
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the mamiapatrick/laravel-searchtools package instead.

A small package to provide a GUI for filtering and searching entries.

v2.0.0 2019-09-09 19:43 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist Software License

This package provides a consistent user interface for filtering and searching through entries. This doesn't include any backend functionality to implement filtering or searching, but just provides a simple way of including the UI in your Laravel views.


At the moment, this package uses Bootstrap's dropdown component - see for more information on how to install Bootstrap.


To install, either run

$ composer require bnjns/laravel-searchtools

or add the following to the require section of your composer.json file:

"bnjns/laravel-searchtools": "dev-master"


  1. Add the following to the providers entry in config/app.php:

  2. Add the following to the aliases entry to use the Facade:

    ``` php
       use bnjns\SearchTools\Facades\SearchTools;'SearchTools' => SearchTools::class,
  3. Run the following to publish the package's views and assets:

    $ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="bnjns\SearchTools\SearchToolsServiceProvider"

    Note: Steps 1 and 2 are not required for Laravel 5.5+.


Most of the settings for the package are automatically retrieved from the Request object. Customisation may be introduced in a later version.

Showing the UI

To render the tools, simply include

{!! SearchTools::render() !!}

Setting the filter options

To set the list of filter options, use SearchTools::setFilterOptions($options). Make sure $options is an array where the key is the filter value, and the value is human-readable text.

If you do not want to override any pre-existing options you may have set, you can use SearchTools::addFilterOption($filter, $text) to manually add a single option to the end of the array.

Showing and hiding tools

This package tries to only show the tools that are relevant, but you can customise which tools to show or hide using SearchTools::show('name'); and SearchTools::hide('name');.

Styling the tools

To include the default styles, you can

  1. Include the SCSS file located in resources/sass in your own stylesheet
  2. Include the pre-built CSS with {!! SearchTools::assets() !!} - this outputs the necessary link tag to include the stylesheet

Alternatively, you can style the tools yourself.

Getting the Request values

This package provides a simple way to get the filter or search values for use in your backend logic:

  1. Filter value: SearchTools::filter()
  2. Search value: SearchTools::search()


This package is covered by the GNU General Public License v3. See the License File for more information.