
Yii Framework Latte Template Renderer

dev-master 2025-02-15 21:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 21:33:38 UTC


This package is an extension of the Yii View Rendering Library. This extension provides a ViewRender that allows use of the Latte view template engine.

Latte has some advantages over Twig as a templating engine:

  • The major advantage of Latte is that it is PHP (Twig is Python), this makes writing Latte templates simpler and debugging them (if you need to) a lot simpler.
  • Use PHP expressions in templates
  • Better defence against XSS (Cross Site Scripting)
  • Excellent plugin for PhpStorm that enables type hints, code completion, etc.


  • PHP 8.1 or higher.


Install the package using Composer:


composer require beastbytes/view-latte

or add the following to the require section of your composer.json

"beastbytes/view-latte": "*"


In order to register Latte as the renderer in WebView, the beastbytes/view-latte package must override the yiisoft\view package configuration. To do this, add beastbytes/view-latte to the vendor-override-layer option in config-plugin-options; this is either in the extra section of your root composer.json or in your external configuration file.


"extra": {
    "config-plugin-options": {
        "vendor-override-layer": [
    "config-plugin": {
        // ...

External Configuration File

'config-plugin-options' => [
    // other config-plugin-options
    'vendor-override-layer' => [
        // other vendor overrides

Note: if beastbytes/view-latte is the only vendor override, it can be specified as a string in both of the configuration formats.


The beastbytes/view-latte package supports the addition of user defined filters, functions, and extensions to Latte. Each filter and function is defined in its own class; extensions are packages.

To add them to Latte specify them in the filterProviders, functionProviders, and extensions keys of beastbytes/view-latte in the params array.

'beastbytes/view-latte' => [
    'filterProviders' => [
        new MyLatteFilter()
    'functionProviders' => [
        new MyLatteFunction()
    'extensions' => [
        new myLatteExtension()

See User Defined Filters and Functions for details on how to define filters and functions.

See Creating an Extension for details on how to create an extension.


As you would expect, all the variables defined when calling the view renderer's render() method in an action are available in the template, as are injected variables.

The Latte extension provides access to everything defined in the application container in all view templates and layouts.

Basic Layout & View Templates

Note: A major difference between Latte and PHP templates is the definition of $this.

  • $this in Latte templates is the Latte template being rendered
  • $view is the WebView instance
{varType string $content}
{varType Yiisoft\View\WebView $view}

{do $assetManager->register('App\Asset\AppAsset')}
{do $view->addCssFiles($assetManager->getCssFiles())}
{do $view->addCssStrings($assetManager->getCssStrings())}
{do $view->addJsFiles($assetManager->getJsFiles())}
{do $view->addJsStrings($assetManager->getJsStrings())}
{do $view->addJsVars($assetManager->getJsVars())}

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
        {include 'header.latte'}
        <main role="main" class="container py-4">
        {include 'footer.latte'}

And a view template will be:

{varType App\ApplicationParameters $applicationParameters}
{varType Yiisoft\View\WebView $view}

{do $view->setTitle($applicationParameters->getName())}

<h1 class="title">Hello!</h1>

<p class="subtitle">Let's start something great with <strong>Yii3 &amp; Latte</strong>!</p>

<p class="subtitle is-italic">
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
        Don't forget to check the Yii guide 
    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
        and the Latte documentation.


DI Container

The view-latte package adds the LatteExtension that allows access to any package in the DI container; it defines the get function which takes the id of the required package as a parameter.

{do $package = get('PackageId')}


If the DI container contains a Yiisoft\Translator\TranslatorInterface implementation, Latte's Translation Extension is added, allowing use of Latte's Translation tags and filter in templates.

URL Generator

If the DI container contains a Yiisoft\Router\UrlGeneratorInterface implementation, view-latte adds the UrlGeneratorExtension which provides tags and a filter to generate URLs.


link (...$args)

Generates a URL from the arguments; the arguments are the same as for Yiisoft\Translator\TranslatorInterface::generate()



{h ...}

Generates a URL

<a href="{h 'route-name'}">Text</a>
<a href="{h 'route-name' arguments: $args}">Text</a>


Generates a URL from the arguments; the arguments are the same as for Yiisoft\Translator\TranslatorInterface::generate()

<p>{link arguments: $args}'route-name'{/link}</p>

User Defined Filters and Functions

The view-latte package supports the addition of user defined filters and functions to the Latte Engine; see Configuration -> Params for details on how to specify them. This section details how to define them.

Each filter and/or function is defined in its own class. Filters must implement the FilterProviderinterface and functions the FunctionProviderinterface; both must implement the __invoke() method to provide their functionality.

Example Filter



namespace App\Latte\Providers;

use BeastBytes\View\Latte\Provider\FilterProvider;

class MyLatteFilter implements FilterProvider
    public function getName(): string
        return 'myLatteFilter'; // the name registered with Latte and used to invoke the filter in templates

    public function __invoke(string $string): string
        return strrev($string);

Example Function



namespace App\Latte\Providers;

use BeastBytes\View\Latte\Provider\FunctionProvider;

class MyLatteFunction implements FunctionProvider
    public function getName(): string
        return 'myLatteFunction'; // the name registered with Latte and used to call the function in templates

    public function __invoke(int $number): int
        return $number * 2;

Example Template

{var int $x = 2}
{var string $strig = 'ABCDE'}

<p>{$strig|myLatteFilter}</p> <!-- will output EDCBA -->
<p>{=myLatteFunction($x)}</p> <!-- will output 4 -->


The BeastBytes View Latte Renderer is free software. It is released under the terms of the BSD License. Please see LICENSE for more information.