boomcms / boomcms
BoomCMS is built on Laravel 5 and released under the MIT license. BoomCMS is designed to be easy to use for content editors and developers alike
2017-11-25 17:55 UTC
- boomcms/boom-core: 7.1.*
- boomcms/boom-installer: 1.8.*
- boomcms/boom-robotstxt: 5.0.*
- boomcms/boom-sitemap: 3.1.*
- davidbarratt/custom-installer: 1.*
- wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin: ^1.3@dev
BoomCMS is a content management system which is designed to be easy for content editors and developers alike.
BoomCMS can be installed via Composer:
composer create-project boomcms/boomcms --prefer-dist
You'll then want to setup your Apache virtual host:
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName <your server name> DocumentRoot "<your install path>/public" <Directory "<your install path>/public"> AllowOverride all </Directory> </VirtualHost>
Then open up Boom in your browser to complete the installation process.
BoomCMS is built on the Laravel Framework. WYSYWIG text editor is courtesty of wysihtml