Simple queue for PHP

0.0.1 2024-04-15 12:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-17 05:48:53 UTC


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Pueue - PHP Simple Queue

Pueue, is a flexible PHP library for managing queues. It currently supports AWS SQS and plans to extend support to Database and Redis queues. It provides an easy-to-use API for sending, receiving, and deleting messages.


with Composer:

composer require burak-sevinc/pueue  


First, you need to create a Queue instance. You can use the QueueFactory for this:

    use BurakSevinc\Pueue\QueueFactory;
    $queue = QueueFactory::create($queueUrl);  

Then, you can create a QueueService instance with the Queue instance:

    use BurakSevinc\Pueue\QueueService;
    $queueService = new QueueService($queue);  

Now you can use the QueueService to interact with the queue:

    // Send a message  
    $queueService->send('Hello, world!');  
    // Receive a message  
    $message = $queueService->receive();  
    // Receive all messages  
    $messages = $queueService->receiveAll();  
    // Delete a message  
    $receiptHandle = $message['receiptHandle'];
    // Delete all messages  


The QueueFactory uses the Config class to get configuration values. You need to set the following configuration values:

    QUEUE_DRIVER: The type of queue to use. Currently, only 'sqs' is supported.  
    AWS_REGION: The AWS region for SqsQueue.  
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The AWS access key ID for SqsQueue.  
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The AWS secret access key for SqsQueue.  


You can run the tests with:

    composer test


Pueue is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.