
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the benjamincrozat/laravel-settings package instead.

Settings in your Laravel application, made easy.

2.0.2 2019-09-03 15:35 UTC


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Laravel Settings

Settings in your Laravel application, made easy.


  • PHP 7.1+
  • Laravel 5.7+ (it should work on older versions though)



Add the package to your project and publish the migration:

composer require benjamincrozat/laravel-settings

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BC\Laravel\Settings\Providers\SettingsServiceProvider" --tag=migrations

php artisan migrate



Usage is similar to the config() helper from Laravel. But instead, settings are stored in your database and cached with the help of whatever driver you are using.

You can set a bunch of settings by passing an array of key-value pairs as the only argument:

    'app_name' => 'Compu-Global-Hyper-Mega-Net',
    'app_description' => "A better Internet company than Flanders'!",

Then, you can access them just like so:


Now, let's say you are spinning a new project, which has nothing in the database yet. You can set a fallback value until the setting is created:

settings('app_name', 'Laravel');

You can also get all settings:


Note that you can also use the Facade if that's what you prefer. Or you could also pull it out from the container via app('settings').


This package even has a Blade directive that you can use just like the helper:

<title>@settings('app_name', 'Laravel')</title>


If you need to access or set settings from the command line, I got you covered (thanks appstract/laravel-options for the inspiration):

php artisan settings:list

php artisan settings:set <key> <value>

php artisan settings:get <key>


Making your settings internationalizable has never been that easy. Let's just extend Laravel Settings and use existing packages that do what we want in a much better way.

First, install spatie/laravel-translatable:

composer require spatie/laravel-translatable

Now, create a Setting model:

php artisan make:model Setting

Then, open it and make sure it looks like this:


namespace App\Setting;

use Spatie\Translatable\HasTranslations;

class Setting extends \BC\Laravel\Settings\Setting
    use HasTranslations;

    public $translatable = ['value'];

Finally, we have to let Laravel Settings know that we want to use our model instead of the built-in version.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BC\Laravel\Settings\Providers\SettingsServiceProvider" --tag=config

Then, edit the newly published config/settings.php as it is below:


return [
    'disable_cache' => false,

    'model' => App\Setting::class,

Done! Instead of bloating my package with a lot of hard to maintain features, I just take advantage of the formidable Laravel ecosystem!

If you don't know the Laravel Translatable package, make sure to read their documentation first!


If you are using multiple databases for multi-tenancy, that's fine, you can skip this part! But if you're not, let's imagine that you're building a SaaS app and that you want to isolate settings per client. That's really easy! Go to databases/migrations/xxxx_xx_xx_xxxxxx_create_settings_table.php and add a client_id column (or anything else depending on what you like):

public function up()
    Schema::create('settings', function (Blueprint $table) {

From there, you can use a custom Setting model and do whatever you need to do in it! :) (Details here.)
