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Bundle to integrate interkassa payment system to your Symfony2 project

dev-master / 2.2.x-dev 2013-05-11 09:27 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 15:32:22 UTC


Symfony2 InterkassaBundle allows us to get user payments using Interkassa system. Interkassa is the one of the biggest payment system integrator in Russia and Ukraine.

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Use composer

Add "chub/interkassa-bundle": "*" to your required section of composer.json and run php composer.phar update.

Register your bundle

Add it to your kernel

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new ChubProduction\InterkassaBundle\InterkassaBundle(),
    // ...


Add interkassa section to your app\config.yml

  connections:  # contain shop descriptions
      shop_id: ololo                     # Shop id (you can get it in your profile)
      secret_key: ololo                  # Secret key (you can get it in your profile)
      fail_url: /profile/balance         # Url to redirect user on transaction fail
      success_url: /profile/balance      # Url to redirect user on transaction success
    # ....

Add some routes:

    pattern:   /payment/status/{connection}
    defaults:  { _controller: InterkassaBundle:Payment:status }

    pattern:   /payment/success/{connection}
    defaults:  { _controller: InterkassaBundle:Payment:success }

    pattern:   /payment/fail/{connection}
    defaults:  { _controller: InterkassaBundle:Payment:fail }


  • Create your payment item class
use ChubProduction\InterkassaBundle\Entity\Payment;
use ChubProduction\InterkassaBundle\Service\PaymentItemInterface;

class PaymentItem implements PaymentItemInterface
	public function getAmount()
		// return '1.00';

	public function getDescription()
		// return 'ololo';

	public function setPayment(Payment $p)
		// TODO: Implement setPayment() method.
  • Create a payment object
$po = new PaymentItem();
  • Redirect user to pay
// Somewhere in your Action
$response = $this->get('payment')->createInvoice($po, 'intercassa');
return $response
  • Check status of the payment

Event system

You can also register your own event subscriber/dispatcher to handle invoice creation, successful or failed transaction. There are InterkassaPaymentEvent object and InterkassaPaymentEvent::ON_INVOICE, InterkassaPaymentEvent::ON_STATUS_SUCCESS, InterkassaPaymentEvent::ON_STATUS_FAIL events for this