buonaparte / bnp-lazy-listener
This library allows you to attach Lazy Listeners to a ZF2 EventManager
- php: >=5.3.3
- zendframework/zend-eventmanager: 2.*
- zendframework/zend-servicemanager: 2.*
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: >=3.7,<4
- satooshi/php-coveralls: dev-master
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: 1.4.*
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-25 05:24:23 UTC
This library allows you to attach Lazy Listeners to a ZF2 EventManager.
Add this project to your composer.json:
"require": { "buonaparte/bnp-lazy-listener": "0.9.*" }
Now tell composer to download BnpServiceDefinition by running the command:
$ php composer.phar update
!!! Notice this is not a Module, so you do not have to enable it in a ZF2 Application, moreover, you can use it
with the EventManager
decoupled component.
There are many cases when instantiating a listener aggregate may be too expensive, especially when that listener will
be never triggered, LazyListenerAggregate
makes it possible to define a factory for your real listener, as well as
specifications for which events the future listener is subscribed, LazyListenerAggregate
will then instantiate your
listener when the first of subscribed is being triggered.
class PlainPhpObjectWithDependencies { // Your Dependencies public function __construct($aDependency, $anotherDependency) { // ... } public function setExtraDependency($dependency) { // ... } public function onFoo(Zend\EventManager\EventInterface $e) { // do some complex stuff ... $e->setParam('foo', 'bar'); } public function onBar(Zend\EventManager\EventInterface $e) { // do some complex stuff ... $e->setParam('bar', 'baz'); } public function onBaz(Zend\EventManager\EventInterface $e) { // do some complex stuff ... $e->setParam('baz', array_merge($e->getParam('baz', array()), array('element')); } }
Now you can attach this PPO to the EventManager
use Zend\EventManager\EventManager; use Zend\EventManager\Event; use BnpLazyListener\LazyListenerAggregate; $events = new EventManager(); $events->attach(new LazyListenerAggregate( function () use ($aDependency, $anotherDependency, $dependency) { $listener = new PlainPhpObjectWithDependencies($aDependency, $anotherDependency); $listener->setExtraDependency($dependency); return $listener; }, array( 'foo' => 'onFoo', 'bar' => array('onBar', 1000), 'baz' => array( 'onBaz', array('onBaz', -99) ) ) )); $events->trigger(new Event('an_event')); // PlainPhpObjectWithDependencies gets instantiated only now $events->trigger(new Event('foo'));
We've used \Closure
here as factory, LazyListenerAggregate
however, accepts any valid callable
. As you can already
see this does not bring much flexibility, as we wrap statically all our listener dependencies, here is where the second
utility listener comes in handy.
This is a ServiceLocatorAware
service that is able to aggregate a collection of other ListenerAggregate
s, from which,
the most important one is that described above.
All atom listeners are called delegates and can be represented as:
- a callable to invoke to instantiate the delegate, optionally aServiceLocatorInterface
is passed as the only argumentstring
(a valid FQ class name implementingZend\EventManager\ListenerAggregateInterface
(a valid FQ class name implementingZend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface
- not matching a factory class name - will makeServicesListenerAggregateCollection
to pull the delegate as a service from currently injected locatorarray
- containing 2 elements, the first one - any of above, to use as a lazy factory for theLazyListenerAggregate
and the second - an array defining the events being listened to, the second constructor argument for theLazyListenerAggregate
We can now define a bunch of listeners at a time using only a configuration array:
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager; use Zend\EventManager\EventManager; use BnpLazyListener\ServicesListenerAggregateCollection; $delegates = array( 'a_listener_aggregate_service', 'MyApp\Factory\ListenerAggregateFactoryService', array( 'PlainPhpObjectWithDependencies', array( 'foo' => 'onFoo', 'bar' => array('onBar', 1000), 'baz' => array( 'onBaz', array('onBaz', -99) ) ) ) ); $services = new ServiceManager(); // declare your a_listener_aggregate_service and PlainPhpObjectWithDependencies services in the container $listener = new ServicesListenerAggregateCollection($delegates); $listener->setServiceLocator($services); $events = new EventManager(); $events->attach($listener); $events->trigger(new Event('an_event')); // PlainPhpObjectWithDependencies gets pulled from the locator only now $events->trigger(new Event('bar'));