
Poker hand evaluator bundle for Symfony3

0.1.1 2016-05-20 13:59 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 17:26:03 UTC


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Poker Hand Evaluator Bundle

About Poker Hand Evaluator Bundle

Hand Evaluator Bundle is a PHP 5.6+ library providing services to evaluate Texas hold'em Poker Hands.



A Symfony3 project

With composer

This bundle can be installed using composer by adding the following in the require section of your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "bourdeau/handevaluator-bundle": "~0.1"

Register the bundle

You must register the bundle in your kernel:


// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = [
        // ...
        new Bourdeau\Bundle\HandEvaluatorBundle\BourdeauBundleHandEvaluatorBundle(),
    // ...


There is no configuration for now.

Usage Example

// Path/To/Your/Controller
$winnerFinder = $this->container->get('bourdeau_bundle_hand_evaluator.winnerfinder');
$players = [
    'John'   => [QH, 2S, QS, JH, 5D, KH, 2H],
    'David'  => [9S, 2D, QS, JH, 5D, KH, 2H],
    'Robert' => [QD, QC, QS, JH, 5D, KH, 2H],

$result = $handFinder->findAWinner($players);

// $result will output:array(2) {
│   ["winners"]=>
│   array(1) {
│     ["Robert"]=>
│     array(4) {
│       ["hand_name"]=>
│       string(15) "Three of a kind"
│       ["hand_rank"]=>
│       int(4)
│       ["card_rank"]=>
│       int(11)
│       ["cards"]=>
│       array(3) {
│         [0]=>
│         string(2) "QD"
│         [1]=>
│         string(2) "QC"
│         [2]=>
│         string(2) "QS"
│       }
│     }
│   }
│   ["other_players"]=>
│   array(2) {
│     ["John"]=>
│     array(4) {
│       ["hand_name"]=>
│       string(9) "Two Pairs"
│       ["hand_rank"]=>
│       int(3)
│       ["card_rank"]=>
│       int(11)
│       ["cards"]=>
│       array(4) {
│         [0]=>
│         string(2) "QH"
│         [1]=>
│         string(2) "QS"
│         [2]=>
│         string(2) "2S"
│         [3]=>
│         string(2) "2H"
│       }
│     }
│     ["David"]=>
│     array(4) {
│       ["hand_name"]=>
│       string(8) "One Pair"
│       ["hand_rank"]=>
│       int(2)
│       ["card_rank"]=>
│       int(1)
│       ["cards"]=>
│       array(2) {
│         [0]=>
│         string(2) "2D"
│         [1]=>
│         string(2) "2H"
│       }
│     }
│   }
│ }