
Berlioz Configuration is a PHP library to manage your configuration files.

v2.3.0 2025-03-14 11:03 UTC


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Berlioz Configuration is a PHP library to manage your configuration files.



You can install Berlioz Configuration with Composer, it's the recommended installation.

$ composer require berlioz/config


  • PHP ^8.0
  • Packages:
    • berlioz/helpers
    • colinodell/json5


Create configuration object

You can create the configuration with adapters. 3 default adapters are available:

  • ArrayAdapter: accept a PHP array
  • IniAdapter: accept a INI string or file
  • JsonAdapter: accept a JSON/JSON5 string or file


use Berlioz\Config\Adapter;
use Berlioz\Config\Config;

$arrayAdapter = new Adapter\ArrayAdapter([/*...*/]);
$iniAdapter = new Adapter\IniAdapter('/path/of-project/config/config.ini', true);
$jsonAdapter = new Adapter\JsonAdapter('/path/of-project/config/config.json', true);

$config = new Config([$arrayAdapter, $jsonAdapter, $iniAdapter]);
print $config->get(''); // Print value of configuration

Second parameter of IniAdapter and JsonAdapter constructors define that the first parameter is an url.

The order of adapter is important, the first have priority... So the value returned by get method is the first adapter to respond at key. If the value is an array, it will be merged with all adapters.

For more flexibility, you can define the priority by an integer in the constructor of adapters, withe the parameter priority.

Get value

To get value, you must call get method:

$config = new \Berlioz\Config\Config(/* ... */);

$config->get('foo'); // Returns value of key 'foo'
$config->get(''); // Returns value of nested key ''
$config->get('baz', true); // Returns value of key 'baz' or TRUE default value if key does not exist

The second parameter of ConfigInterface::get() method is the default value if key does not exist. Default value of this parameter is NULL.

You can also test if a key exist:

$config = new \Berlioz\Config\Config(/* ... */);

$exists = $config->has('foo'); // Returns boolean


Config object accept a set of functions. The syntax to call a function is: {functionName:value}.

A function call must be alone in value of configuration key.

Defaults functions:

  • config: replace value by another part of config
  • constant: replace value by a constant
  • env: replace value by environment variable
  • var: replace value by variable value
  • file: replace value by file contents


use Berlioz\Config\Adapter;
use Berlioz\Config\Config;

define('FOO', 'foo constant value');

$arrayAdapter = new Adapter\ArrayAdapter([
    'foo' => '{constant:FOO}',
    'bar' => [
        'foo' => 'value2',
    'baz' => '{config:}',
    'qux' => '{var: BAR}'
$config = new Config([$arrayAdapter], ['BAR' => 'bar value']);

print $config->get('foo'); // Print "foo constant value"
print $config->get('baz'); // Print "value2"
print $config->get('qux'); // Print "bar value"
print_r($config->get('bar')); // Print array "['foo' => 'value2']"


You can define variables usable in configuration with function var.

Define variables in the constructor:

// Define variable in an array
$variables = [
    'foo' => 'foo value',
    'bar' => 'bar value',

$config = new \Berlioz\Config\Config(variables: $variables);

You can also manipulate the variables after instantiation of config. Variables are stored in a ArrayObject object, accessible with Config::getVariables() method:

$config = new \Berlioz\Config\Config();

// Set variables
$config->getVariables()['foo'] = 'foo value';
$config->getVariables()['bar'] = 'bar value';

// Unset a variable

Extend library

Create an adapter

You can create your own adapter. Only implements \Berlioz\Config\Adapter\AdapterInterface interface.

This interface has only 3 methods:

  • AdapterInterface::getPriority(): int
  • ConfigInterface::get(string $key, mixed $default = null): mixed
  • ConfigInterface::has(string $key): bool

Look at the existent adapters in the source code of the library for inspiration.

Create a function

You can create your owns functions. Only implements \Berlioz\Config\ConfigFunction\ConfigFunctionInterface interface.

This interface has only 2 methods:

  • ConfigFunctionInterface::getName(): string
  • ConfigFunctionInterface::execute(string $str): mixed

Look at the existent functions in the source code of the library for inspiration.