
laravel enum helper base php version 8.1

v1.4.0 2025-03-15 03:47 UTC


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Enum helper for laravel10 based on the enum feature of php 8.1.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require biiiiiigmonster/laravel-enum


To get started, enums typically live in the app\Enums directory. You may use the make:enum Artisan command to generate a new enum:

php artisan make:enum TaskStatus

if you want to generate a backed enum, you may use the make:enum Artisan command with --type options:

php artisan make:enum TaskStatus --type=int

and also you can apply the trait on your exists enum:

use BiiiiiigMonster\LaravelEnum\Concerns\EnumTraits;

// pure enum.
enum Role
    use EnumTraits;

    case SUBSCRIBER;
    case GUEST;

// backed enum.
enum TaskStatus: int
    use EnumTraits;

    case INCOMPLETE = 0;
    case COMPLETED = 1;
    case CANCELED = 2;


This helper lets you get the primitive value of a backed enum, or the name of a pure enum, by "invoking" it — either statically (MyEnum::FOO() instead of MyEnum::FOO), or as an instance ($enum()).

That way, you can use enums as array keys:

'statuses' => [
    TaskStatus::INCOMPLETE() => ['some configuration'],
    TaskStatus::COMPLETED() => ['other configuration'],

Or access the underlying primitives for any other use cases:

public function updateStatus(int $status): void;


The main point: this is all without having to append ->value to everything:

TaskStatus::CANCELED; // => TaskStatus instance
TaskStatus::CANCELED(); // => 2

Use static calls to get the primitive value

TaskStatus::INCOMPLETE(); // 0
TaskStatus::COMPLETED(); // 1
TaskStatus::CANCELED(); // 2
Role::GUEST(); // 'GUEST'

Invoke instances to get the primitive value

public function updateStatus(TaskStatus $status, Role $role)
    $this->record->setStatus($status(), $role());


Helper provide many static methods for you to enhance experience with enums.


This helper returns a list of case names in the enum.

TaskStatus::names(); // ['INCOMPLETE', 'COMPLETED', 'CANCELED']
Role::names(); // ['ADMINISTRATOR', 'SUBSCRIBER', 'GUEST']


This helper returns a list of case values for backed enums, or a list of case names for pure enums (making this functionally equivalent to ::names() for pure Enums)

TaskStatus::values(); // [0, 1, 2]
Role::values(); // ['ADMINISTRATOR', 'SUBSCRIBER', 'GUEST']


This helper returns an array, that key is each instance invoke () return, and value is instance ->label() returns.

        0 => 'Incomplete', 
        1 => 'Completed', 
        2 => 'Canceled'
        'ADMINISTRATOR' => 'Administrator', 
        'SUBSCRIBER' => 'Subscriber', 
        'GUEST' => 'Guest'


This helper returns a list of case map array that each instance, if instance append attributes that extended Meta, the map array including more.

        ['name' => 'INCOMPLETE', 'value' => 0], 
        ['name' => 'COMPLETED', 'value' => 1], 
        ['name' => 'CANCELED', 'value' => 2]
        ['name' => 'ADMINISTRATOR'], 
        ['name' => 'SUBSCRIBER'], 
        ['name' => 'GUEST']


This helper adds from() and tryFrom() to pure enums, and adds fromName() and tryFromName() to all enums.

Important Notes:

  • BackedEnum instances already implement their own from() and tryFrom() methods, which will not be overridden by this trait. Attempting to override those methods in a BackedEnum causes a fatal error.
  • Pure enums only have named cases and not values, so the from() and tryFrom() methods are functionally equivalent to fromName() and tryFromName()
Use the from() method
Role::from('NOBODY'); // Error: ValueError
Use the tryFrom() method
Role::tryFrom('GUEST'); // Role::GUEST
Role::tryFrom('NEVER'); // null
Use the fromName() method
TaskStatus::fromName('INCOMPLETE'); // TaskStatus::INCOMPLETE
TaskStatus::fromName('MISSING'); // Error: ValueError
Role::fromName('SUBSCRIBER'); // Role::SUBSCRIBER
Role::fromName('HACKER'); // Error: ValueError
Use the tryFromName() method
TaskStatus::tryFromName('COMPLETED'); // TaskStatus::COMPLETED
TaskStatus::tryFromName('NOTHING'); // null
Role::tryFromName('GUEST'); // Role::GUEST
Role::tryFromName('TESTER'); // null


This helper returns an instance of case by random.

