Enhance PHP arrays to allow any offset type

1.0.0 2016-05-26 11:31 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 21:59:20 UTC


Map allows you to use an array-like object which allows keys to be of any type as opposed to the default integer or string types.

License Build Status SensioLabsInsight


Install with:

$ composer require carlosv2/map


To use Map you only need to create an instance of it and start using it as if it was an regular array:

$foo = new Foo();

$map = new Map();
$map[$foo] = 'bar';

You can use any type you want as key. If you want, you can even mix them:

$map = new Map();

$map[null] = 'null';
$map[[]] = 'array';
$map['string'] = 'string';
$map[1] = 'integer';
$map[true] = 'boolean';
$map[new \stdClass()] = 'object';

foreach ($map as $key => $value) {
    var_dump($key, $value);


The following functions are available in the Map class.


Checks whether a key exists or not:

$obj = new \stdClass();

$map = new Map();
$map[$obj] = 'value';

$map->has($obj); // true
$map->has([]); // false


Returns the value associated with the given key:

$obj = new \stdClass();

$map = new Map();
$map[$obj] = 'value';

$map->get($obj); // 'value'
$map->get([]); // null

Optionally, a fallback value can be returned if the given key does not exist:

$map = new Map();
$map->get([], 'default'); // 'default'


Assigns the given value to the given key:

$map = new Map();

$map->set($key, $value); // Equivalent to: $map[$key] = $value;


Returns the array of keys for that instance:

$map = new Map();

$map[null] = 'null';
$map[[]] = 'array';
$map[true] = 'boolean';

$map->keys(); // [null, [], true]


Returns the array of values for that instance:

$map = new Map();

$map[null] = 'null';
$map[[]] = 'array';
$map[true] = 'boolean';

$map->values(); // ['null', 'array', 'boolean']


Similar to array_map but it returns another Map instance instead. The callable function may have the key as a second argument:

$map = new Map();

$map[null] = 'null';
$map[[]] = 'array';
$map[true] = 'boolean';

$newMap = $map->map(function ($value, $key) { return json_encode($key) . '_' . $value; });
$newMap->keys(); // [null, [], true]
$newMap->values(); // ['null_null', '[]_array', 'true_boolean']


The Map class implements the following interfaces: