
Laravel Helper for CRUD Resources

3.0.7 2024-11-20 12:18 UTC


test workflow


A helper for CRUD routes in Laravel.

Easily add a complete CRUD route + controller by adding a trait to your model.


$ composer require berthott/laravel-crudable


The package implements a generic approach onto CRUD routes moving the setup of those routes from the several different places (routes / controller) into the model itself. This does'nt prevent you from adding your own custom routes and controllers. There are helper methods if you need the additionally created route in a specific order.

Frontend connection

The index route does not implement any pagination. This is to be considered when implementing the connection to this route as this means a potentially huge payload:

  • Try to avoid eagerly loaded relations when they contain a lot of data (do not use them in $with array)
    • To add the information on the relations with minimal data size you can add an attribute holding the relations ids. TODO: This could be done by the package automatically
  • If you wan't to eagerly load relations only in the show route you can use showRelations()

TODO: An optional pagination could help here in the future.


  • Create your table and corresponding model, eg. with php artisan make:model YourModel -m
  • Add the Crudable trait to your newly generated model.
  • The package will register these standard API CRUD routes (see API Resource Routes).
    • Index, get yourmodels/ => get all entities
    • Show, get yourmodels/{yourmodel} => get a single entity
    • Create, post yourmodels/ => create a new entity
    • Update, put yourmodels/{yourmodel} => update an entity
    • Destroy, delete yourmodels/{yourmodel} => delete an entity
  • Additionally it registers
    • Destroy many, delete yourmodels/destroy_many => delete many entities by their given ids
    • Schema, get yourmodels/schema => get the database schema
  • Add relations implementing one of the following methods
    • attachables() to attach existing related models to the model
    • creatables() to create new related models and attach them to the model
    • customRelations() to implement your very own behavior for adding relations to the model
  • For more information on how to setup certain features see \berthott\Crudable\Models\Traits\Crudable.


To change the default options use

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="berthott\Crudable\CrudableServiceProvider" --tag="config"
  • Inherited from laravel-targetable
  • namespace: String or array with one ore multiple namespaces that should be monitored for the configured trait. Defaults to App\Models.
  • namespace_mode: Defines the search mode for the namespaces. ClassFinder::STANDARD_MODE will only find the exact matching namespace, ClassFinder::RECURSIVE_MODEwill find all subnamespaces. Defaults to ClassFinder::STANDARD_MODE.
  • prefix: Defines the route prefix. Defaults to api.
  • General Package Configuration
    • middleware: An array of all middlewares to be applied to all of the generated routes. Defaults to ['api'].


  • The package relies on laravel-targetable to connect specific functionality to Laravel model entities via a trait. (Crudable).


Tested with Laravel 10.x.


See License File. Copyright © 2023 Jan Bladt.