
Sometimes you just need a little workaround to debug your code

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1.1.1 2023-12-06 11:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-06 12:30:49 UTC


Sometimes you just need a little workaround to debug your code


composer req bokuno/t3-ez-logger

How to use this logger

The logger needs to be activated to write into the log file. So you can easily de-/activate this feature without installing and removing the extension.

Then you can use this code to log:

use BokuNo\T3EZLogger\Domain\Model\EZLogger;
$ezlogger = new EZLogger("filename.log");
$ezlogger->write("I want to debug this");

check for log in var/log/filename.log


prepend current date to filename

just add "true" to constructor to prepend the current date in format "Ymd" to the filename

$ezlogger = new EZLogger("filename.log",true);

But why ? I can log directly via \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Log\LogManager

Because when I need to debug strange things in production, I don't want to flood the server with unnecessery logs from extensions I cannot fix for reasons.


  • Scheduler to remove log after n days
  • Send Mail Function to directly send your log via mail to predefined mail address
  • Timestamp to prepend to log file?