass server
$bypass = Bypass::open();

//Retrieves the Bypass URL
$bypassUrl = $bypass->getBaseUrl();

//Json body
$body = '{"games":[{"id":1, "name":"game 1","points":25},{"id":2, "name":"game 2","points":10}],"is_active":true}';

//Defines a route
$bypass->addRoute(method: 'GET', uri: '/v1/score/johndoe', status: 200, body: $body);

//Instantiates a TotalScoreService
$service = new TotalScoreService();

//Configure your service to access Bypass URL
$response = $serivce
  ->setBaseUrl($bypassUrl) // set the URL to the Bypass URL
  ->getTotalScoreByUsername('johndoe'); //returns 35

//Pest PHP verifies that response is 35

//PHPUnit verifies that response is 35
$this->assertSame($response, 35);

Quick Test Examples

Click below to see code snippets for Pest PHP and PHPUnit.

Pest PHP
use Ciareis\Bypass\Bypass;

it('properly returns the total score by username', function () {

  //Opens a new Bypass server
  $bypass = Bypass::open();

  //Json body
  $body = '{"games":[{"id":1, "name":"game 1","points":25},{"id":2, "name":"game 2","points":10}],"is_active":true}';

  //Defines a route
  $bypass->addRoute(method: 'GET', uri: '/v1/score/johndoe', status: 200, body: $body);

  //Configure your service to access Bypass URL
  $service = new TotalScoreService();
  $response = $service

  //Verifies that response is 35

it('properly gets the logo', function () {

  //Opens a new Bypass server
  $bypass = Bypass::open();

  //Reads the file
  $filePath = 'docs/img/logo.png';
  $file = \file_get_contents($filePath);

  //Defines a route
  $bypass->addFileRoute(method: 'GET', uri: $filePath, status: 200, file: $file);

  //Configure your service to access Bypass URL
  $service = new LogoService();
  $response = $service->setBaseUrl($bypass->getBaseUrl())

  // asserts
use Ciareis\Bypass\Bypass;

class BypassTest extends TestCase
  public function test_total_score_by_username(): void
    //Opens a new Bypass server
    $bypass = Bypass::open();

    //Json body
    $body = '{"games":[{"id":1,"name":"game 1","points":25},{"id":2,"name":"game 2","points":10}],"is_active":true}';

    //Defines a route
    $bypass->addRoute(method: 'GET', uri: '/v1/score/johndoe', status: 200, body: $body);

    //Configure your service to access Bypass URL
    $service = new TotalScoreService();
    $response = $service

    //Verifies that response is 35
    $this->assertSame(35, $response);

  public function test_gets_logo(): void
    //Opens a new Bypass server
    $bypass = Bypass::open();

    //Reads the file
    $filePath = 'docs/img/logo.png';
    $file = \file_get_contents($filePath);

    //Defines a route
    $bypass->addFileRoute(method: 'GET', uri: $filePath, status: 200, file: $file);

    //Configure your service to access Bypass URL
    $service = new LogoService();
    $response = $service->setBaseUrl($bypass->getBaseUrl())

    $this->assertSame($response, $file);

Test Examples

📚 See Bypass being used in complete tests with Pest PHP and PHPUnit for the GithubRepoService demo service.


And a special thanks to @DanSysAnalyst


Code inspired by Bypass