
Lightweight package to log slack exceptions.

6.0.0 2024-07-05 10:47 UTC


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You can install the package via composer:

composer require binarcode/laravel-developer

You can publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\LaravelDeveloperServiceProvider" --tag="developer-migrations"
php artisan migrate

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\LaravelDeveloperServiceProvider" --tag="developer-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:


return [
     * The slack incoming webhook to send notifications.
    'slack_dev_hook' => env('SLACK_DEV_HOOK'),

     * The url to the web where you may display the exception.
     * For instance you can use nova, so the url will look like: /nova/resources/exception-logs/{uuid}
     * We will replace the uuid with the exception log uuid.
    'developer_log_base_url' => env('DEV_developer_log_base_url'),

     * The default notification class used to send notifications.
    'notification' => \Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\Notifications\DevNotification::class,

Additionally, you must create a Slack App for your Slack workspace.

If you only need to send notifications to the same Slack workspace that the App is created in, you should ensure that your App has the chat:write, chat:write.public, and chat:write.customize scopes. These scopes can be added from the "OAuth & Permissions" App management tab within Slack.


Send exception to slack

The simplies way to use the package is to send an exception to the slack:

use Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\LaravelDeveloper;

    new \Exception('wew')

Or using helper:

slack(new Exception('wew'));

Send message to slack

Use this to send any message to your dev slack:

use Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\LaravelDeveloper;

LaravelDeveloper::messageToDevSlack('Hey, we have troubles ;-)');

Or using helper:

slack('Hey there!');

Send anything to slack

Obviously, you can send any kind of message to the slack channel. The toDevSlack method accept an instance of DevNotificationDto:

use Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\LaravelDeveloper;
use Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\Dtos\DevNotificationDto;


Persist exception

If you want to persist the exception into the database, in any place you want to catch and log an exception, you can do something like this:

use Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\Models\DeveloperLog;

try {
    // Your custom code
} catch (\Throwable $e) {

Under the hood, the package will store an entry in the exception_logs of your database with the exception.

Or using helper (but this will also send a slack notification):


Slack notification

If you want to send the notification to the slack webhook, just call the notifyDevs() method on your ExceptionLog instance.

This will send a slack notification to the incoming webhook you have specified in the developer.slack_dev_hook configuration file.

Passing other payload

You can specify payload to your exception, so it will be stored along with the exception. In the example bellow we will catch a Cashier exception and will log it:

use Laravel\Cashier\Exceptions\PaymentFailure;
use Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\Models\DeveloperLog;

try {
    // Your custom code
} catch (PaymentFailure $e) {
DeveloperLog::makeFromException($e, $e->payment->asStripePaymentIntent())->notifyDevs();

The second $e->payment->asStripePaymentIntent() object MUST implement the \JsonSerializable() interface.

You can add more payloads by using:


Using a custom notification

However, Laravel Developer package provides you the Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\Notifications\DevNotification notification, you are free to use a completely new one by configuring the developer.notification configuration:

'notification': CustomNotification::class,

If you want to take the full control over the notification sending, you can add this in one of your service providers:

use Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\LaravelDeveloper;
use Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\Notifications\DevNotification;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;

LaravelDeveloper::notifyUsing(function (DevNotification $argument) {
    // Here you can do anything you want(even send an email), for instance we provide here
    // an example of how you can send an anonymous notification.
    Notification::route('slack', config('developer.slack_dev_hook'))->notify(
        new CustomNotification($argument->notificationDto)

Log pruning

Without pruning, the exception_logs table can accumulate records very quickly. To mitigate this, you should schedule the dev:prune Artisan command to run daily:


By default, all entries older than 24 hours will be pruned. You may use the hours option when calling the command to determine how long to retain Developer data. For example, the following command will delete all records created over 48 hours ago:

$schedule->command('dev:prune --hours=48')->daily();


As a developer sometimes you have to measure the memory usage or time consumed for such action. Laravel Developer helps you to do so:

measure_memory(function() {
    // some code


$memory = \Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\Profiling\ServerMemory::measure();

// some code memory consuming



And time measure:

measure_timing(function() {
    // some code


$timing = \Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\Profiling\ServerTiming::startWithoutKey();




Dev auth

Each api has authentication, and testing it via HTTP Client (ie postman) we spend a lot of time to login users and copy the token, put in the next request and so on. Well now Laravel Developer provides an easy way to authenticate users in local env using testing token:

// app/Http/Kernel.php

'api' => [

And send the request with the Authorization header value testing.

Note: Make sure the DevAuthMiddleware is placed before the api middleware.

Customize resolved user

By default, the first entry (usually user) from your config model app.providers.users.model will be used, however, you can customize that.

In any of yours service providers, or in the same place you inject the DevAuthMiddleware you can provide a callback which resolves the user instance:

use App\Models\User;
use Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\Middleware\DevAuthMiddleware;

'middleware' => [
    DevAuthMiddleware::resolveUserUsing(function() {
        return User::first();

Changing Bearer

If you're using laravel sanctum, and want to explicitely use / generate a Bearer for the resolved user, you can use the \Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\Middleware\DevAuthMiddleware::class instead, which follow the same syntax as the DevAuthMiddleware.

Tests macros


If you're annoying to always scroll up to message in your test when ->dump() the response, you can use ->dumpWithoutTrace() instead, it will return you back everything except the long array of trace.


Often we're using common Collection or EnumeratesValues chain methods, but we cannot use those in other context.


when is one of the most useful methods, let's assume we have this class:

class DocumentGenerator
    public static function make(...$arguments)
        return new static(...$arguments);
        public function setItem(Item $item): self
        $this->item = $item;

        return $this;

    public function setOrder(Order $order): self
        $this->order = $order;

        return $this;
    public function generate(){

And you want to set the order for the class, and item unless it exists. The usual way to do so is:

$generator = DocumentGenerator::make()->setOrder($order);

if ($item) {


Using the when chain method, this code become fluent:

    ->when($item, fn($generator) => $generator->setItem($order))

To make it work, simply add the Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\Concerns\Proxies trait:

class DocumentGenerator
    use Binarcode\LaravelDeveloper\Concerns\Proxies;

Store logs

Sometimes you may want to store simple logs (for instance when you send some API requests from your app, you may want to store the payload):

$payload = [...];

devLog('Called Fedex API with:', $payload)

Now you will have an entry in your database table with the payload and the associated name.

Attach target

You can attach a target to your log, so it will relate to a model like this:

devLog('Model updated')->target($user);

Or if you need to attach many models, use:


Attach meta

You also can attach meta data to your logs:

    ->addMeta(['browser' => 'safari',])

Telescope support

Package will automaticaly store exceptions into telescope.

Simply install telescope and mark the developer.telescope on true.

Telescope exceptions will be automatically stored on each slack($e)->persist() call, or custom using the telescopeException($e, 'custom message') helper.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.