
Symfony bundle for collecting simple error reports from users.

dev-master 2013-04-19 18:39 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-24 13:34:51 UTC


Provides an interface for the submission of simple text+e-mail "error reports". Used on all front and back ends of CCETC web applications.


A simple error report form with matching SonataAdmin class. Error Reports consist of email or a user relation, a single block of text, date reported, request->server attribute, and spam and opened booleans for processing.

An e-mail is sent to ccetc_error_report.support_email every time a report is submitted.

The report form provides a mailto link to this same address with a subject of ccetc_error_report.direct_email_subject.

The bundle includes a simple help page with the form embedded.

The form can be rendered in any template (frontend/backend/error pages), but all submissions routes to the help page.


Add to composer:

    "ccetc/error-report-bundle" : "dev-master"

Install assets:

    bin/vendors install


Add the following lines to your services config.yml:

	  direct_email_subject: Template+Error+Report


  • support_email - email used to error report notices, and for the direct e-mail link on the form
  • subject for the direct e-mail link (default: Error Report)

Add the user side of the report/user relation to your user class:

    <one-to-many field="errorReportsSubmitted" target-entity="CCETC\ErrorReportBundle\Entity\ErrorReport" mapped-by="userSubmittedBy" />


Help Pages

To include "help pages" define routes:

            pattern: /adminHelp
            defaults: { _controller: CCETCErrorReportBundle:ErrorReport:errorReport, usePageHeader: true, flash: sonata_flash_success, redirect: sonata_admin_dashboard, baseLayout: SonataAdminBundle::standard_layout.html.twig, formRoute: adminHelp }

            pattern: /help
            defaults: { _controller: CCETCErrorReportBundle:ErrorReport:errorReport, usePageHeader: false, flash: my_message, redirect: home, baseLayout: "::my_layout.html.twig", formRoute: frontendHelp }

Route Options

  • usePageHeader: if true, the "Help" heading will be placed in the page_header block. Otherwise, the heading will go at the top of the content block. Default: false
  • flash: name of the flash for the success message. Default: message
  • redirect: route to redirect to on success. Default: home
  • baseLayout: the layout to extend
  • formRoute: the route of your help page, used to redirect on errors. Default: help

Note: the base layout that the error report form extends must have a block called "stylesheets" and a block called "content"

Template Embedding

You can emped the form in a template, provied you have a "help" route defined to process it. If there are errors, the users will be redirected to help page to finish their submission. To include the form in a template:

    {% render "CCETCErrorReportBundle:ErrorReport:errorReportForm" with {
        'formRoute' : 'help',
        'formText' : 'Please tell us about this error.'


  • formRoute: the route of your help page, used to redirect on errors. Default: help
  • formText: the text displayed above the form before the direct e-mail link. Default: "Having trouble with somthing?


All ISSUES, IDEAS, and FEATURES are documented on the trello board.