
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested. API PHP Client

1.0.2 2021-07-16 14:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-06-16 19:21:53 UTC


Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

A client library written in PHP with Laravel support.

This library uses unofficial publicly accessible API endpoints of the website, so keep in mind that some endpoints could stop working anytime. Anyway, open an issue if something is broken or missing.


Install the package via composer:

$ composer require beeyev/gettr-api-client-php

Optionally, if you use Laravel, you can publish the config file of this package with this command:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Beeyev\GettrApiClient\Adapters\Laravel\GettrServiceProvider" --tag=config

The following config file will be published in config/gettr.php, set user and token if you want to use methods which require authorization. Read on to find out where to get an authorization token.

return [  
  'user'  => '',  
  'token' => '',  

How to obtain the credentials to communicate with Gettr

  1. Authenticate on
  2. Open dev tools in browser and find username and token values inside x-app-auth in the HTTP request header of any call to an endpoint.
Show screenshot

How to use


use Beeyev\GettrApiClient\Gettr;

$user = 'username';  
$token = 'token';  
$gettr = new Gettr($user, $token); //Initial values are optional  
$postData = $gettr->post()->get('p4e8x3'); // Read on to explore all available methods

Or you can just use Laravel facades

$postData = \Gettr::post()->get('p4e8x3'); //Will return an array of raw json
$userPostsData = \Gettr::post()->getUserPosts('enzo20');

API methods using Laravel facades:


//Get a post
Gettr::post()->get(string $postId);

//Deletes user's post
Gettr::post()->delete(string $postId);

//Make a repost
Gettr::post()->repost(string $postId);

//Undo a repost
Gettr::post()->undoRepost(string $postId);

//Get a user's posts
Gettr::post()->getUserPosts(string $username, int $offset = 0, int $maximum = 20, string $direction = 'rev');

//Get a user's replies
Gettr::post()->getUserReplies(string $username, int $offset = 0, int $maximum = 20, string $direction = 'rev');

//Returns a user's media
Gettr::post()->getUserMedia(string $username, int $offset = 0, int $maximum = 20, string $direction = 'rev');

//Returns a list of posts which were liked by a user
Gettr::post()->getPostsLikedByUser(string $username, int $offset = 0, int $maximum = 20, string $direction = 'rev');

//Returns a list of users who liked a post
Gettr::post()->getUsersLikedPost(string $postId, int $offset = 0, int $maximum = 20, string $direction = 'rev');

//Returns a list of users who reposted a post
Gettr::post()->getUsersRepostedPost(string $postId, int $offset = 0, int $maximum = 20, string $direction = 'rev');

//Returns a post's comments.
Gettr::post()->comments(string $postId, int $offset = 0, int $maximum = 20, string $direction = 'rev');

//Searches posts with a phrase
Gettr::post()->search(string $query, int $offset = 0, int $maximum = 20);

//Pins a specified post
//This will pin a post at the top of your profile and replace any previously pinned
Gettr::post()->pin(string $postId);

//Create a new post
//Unfortunately I did not have enough time to figure it out how this API method should work.
//Quote post and Reply methods work the same, so this is why I did not even try to implement them.
//I will appreciate if smb would help me with this.
//Gettr::post()->create(string $text);


//Like a post
//The result will also contain total number of likes but only when you make a change
Gettr::like()->likePost(string $postId);

//Unlike a post
Gettr::like()->unlikePost(string $postId);

//Like a comment.
Gettr::like()->likeComment(string $commentId);

//Unlike a comment
Gettr::like()->unlikeComment(string $commentId);

//Get all posts liked by a user
Gettr::like()->getPostsLikedByUser(string $username);


//Get User information
Gettr::user()->info(string $username);

//Follow a user
Gettr::user()->follow(string $username);

//Unfollow a user
Gettr::user()->unfollow(string $username);

//Mute a user
Gettr::user()->mute(string $username);

//Unmute a user
Gettr::user()->unmute(string $username);

//Returns list of muted users. ! Require authorisation
Gettr::user()->getMutes(int $offset = 0, int $maximum = 20);

//Block a user. ! Require authorisation
Gettr::user()->block(string $username);

//Unblock a user. ! Require authorisation
Gettr::user()->unblock(string $username);

//Returns list of blocked users. ! Require authorisation
Gettr::user()->getBlocked(int $offset = 0, int $maximum = 20);

//Searches users
Gettr::user()->search(string $query,  int $offset = 0, int $maximum = 20);

//Check if Username exists
Gettr::user()->checkIfUsernameExists(string $username);

//Returns list of user follows.
Gettr::user()->followings(string $username, int $offset = 0, int $maximum = 20);

//Returns a list of user followers.
Gettr::user()->followers(string $username, int $offset = 0, int $maximum = 20);

//Returns current user's timeline, (same thing what you see on the home page)
Gettr::user()->timeline(int $offset = 0, int $maximum = 20, string $direction = 'rev');


//Returns a list of suggested users.
Gettr::suggested()->users(int $offset = 0, int $maximum = 20);

//Returns a list of suggested hashtags.
Gettr::suggested()->hashtags(int $offset = 0, int $maximum = 20);




The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.