benjaminmal/exchangeratehost-bundle API bundle for Symfony

v1.0.0-beta6 2023-05-10 00:34 UTC


Continuous integration bundle

This bundle allows you to query the great (and free!) API in a Symfony app with ease. It supports PSR-7, PSR-17, PSR-18 so you have full control of your dependencies! It uses also the Symfony Cache.

⚠️ This bundle is unofficial. I'm not related to



  • PHP ^8.1
  • Symfony ^6.2



$ composer require benjaminmal/exchangeratehost-bundle


In order to use this bundle, you need to set PSR-17 message factories and a PSR-18 HTTP client.

If you already have PSR-17 factories and PSR-18 HTTP client in your services you're done! Otherwise, you can use these great libraries:

$ composer require nyholm/psr7 symfony/http-client

If you're using Symfony Flex and the recommended librairies, you're all set!

Otherwise, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the config/bundles.php file of your project:

// config/bundles.php

return [
    // ...
    Benjaminmal\ExchangeRateHostBundle\ExchangeRateHostBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Then add your implementation of PSR-17 and PSR-18 services if they don't exist yet:

# services.yaml
    Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface: '@your_custom_psr17_request_factory'
    Psr\Http\Message\UriFactoryInterface: '@your_custom_psr17_uri_factory'
    Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface: '@your_custom_psr18_http_client'

Getting started


The following file is optional but here are the default config values:

# exchangerate_host.yaml
        # Enabled / disable caching. Optional. Disabling it is not recommended 
        # (HTTP request can be long, rate limit could be hit).
        enabled: true
        # Set the cache pool. Optional. Set it to false if you don't want to use 
        # this specific cache pool. Default to "exchangeratehost.cache", which extends the default "app.cache".
            latest_rates: 'exchangeratehost.cache'
            convert_currency: 'exchangeratehost.cache'
            historical_rates: 'exchangeratehost.cache'
            timeseries_rates: 'exchangeratehost.cache'
            fluctuation_data: 'exchangeratehost.cache'
            supported_currencies: 'exchangeratehost.cache'
            eu_vat_rates: 'exchangeratehost.cache'

Use the API client

The API client is available through autowiring via ExchangeRateHostClientInterface or via benjaminmal.exchangerate_host_bundle.client service id:

namespace App\Service;

use Benjaminmal\ExchangeRateHostBundle\Client\ExchangeRateHostClientInterface;
use Benjaminmal\ExchangeRateHostBundle\Model\Option\ConvertCurrencyOption;
use Benjaminmal\ExchangeRateHostBundle\Model\Option\EuVatRatesOption;
use Benjaminmal\ExchangeRateHostBundle\Model\Option\FluctuationDataOption;
use Benjaminmal\ExchangeRateHostBundle\Model\Option\HistoricalRatesOption;
use Benjaminmal\ExchangeRateHostBundle\Model\Option\LatestRatesOption;
use Benjaminmal\ExchangeRateHostBundle\Model\Option\SupportedSymbolsOption;
use Benjaminmal\ExchangeRateHostBundle\Model\Option\TimeSeriesDataOption;
use Benjaminmal\ExchangeRateHostBundle\Model\Output\FluctuationData;
use Benjaminmal\ExchangeRateHostBundle\Model\Output\SymbolData;
use Benjaminmal\ExchangeRateHostBundle\Model\Output\VatRates;

class MyService
    public function __construct(private readonly ExchangeRateHostClientInterface $client)

    public function getLatestRates()
        // Get the latest rates
        $rates = $this->client->getLatestRates(
            options: new LatestRatesOption( // Optional
                base: 'EUR',
                symbols: ['USD', 'CZK'],
                amount: 1200,
                places: 2,
                source: 'ecb',
                callback: 'functionName',

         * @var string $currency
         * @var float $rate
        foreach ($rates as $currency => $rate) {
            // ...

        // ...
    public function convertCurrency(): int
        // Convert price
        /** @var int $newAmount */
        $newAmount = $this->client->convertCurrency(
            fromCurrency: 'EUR', // Required
            toCurrency: 'USD', // Required
            amount: 1300, // Required
            options: new ConvertCurrencyOption(), // Optional
        // ...
    public function getHistoricalRates()
        // Get rates from a specific day
        $rates = $this->client->getHistoricalRates(
            date: new \DateTimeImmutable('-10days'), // Required, will be converted in the url with the format 'Y-m-d'
            options: new HistoricalRatesOption(), // Optional
         * @var string $currency
         * @var float $rate
        foreach ($rates as $currency => $rate) {
            // ...
        // ...
    public function getTimeSeriesRates()
        // Get the rates between 2 dates
        $rates = $this->client->getTimeSeriesRates(
            startDate: new \DateTimeImmutable('-89days'), // Required
            endDate: new \DateTimeImmutable('-10days'), // Required
            options: new TimeSeriesDataOption(), // Optional

         * @var $date string formatted as 'Y-m-d'
         * @var $datum iterable<string, float> 
        foreach ($rates as $date => $datum) {
            foreach ($datum as $currency => $rate) {
                // ...

        // ...
    public function getFluctuationData()
        // Get the fluctuation data between 2 dates
        $data = $this->client->getFluctuationData(
            startDate: new \DateTimeImmutable('-89days'), // Required
            endDate: new \DateTimeImmutable('-10days'), // Required
            options: new FluctuationDataOption(), // Optional
         * @var FluctuationData $fluctuationData 
        foreach ($data as $currency => $fluctuationData) {
            echo $fluctuationData->startRate;
            echo $fluctuationData->endRate;
            echo $fluctuationData->change;
            echo $fluctuationData->changePct;
        // ...
    public function getCurrencies()
        // Get the supported currencies
        $supportedCurrencies = $this->client->getSupportedCurrencies(
            options: new SupportedSymbolsOption(), // Optional
         * @var SymbolData $supportedCurrency 
        foreach ($supportedCurrencies as $currency => $supportedCurrency) {
            echo $supportedCurrency->code;
            echo $supportedCurrency->description;
        // ...
    public function getEurVatRates()
        // Get EU VAT rates
        $rates = $this->client->getEuVatRates(
            options: new EuVatRatesOption(), // Optional
         * @var VatRates $vatRate 
        foreach ($rates as $countryCode => $vatRate) {
            echo $vatRate->countryName;
            echo $vatRate->standardRate;
            echo implode(', ', $vatRate->parkingRates);
            echo implode(', ', $vatRate->reducedRates);
            echo implode(', ', $vatRate->superReducedRates);


Customizing the cache

You want to change the default cache behavior? Let's do that:

# exchangerate_host.yaml
            latest_rates: 'my_new_pool.cache'
# cache.yaml
                adapter: exchangeratehost.cache # extending the default bundle cache
                defaultLifetime: 3600 # 1 hour
                # ... your custom config

Clearing the cache

If you are using the cache (which is highly recommended) you may want to clear the cache at each new entry of the API. So you need to set a cron job on your server just after 00:05am GMT everyday (found in the FAQ).

The cron command:

6 0 * * *

⚠️ Cron generally works on local time! Adapt it to the timezone of your servers.

The command:

php path/to/my_project/bin/console cache:pool:clear exchangeratehost.cache

If you changed the default cache pool, use them instead of exchangeratehost.cache!

What's more?