TaskStatus::random(); // TaskStatus::COMPLETED
Role::random(); // Role::GUEST

Default Case

Sometimes you may need to specify default case for your enum, which is easy as below: simply append the #[DefaultCase] attribute to the case:

use BiiiiiigMonster\LaravelEnum\Attributes\DefaultCase;
use BiiiiiigMonster\LaravelEnum\Concerns\EnumTraits;

enum Role
    use EnumTraits;
    case ADMIN;
    case GUEST;

Then use the ::default() static method to get this case instance:

Role::default(); // Role::ADMIN

Role::ADMIN->isDefault(); // true


This feature lets you add metadata to enum cases, it's used by way of attributes.

use BiiiiiigMonster\LaravelEnum\Concerns\EnumTraits;
use App\Enums\Metas\{Description, Color};

enum TaskStatus: int
    use EnumTraits;

    #[Description('Incomplete Task')] #[Color('red')]
    case INCOMPLETE = 0;

    #[Description('Completed Task')] #[Color('green')]
    case COMPLETED = 1;

    #[Description('Canceled Task')] #[Color('gray')]
    case CANCELED = 2;

Creating meta attributes

To generate a new meta attributes, you may use the make:enumMeta Artisan command:

php artisan make:enumMeta Color

meta attribute needs to exist as an Attribute.

use BiiiiiigMonster\LaravelEnum\Concerns\Meta;
use Attribute;

class Color extends Meta {}

class Description extends Meta {}

Inside the attribute, you can customize a few things. For instance, you may want to use a different method name than the one derived from the class name (Description becomes description() by default). To do that, define the alias static property on the meta:

class Description extends Meta
    public static string $alias = 'note';

With the code above, the ->description() of a case will be accessible as ->note().

Another thing you can customize is the passed value. For instance, to wrap a color name like text-{$color}-500, you'd add the following transform() method:

class Color extends Meta
    protected function transform(mixed $value): string
        return "text-{$value}-500";

And now the returned color will be correctly transformed:

TaskStatus::COMPLETED->color(); // 'text-green-500'

Access the metadata

By accessing the attribute method name, you can get the meta value:

TaskStatus::INCOMPLETE->description(); // 'Incomplete Task'
TaskStatus::COMPLETED->color(); // 'green'

Also, ::tables() static method can return all meta attribute maps on each instance.

$tables = TaskStatus::tables();

// $tables
        'name' => 'INCOMPLETE', 
        'value' => 0, 
        'description' => 'Incomplete Task', 
        'color' => 'red'
        'name' => 'COMPLETED', 
        'value' => 1, 
        'description' => 'Completed Task', 
        'color' => 'green'
        'name' => 'CANCELED', 
        'value' => 2, 
        'description' => 'Canceled Task', 
        'color' => 'gray'

Use the fromMeta() method

Similarly, you can also get the enum case instance through the meta instance.

$green = Color::make('green');// new Color('green');
$blue = Color::make('blue');// new Color('blue');

TaskStatus::fromMeta($green); // TaskStatus::COMPLETED
TaskStatus::fromMeta($blue); // Error: ValueError

Use the tryFromMeta() method

TaskStatus::tryFromMeta($green); // TaskStatus::COMPLETED
TaskStatus::tryFromMeta($blue); // null


Usually, we need limit your application's incoming data to a specified enums, laravel provides the basic rule, but here we have perfected it.

