
A library to track GLS parcels using the GLS Track & Trace Web API

Fund package maintenance!

0.1.0 2019-12-16 15:22 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-21 02:55:49 UTC


A PHP library to track GLS parcels using the GLS Track & Trace Web API.

Latest Stable Version License


This library is installable via Composer:

composer require benmorel/gls-tracker


This library requires PHP 7.1 or later.

Project status & release process

This library is under development.

The current releases are numbered 0.x.y. When a non-breaking change is introduced (adding new methods, optimizing existing code, etc.), y is incremented.

When a breaking change is introduced, a new 0.x version cycle is always started.

It is therefore safe to lock your project to a given release cycle, such as 0.1.*.

If you need to upgrade to a newer release cycle, check the release history for a list of changes introduced by each further 0.x.0 version.


First, instantiate the tracker with your GLS API username & password:

use BenMorel\GLSTracker\GLSTracker;
use BenMorel\GLSTracker\GLSTrackerException;

// Instantiate the tracker
$tracker = new GLSTracker('username', 'password');

You can optionally pass a language code as third parameter, to get results returned in another language (defaults to en):

$tracker = new GLSTracker('username', 'password', 'fr');

You can now track a single parcel:

try {
    $parcel = $tracker->trackOne('00AB1234');

    if ($parcel !== null) {
        echo $parcel->trackid, ' ', $parcel->status, PHP_EOL;
        foreach ($parcel->events as $event) {
            echo "\t", $event->timestamp, ' ', $event->description, PHP_EOL;
    } else {
        echo 'Parcel not found!', PHP_EOL;
} catch (GLSTrackerException $e) {
    // an error occurred
    echo $e;

Or track several parcels at once:

try {
    $parcels = $tracker->trackMany('00AB1234', '00XY6789');

    foreach ($parcels as $parcel) {
        echo $parcel->trackid, ' ', $parcel->status, PHP_EOL;

        foreach ($parcel->events as $event) {
            echo "\t", $event->timestamp, ' ', $event->description, PHP_EOL;
} catch (GLSTrackerException $e) {
    // an error occurred
    echo $e;

Note that there is a limit on the number of search results that may be returned by the API in a single call. If you request too many TrackIDs at a time, you may get a TooManySearchResultsException.

Error handling

If an error occurs while querying the API, a GLSTrackerException is always thrown.

Exception hierarchy:

  • GLSTrackerException
    Base class for all exceptions.
    • Exception\APIException
      A well-known error response has been received from the API.
      • Exception\APIException\InputValidationException
        An invalid TrackID has been given.
      • Exception\APIException\MissingRightsException
        The user can access the API but doesn't have the necessary rights.
      • Exception\APIException\NotAuthorizedException
        The username or password is incorrect.
      • Exception\APIException\TooManySearchResultsException
        Too many search results would be returned; you should request less TrackIDs.
      • Exception\APIException\UserAccountBlockedException
        The user account is blocked.
    • Exception\InvalidResponseException
      An invalid response has been received from the API, and this library cannot decode it.
    • Exception\NetworkException
      A network error occurred and no response has been received from the API.

These fine-grained exceptions allow you to act automatically upon each type of failure. For example, when receiving a NetworkException, you may schedule a retry a few moments later.