
PHP Class to rotate log files

2.7.1 2023-01-15 14:07 UTC


This PHP package allows you to rotate a log file and compress it.

tests phpstan Latest Version on Packagist Scrutinizer Code Quality

Note: If you have the version 1 installed, read this.


You can install this package via composer using:

composer require cesargb/php-log-rotation


use Cesargb\Log\Rotation;
use Cesargb\Log\Exceptions\RotationFailed;

$rotation = new Rotation();

    ->compress() // Optional, compress the file after rotated. Accept level compression argument.
    ->files(30) // Optional, files are rotated 30 times before being removed. Default 366
    ->minSize(1024) // Optional, are rotated when they grow bigger than 1024 bytes. Default 0
    ->truncate() // Optional, truncate the original log file in place after creating a copy, instead of moving the old log file.
    ->then(function ($filenameTarget, $filenameRotated) {}) // Optional, to get filename target and original filename
    ->catch(function (RotationFailed $exception) {}) // Optional, to catch a exception in rotating
    ->finally(function ($message, $filenameTarget) {}) // Optional, this method will be called when the process has finished

Or you can define the options in the constructor

use Cesargb\Log\Rotation;
use Cesargb\Log\Exceptions\RotationFailed;

$rotation = new Rotation([
    'files' => 1,
    'compress' => true, // Set level compression or true to default level. Default false
    'min-size' => 10,
    'truncate' => false,
    'then' => function ($filename) {},
    'catch' => function (RotationFailed $exception) {},
    'finally' => function ($message, $filename) {},



Run test with:

composer test


Any contributions are welcome.