Array Validation

You can use the 'array' syntax for rules.


Validate that a parameter is an instance of a given enum, it's similar to Enum Rules and can support pure enums.

use BiiiiiigMonster\LaravelEnum\Rules\Enum;

public function store(Request $request)
    $this->validate($request, [
        'status' => ['required', new Enum(TaskStatus::class)],
        'role' => ['required', new Enum(Role::class)],


Additionally, validate that a parameter is an instance of the given meta in the given enum.

use BiiiiiigMonster\LaravelEnum\Rules\EnumMeta;

public function store(Request $request)
    $this->validate($request, [
        'color' => ['required', new EnumMeta(TaskStatus::class, Color::class)],

EnumMeta rule takes two parameters, the first is given enum, the second is given meta, if parameter name is same of meta method name, you can omit it:

'color' => ['required', new EnumMeta(TaskStatus::class)],

Pipe Validation

You can also use the 'pipe' syntax for rules.

  • enumerate: enum_class
  • enum_meta: enum_class,[meta_attribute]
'status' => 'required|enumerate:' . TaskStatus::class,
'color' => 'required|enum_meta:' . TaskStatus::class . ',' . Color::class,

Validation messages

If needed, you can modify the error message when validated fails.

Run the following command to publish the language files to your lang folder:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BiiiiiigMonster\LaravelEnum\EnumServiceProvider" --tag="translations"



The enum instances are descriptive, and we have added translation capabilities for this. You can translate the strings returned by the enum instance's ->label() method using Laravel's built-in localization features.

Add a new enums.php keys file for each of your supported languages. In this example there is one for English and one for Spanish:

// lang/en/enums.php
<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use App\Enums\TaskStatus;

return [

    TaskStatus::class => [
        TaskStatus::INCOMPLETE() => 'Incomplete',
        TaskStatus::COMPLETED() => 'Completed',
        TaskStatus::CANCELED() => 'Canceled',

// lang/es/enums.php
<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use App\Enums\TaskStatus;

return [

    TaskStatus::class => [
        TaskStatus::INCOMPLETE() => 'Incompleto',
        TaskStatus::COMPLETED() => 'Completo',
        TaskStatus::CANCELED() => 'Cancelación',


Now, you just need to make sure that your enum implements the Localizable interface as demonstrated below:

use BiiiiiigMonster\LaravelEnum\Concerns\EnumTraits;
use BiiiiiigMonster\LaravelEnum\Contracts\Localizable;

enum TaskStatus: int implements Localizable
    use EnumTraits;
    // ...

Alternatively, when creating with the make:enum Artisan command, add the --local option:

php artisan make:enum TaskStatus --local

The ->label() method will now look for the value in your localization files:

// en/enums.php
TaskStatus::CANCELED->label();// 'Canceled'

// es/enums.php
TaskStatus::CANCELED->label();// 'Cancelación'

and the ::options() static method returned array's value also be localized:

// en/enums.php
TaskStatus::options();// [0 => 'Incomplete', 1 => 'Completed', 2 => 'Canceled']

// es/enums.php
TaskStatus::options();// [0 => 'Incompleto', 1 => 'Completo', 2 => 'Cancelación']

Artisan Command

If you want your IDE to autocomplete the static instantiation helpers, you can generate PHPDoc annotations through an artisan command.

By default, all Enums in app/Enums will be annotated (you can change the folder by passing a path to --folder)

php artisan enum:phpdoc

Also, you can annotate a single class by specifying the class name

php artisan enum:phpdoc "App\Enums\TaskStatus"
use BiiiiiigMonster\LaravelEnum\Concerns\EnumTraits;
use App\Enums\Metas\{Description, Color};

 * @method static int INCOMPLETE()
 * @method static int COMPLETED()
 * @method static int CANCELED()
 * @method mixed description()
 * @method mixed color()
enum TaskStatus: int
    use EnumTraits;
    // ...


composer test


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