chippyash / testdox-converter
Converts Testdox html into Markdown format
- ext-xml: *
- ext-xsl: *
- zendframework/zend-console: >=2.3.3
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-22 23:34:51 UTC
Testdox html to Markdown conversion utility. A Utility that will convert Testdox formatted html output from PHPUnit into Markdown format
To provide markdown formatted test contract files for inclusion in public files for a PHP library or application.
See the Monad library test contract as an example
Additions to the utility are time dependent.
If you want more, either suggest it, or better still, fork it and provide a pull request.
Check out ZF4 Packages for more packages
Install the package: See below.
Assuming that you have installed into your home directory at ~/tdconv, then the command is available at ~/tdconv/bin/tdconv.
Usage: tdconv [-t|title="..."] sourceHtmlTestDoxFile targetMarkdownTestContractFile
e.g. ~/tdconv/bin/tdconv -t "This is the title" myLibTest.html
To create the testdox file, you would run phpunit with the --testdox-html option
This is a typical build script by way of example:
#!/bin/bash cd ~/Projects/chippyash/source/Monad vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit -c test/phpunit.xml --testdox-html contract.html test/ tdconv -t "Chippyash Monad" contract.html docs/ rm contract.html
Changing the library
- fork it
- write the test
- amend it
- do a pull request
Found a bug you can't figure out?
- fork it
- write the test
- do a pull request
NB. Make sure you rebase to HEAD before your pull request
The library is hosted at Github. It is available at
Caveat: These instructions assume a Linux OS. (If you are a Windows/Mac user, please consider adding installation and usage instructions to this repo by way of a pull request.)
Install Composer
Install the PHP XSL extension e.g. For debian based Linux
apt-get install php5-xsl
PHP normally has the XML extension built-in, but you may need to install it manually.
For production
Assumes Linux OS. (If you are a Windows/Mac user, please consider adding installation and usage instructions to this repo by way of a pull request.)
composer.phar create-project -sdev chippyash/testdox-converter tdconv
This will download the package and install it into the ./tdconv directory. ./tdconv/bin/tdconv is a symlink to the executable. If you have a ~/bin directory in you path you might want to move or copy the link to it, or add the bin path to your $PATH variable.
If prompted with a "Do you want to remove the existing VCS (.git, .svn..) history?" message, then answer "Y" (the default answer.)
For development
Clone this repo, and then run Composer in local repo root to pull in dependencies
git clone TDConv cd TDConv composer install
V1.0.0 Initial release
V1.0.1 Doc update
V1.0.2 update composer - forced by packagist composer.json format change