boris / imgscrape
Simple image scraper from remote URL to get the largest image
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ~5.0
- monolog/monolog: 1.11.*@dev
Requires (Dev)
- mockery/mockery: 0.9.*@dev
- phpunit/phpunit: 4.7.*@dev
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-15 18:07:24 UTC
Install via composer:
require: {
"boris/imgscrape": "0.*"
Please check the index.php file supplied for a working example.
In essence you initialize the scraper by doing:
$scraper = new Boris\ImgScraper\Scraper($client, $logger, $configArray);
Here the $client object is a Guzzle client instance and the $logger is located in the same namespace as the scraper.
To get the source of the largest image on any URL:
The script issues a head request first. If the 'imageLinksOnly' parameter is set to true, if the response does not contain a 'Content-Type' header or if that header is not of an image type, it returns null. Otherwise, it just returns the same URL (this functionality is useful if you have a huge array of URLs and you want to get only the direct image URLs).
To use this component in Symfony, please register it as a service:
boris.scraper: ~
boris.logger: ~
class: Boris\ImgScrape\Logger
arguments: [%boris.logger%]
class: Boris\ImgScrape\Scraper
arguments: [@guzzle.client, @boris.logger, %boris.scraper%]
class: GuzzleHttp\Client
arguments: [%guzzle.params%]
You can then call this from the container:
#Parameter Reference
There is a default set of parameters that can be overridden when initializing the scraper and logger combo:
$config = [
'imageLinksOnly' => false,
'acceptedTypes' => [
'blacklist' => [
'user-agent' => 'Boris-ImgScrape/0.2 (amateur script, contact: my at email dot com)'
$configLogger = [
'enabled' => true,
'handlers' => [
'dir' => __DIR__ . '/../../../../log/debug.log',
'level' => 'debug'
'dir' => __DIR__ . '/../../../../log/main.log',
'level' => 'info'
These can be used as your %scraper% parameters value and you only need to override what you need. Here is a reference on what each parameter means:
imageLinksOnly: only returns the URL if the supplied URL is for and image
acceptedTypes: accepted image mime types
blacklist: which hostnames to ignore
user-agent: your useragent string
enabled: whether or not to enable the logger
handlers: an array for each logger handler. Supply the dir and the level of the logger (this component uses Monolog, so you can check the default documentation for levels)
In order for tests to run, you need to include the following dependencies in your project for composer to install:
require-dev: {
"mockery/mockery": "0.9.*@dev",
"phpunit/phpunit": "4.7.*@dev"
To run tests, navigate to the root directory of the project and run:
phpunit --group=BorisImgScrape
By default, Monolog creates a log file with the level specified in the 'handlers' parameter of the logger config. You can use DEBUG, but keep in mind the logs get quite big.